Inhumer's page

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So this came up tonight.

Someone protected by the Sanctuary spell is in the area of effect of an attack.

Sanctuary says that it DETERS attacks, which implies it prevents the protected person being attacked rather than protects them from attacks directly/makes them immune.

Interpretation: everyone in an AoE is attacked/targeted. Sanctuary does not protect the subject but does deter (read: prevent if the save is failed) attacks.

Moreover a failed save says that the action is wasted.

So if someone with Sanctuary protection is within the area of an AoE attack does that then (on a failed save) prevent the attack from working at all i.e. for any target in the AoE?

The Attack Trait is not relevant here, I believe, as that is only used to determine whether the Multiple Attack Penalty applies.

So the options seem to be:

1. AoE attacks ignore Sanctuary.
2. AoE attacks ignore someone protected by Sanctuary within the AoE.
3. AoE attacks against someone targeted by an AoE...
3a. are not used (the 'charge' is preserved) but the action used to try and use the AoE is gone
3b. are used but can not include the person protected by Sanctuary in the AoE (you can reposition the AoE)
3c. are used but have no effect if someone protected by Sanctuary is in the AoE
3d. Something else.

Hello, bit new to running Pathfinder 2e and Foundry VTT. Minor spoilers.

I've got the Beginner Box for Foundry VTT and I'm running a party through it. Just got to the second level and the first room has a couple of creatures armed with crossbows. When I click on the crossbow action it says that it can not be used because the crossbow needs reloading but, unlike PC character sheets, there is no reload option.

I can get around it by modifying the traits of the crossbow to either remove the reload trait, or setting the reload to 0, but there has to be a better way, right?

What am I missing?