Esquin's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (218 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Edit : What Robert said.

DigitalMage wrote:
KainPen wrote:
yeah you would not get the aoo with natural reach
Yeah, that sucks. I will ask the GM at the start of any PFS whether he house rules the 3.5 exception in or whether he plays RAW. Theoretically it should always be the latter for PFS and if it is I will have to position my character to avoid foes approaching on he diagonal, and try to take advantage of it myself.

You'd be hard pressed to find a venture officer who wouldn't treat reach as a cube. Infact i dare you to do so. Ignoring diagonals is absurd and I can't believe this is even a discussion. It's an oversight. If I had a gm who told me reach weapons didn't work on diagonals I'd leave the table.

I was considering wings to be a pretty vital discovery for alchemists. But your guide changed my mind on that.

I think the issue is that wings competes with a lot of other great discoveries. By being minutes per level and available as an extract is makes it hard to justify taking over any of half a dozen other better options.

Umbranus wrote:
When using debuff bombs and you are worried that you could miss you can always target the ground (AC 5) instead of the enemy. You'll only do splash damage but that's better than missing and bombing your friends.

But be aware that many bombs require direct hits to get the debuffing effects.

Though debuff specialist is a perfectly valid option. So is making bad things go away.

Also, just because you can nova doesn't mean you must.

Thanks for all your help everyone:)

I've decided to go with the infusion idea if I can find the feat/discovery for it. I'm not gonna use all my extracts any other way so why not. I've also got a riding dog to carry my things and items. 1 question about that though, do I still take ranged penalties while riding if me and the dog stay stationary?

I think I'll go with frost bomb for lol 2. I also picked up a dog to carry all my stuff. Then force and confusion to cover the other saves.

I'm considering getting infusion too for party buffing. Thoughts?

A gecko mount sounds like crazy amounts of fun. Thanks, i'll pick one up!

I've certainly thought about upping my dex a bit but no idea what to dump to do it. Maybe wisdom down to 10? I want to be gnome for the backstory, plus I like role playing gnomes. I'll be picking up mithril chain as soon as possible and yeah, the handy haversack is a given. I know gnomes aren't ideal and they have a lot of draw backs. But it's not enough to ruin the character, plus pyro gnomes get all the bomb upgrades a level early.

Any other tips on bombs? I'll likely get explosive missile at some point, possibly explosive bomb too. I do like frost also, Jolly I don't think i've actually seen your guide before. I'll take a look through now.

I'm considering taking a few crowd control options in the higher levels rather then going full nova.

So I'm making a society play alchemist. I've already had my hand at one and he .... well there was an incident and a golem killed him. Now his son shall have vengeance!

Lava Gnome - Alchemist Grenadier 1

Str 8
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 12
Cha 9

Point Blank Shot as his feat.
Long bow as his grenadier martial weapon.

Any tips on traits or other areas I can improve on? I'm thinking that my will save could use some booting but beyond that i'm not sure. Obviously his primary role is a bomber, not quite sure on what discovery roads i'll take him down.

I've chosen long bow over cross bows because I feel the quicker reload is worth the -1 to damage. I'll be looking at precise shot and rapid shot as the first few feats, then splash weapon mastery.

So any tips or advice?

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Precise needs point blank as a pre-req. Also point blank applies to bombs. Just the bomb damage itself mind you, not the splash. But still good.

In regards to brew potion, I would suggest that if you're taking brew potion you might not need infusion. Since you can brew anything from your formula list anyway if i'm remembering right.

Bow or repeating crossbow are good options. But remember you're taking -1 to damage on your bow attacks. Also that the grenadier alchemical ammunition ability applies to things like acid flask, not your bombs.

Reach is a cube. Should that not be the end of this?

Eidolons don't get traits. Sorry.

There is a discussion on if they can take the additional traits feat, but right now the better view is to assume they can't.

Otherwise this is a pretty standard pouncing eidolon. It works well and is standard for good reason. Welcome to the art of summoning. Try not to acidentally bring on the apocalypse :)