Graendal's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


TAVelcro wrote:
Has anyone figured out how much time to give the PCs for the downtime activities in the back on this book? It mentions each one takes a few months and to give them a chance between chapters to partake in the downtime activities... But... how many months do they have between chapters roughly?

My players are getting done with book 2 on Thursday, barring TPK which could happen I guess, unlikely. But I just asked them if there was anything they wanted to do after the coven was dead. Anything in Graydirge, Yled, etc. This is going to basically let them direct how long they want. I am going with at least a month, but letting them bask in their success for a while receiving letters of thanks, visitors, etc, before the Spymaster shows up at their door.

These are all really cool ideas. Thank you everyone! They are very interested in the viscera and this is a great way to tie it together.

My players are becoming more and more invested in their Manor. They are getting servants, they actually saved the two Granite Vultures from the Graydirge Bank, and they even convinced the 3 Bone Shard gang members to come work for them at the house. I'm trying to come up with ways for them to be able to interact with the Manor still while they are gone from what I can tell, a large portion of at least book 2 and book 3 (that's as far as I have read). I was thinking maybe some way to shrink it and bring it with them, or some communications stones, or something. They are sort of putting a lot of time into it and I don't want them to just have to like abandon it basically for the rest of the story. Any idea that may fit in with the theme of the story?

Thank you for the info.

With the addition of the 5 Primal Dragons in Bestiary 2, will Paizo have official updates to the spell Dragon Form? Can in-house it easily enough just was curious if this is something that was done.