Priestess of Nethys

Handmaiden of Callistria's page

6 posts. Alias of Papasteve08.


Laughing again, she folds one naked leg over the other, finding just the right position to hide her most delicate parts from view. ”I will explain one more time then. It can have meaning to you, if you want, or it can be nothing. An unfortunate memory. Take from it what you need and leave the rest behind. The important part is that it doesn’t define you. You are an Aasimar with the blood of the Garuda in your veins. Even more than that, you are chosen by my goddess, and that is enough for me. It should be enough for you as well. Now get over here and let me show you what I mean.”

She continues, oblivious to his thoughts, ”My mistress is indeed the goddess of vengeance. There is no fury, wrath, or judgement in this world or any other, like that of a woman scorned.” she says, now running her fingers down some of the scars on his shoulder as if to subtly remind him. ”But there is more to my goddess than the vengeance you have chosen to define your life.” Turning away yet again from him, she walks around to the side of the bed in the chamber, her back to him. She looks over her shoulder coyly, and suddenly the dress releases its tight hold on her body, sagging on her arms but not yet falling to the floor.

”You are out of balance. You are far too focused on your revenge and your deadly craft. Look to your friends. Look to the beauty around you that daily passes you by. Look to your own pleasures and those of the people you care about. Stop defining yourself on what you have done and what has been done to you, and you will find your peace.” She finally allows the dress to fall to the floor. With a smile she slides into the bed beside her.

”My dear Boros,” the lady interrupts again with a disarming smile and stands up again, ”but I do understand. It is you who are lost, not me. Remember? Think! What were you before all of this? Before Carrion Hill. Before the pathfinder society. Before my mistress found you. Even before you came to live with the dwarves. Who were you before the ogres came? Do you even remember? Do you remember what it feels like to fly? Do you remember those small pleasures in life?” she says, emphasizing the last word as if it was the most important part. With each sentence she takes a step towards Boros, bringing her body close to his, and finally reaching up to run the feathers of his head through her fingers, a dainty arm leaning on each of his shoulders.

The woman’s gentle laugh makes the blood rush to his face and hands, along with other parts of his body. There is no accusation or judgement; no mocking in her laughter. There is only joy, pleasure, and happiness. She turns back to look at Boros, approaching him slowly and stopping alluringly close. The fur lining from her dress brushes up against his bare chest as he looks deep into the eyes of the beautiful woman. ”You can yet still be a powerful agent for my mistress. There is much she would have you do. You think this experience with chaos is a test, but you are wrong.” She reaches up to caress the feathered cheek of the Aasimar before breaking the contact and walking past him again, back inside the room.

”This is not a test.” she says, turning her head ever so slightly to speak over her shoulder. Her hips sway as she slowly walks away from him. ”This is not some heavy burden that my mistress has foisted upon you to bear. This is not an arduous path to test your fealty. It was just something that happened. There is no deeper meaning.” The woman turns back to face Boros, hands clasped in front of her. ”You should have been dead. Truth be told, this is not the first time since your graduation into the ranks of the society that you should have been dead,” she says with a smile, taking an opportunity to sit on an old bed and cross her legs under the fabric of the gown. Her posture is perfect, the picture of elegance and charm. She leans forward, crossing her arms and resting her chin on one of her palms.

The woman takes a deep, cleansing breath through her nose, holds it a moment, and releases it slowly through pursed lips. ”If there was ever a place to find your balance, this is it.” she says, walking past him and ignoring both his question and his agitation. Boros turns as she walks to keep facing her. Eventually she stops at the edge of the balcony, her back to the Aasimar, staring into the dark horizon.

”It’s beautiful up here. I can see why your people would live here.” A voice from behind startles the Aasimar, who had assumed he was alone. He turns quickly to face the sneak and finds a tall, human woman wearing an extravagant gown made of lace and trimmed with furs.