Sir Rekkart Cole

Lance Kreskin's page

246 posts. Alias of Meetch.

Full Name

Commander Lance Kreskin


Human, Commander, Science Officer, Sensors and Comm


Control 9 Daring 9 Fitness 9 Insight 9 Presence 10 Reason 10
Command 3 Conn 1 Engineering 1 Security 2 Science 5 Medicine 4
Stress 11

About Lance Kreskin

Lance Kreskin
Male Human
Rank: Commander

Control 9
Daring 9
Fitness 9
Insight 9
Presence 10
Reason 10

Disciplines (Focuses):
Command 3 (Persuasion)
Conn 1
Engineering 1
Security 2 (Infiltration)
Science 5 (Xenobiology, Xenoanthropology, Planetary Analysis, Botany)
Medicine 4 (Xenobiology)

Stress: 11
Damage Bonus:

Traits: Human


Whenever you spend one or more Momentum to Obtain Information, you may ask one additional question (in total, not per Momentum spent on Obtain Information).
Testing a theory:
When you attempt a Task using Engineering or Science, you may roll one additional d20, so long as you succeeded at a previous Task covering the same scientific or technological field earlier in the same adventure.
Technical Expertise:
Whenever you attempt a Task assisted by the ship’s Computers or Sensors, you may re-roll one d20 (which may be the ship’s die).
Whenever the character spends a point of Determination, roll 1d6. If an Effect is rolled, immediately regain that spent point of Determination. The character has a rank of at least lieutenant commander


  • Culture should be celebrated
  • Sometimes you must make a bad choice for the greater good
  • Discovery is its own reward
  • By the book isn’t always the right choice

    Lifepath Choices:

    Species: Human
    Environment: Homeworld
    Upbringing: Artistic and Creative (Rejected)
    Starfleet Academy: Science Track (Science)
    Career: Veteran
    Career Events:

  • First Contact
  • Betrayed ideals for commanding officer

    Challenge dice chart:

    1 1
    2 2
    3 0
    4 0
    5 1, plus Effect
    6 1, plus Effect