So as a spinoff to my question about the population of the pact system the question of the political landscape of the pact system and how much influence each planet has came up (well, I skirted the issue and thought, why not make a thread about it?)
As with population the lore we have is pretty vague. We do know how the individual planets work, more or less, but the details about the pact world government was left out. So this is also more a "how do you envision it for your campaign" discussion as a resource for others than a definitive list.
And to be honest, I do not have a defined political system for my version of Starfinder yet, so writing things down is also a bit of a help for me to get it sorted.
For now I will ignore the fine details of how the politics work in the pact system like how many delegates each planet has etc. and look at more basic things like how much say would the individual planets have in my opinion (and feel free to disagree or bring up things I missed). After all, there is also soft power involved which might make planets more or less important than they would be based on their delegate numbers.
-- Just a protectorate without voting right
+ Religious symbol
+ Point of contact with the plane of fire
Being a protectorate without voting rights of course severely limits the political importance of the sun. It does have an increased importance when it comes to diplomatic matters and if it can leverage or even stir up Sarenrae worshippers its voice will be heard despite its status
++ Major manufacturing capacity
++ High population count
+ Birthplace of a part of Triune
+ Planetary government
- Mostly robotic inhabitants
Aballon would be one of the most important planets, maybe even the most important one, in the system with the political power to match it. I only added robotic inhabitants as a negative as it might breed some resentment among the biological inhabitants of the system that robots are de facto deciding what happens. But that depends on how egalitarian the setting is. Also, machines likely have a very different thought process than biologicals which might also cause friction.
The question is how much do the Anacites use the power they have
++ Earth sized garden world
+ Manufacturing capabilities by necessity (war)
- Undeveloped
With Golarion missing Castrovel is the most hospitable, earth like planet in the system which could give it a lot of influence because of population alone. The problem is that large part of the planet is undeveloped by design which means it is far below the potential it has.
Absolom Station
++ Starstone location
+ Humanities "home"
-- Tiny population
Absolom station certainly has vastly more influence than it should have, being a single space station. Normally I do not think it would have any say at all if it were not for the starstone and the effect it has on drift travel. And with it being the adopted home of humanity (despite humans being much more numerous elsewhere) they likely lobby pretty hard that it has a say in interplanetary politics. Still at the end I think this only goes so far and Absolom is just a minor voice in the system, even when it likely thinks (and behaves) as if it is much more important
- Small population
- Desolate
- Disjointed leadership
+ Past industrial importance
Akiton is a small, barren planet with a few city states who will likely have trouble to form a consensus on interplanetary politics. The previous thasteron rush which brought prosperity to Akiton might still have political effects in the form of old regulations and rights which favoured Akiton and were not repealed once the thasteron industry went bust.
Still in my opinion Akiton would be the cranky old man of politics which insists on ancient rights but no one is paying attention to it for longer than they have to.
++ Development
+ Global government
+ Stewards
+ Population
Verces would be another one of the power houses of the pact system much like Aballon. A earth sized planet, although with the problem of being locked, would still result in a higher population compared to places like Akiton. And it was already an spacefaring society in the times of Pathfinder. That means that the planet is very well developed with a corresponding high manufacturing capability.
And while the Stewards are supposed to be neutral, the fact that they come from Verces certainly also increases the importance of the planet even more.
-- Tiny population
- Hardly any manufacturing capability
+ Diplomatic connections to the homeworld
I am amazed that the Idari even has the status of a voting member considering that its about the size of a small city with no redeeming qualities except serving as a diplomatic channel back to their homeworld now that drift travel exists. Still in my opinion giving them voting rights was likely a political compromise and probably annoys the heck out of protectorates like the Sun or the Diaspora.
-- Protectorate
-- Lawless
- Disjointed leadership
+ Population?
Another protectorate with not much rights. The Disapora also has the problem that it has no structured government and is known for its lawlessness and being a haven for pirates. As such it probably has next to no political influence and is the problem child of the system. The only upside it might have is its population. It might not have a big population centre, but all the small outposts over the huge area it covers might add up. The question is if the other members of the pact recognizance and acknowledge that.
+ Military power
+ Manufacturing capability
-- Distrusted
Eox imo likely has less official influence than it technically should have. It is also a ancient spacefaring race and even thought the planet is devastated it still seems to retain its manufacturing capability, mainly because they don't care much about the devastation anymore. And even with the defection of large parts of the fleet (officially?) it likely remains one of the primary military contributors to the system. The reason Eox is not more influential is that they are undead and thus mistrusted. But I guess that suits them just fine as the Sages are content to do things unofficially instead through proper political channels. A bit like Russia maybe.
++ Earth sized garden world
+ Manufacturing capability
+ Population
-- Disorganized leadership
If Eox would be the Russia of the system, Triaxus would be the EU. Technically they would have huge power. The planet is the only fully developed earth type planet of the system as it does not have the disadvantage of being locked like Verces nor that it purposefully leaves its nature untouched like Castrovel. So it has the potential to surpass them in population and development. The problem is that it has a very disorganized government. You have many megacorps which certainly do not cooperate for the greater good and on the other side you have many different nations and city states in the allied territory which do not seem to be able to agree on much. And then there is Ning which pretty much has adopted the stance of Switzerland and not to have an opinion on anything.
So by the time Triaxus has formed an opinion on a interplanetary issue that issue has very often already been decided on by the other members or has changed and the whole process has to start again.
++ Population
+ Manufacturing/technological capability
+ Multiple planetary bodies
- Nonstandard lifeforms
Another political powerhouse of the system. Bretheda actually covers multiple planets which alone would give it a lot of clout it also has a huge population and a well developed technological base. The capabilities of the Barathus to merge into biological supercomputers also supports that. I added the nonstandard lifeform because I can imagine that because of the very different way they live the thought process of Barathus is very different from most other pact world inhabitants which would cause friction, same with the Anacites.
- No natural resources
- Small population
- Distrusted
+ Potentially dangerous
To continue with the real world analogies, Apostae would be more like North Korea. They are distrusted and do not have much traditional power in the system both militarily because of its small size or economically as it lacks natural resources. The only reason people pay attention to it is because no one knows what slumbers beneath the surface which only they have access to. So the only influence they have would be limited to making demands while making a poker face
-- Protectorate
- Inhospitable
- Hard to reach
+ Dangerous
Aucturn is also just a protectorate which is understandable as no one sane would have an interest in ruling this place nor would you really trust a person who does.
The only reason the system might pay attention to this place is again because of the potential danger it might pose. But that danger is more abstract than in the case of Apostae
So with that, this would be my ranking:
Triaxus = Castrovel
Absolom Station