Draconis Magnum's page

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WatersLethe wrote:
Unicore wrote:

But where does it talk about spending time doing an activity being a requirement of training in that activity in any version of pathfinder? The game has never represented learning in a realistic or time based manner.

Point of order. Training was always carrying the retroactive assumption of having been practicing. This is most evident in wizards learning new spells, the wizard is assumed to have been working on spells during an adventure. Languages were another similar abstraction.

Skill ranks were just a way to put into the hands of the player the ability to say what their character has been training.

Obligatory OOTS Reference

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Ahhh, they grow up so fast... ;P

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You know, it's a funny thing...
For the better part of ten years, many folks wanted Lawful Barbarians because there were endless examples of barbarians who followed a tribal or personal code or restriction and 'codes are inherently Lawful'
Now we have Lawful Barbarians who can choose to take a code or restriction if they want, and I see folks up in arms over the very thing that was once used to 'prove' that they should get to be Lawful at all.
But such is life, I suppose.

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The Bolt Ace archetype for the Gunslinger actually does nothing to modify or replace the Gunsmith class feature. You can go your entire career specializing in using a crossbow, but you'll still start with a battered gun and a feat to fix it.

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#211: Take the existence of magic, monsters, and such for granted, but launch into lengthy debates about "realism" and "time period of the setting" when they encounter any cultural or technological point of interest in the world.

Zwordsman wrote:

Man I wish they would make quick draw also work as quick sheath too. That would be soo damn nice.

To be honest, I've always played it like that. Probably because I've got SWSERPG in my library. XD

But in all seriousness, I think it really does make sense that Quick Draw would let you sheath your weapon just as quickly. The overall movements are close enough to work it, after all, and it doesn't really say anything one way or the other, so that's good enough at my table. Apologies to anyone who wants to bludgeon me now. ;P

(And then a fighter with poor spatial awareness stabs himself while trying to quick sheath...)

Well, I dunno if this is actually supported by the rules, but as far as hand crossbows (normal or repeating), I'd say that TWF with them isn't an issue as long as you invest in Quick Draw, Rapid Reload/Crossbow Mastery, and some holsters for the things. I'd allow this in my games, anyway, and maybe hand wave the " two hands to work the lever" if they were specified as being designed for one-handed use. Like a gas-powered repeater or something, which would make for fun loot. Just my two CP.