Oliver Grape

Doug OBrien's page

399 posts (413 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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Fingers crossed for some solid editorial passes.

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SLAs found themself in the most dangerous place to be in the hobby...between developers and an opportunity to monetize character development.

Just kidding.

Or am I?

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That Crazy Golem, he's practically giving it away!

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Damn, some of you guys should take up a hobby and relax a little.

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LMPjr007 wrote:

What do you think writers should get paid a word?

My goodwill. My goodwill, sir, and you shan't get a tuppence more!

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

if they do want to let you stack it FAQ it.

This should be on a t-shirt.

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Similarly, I ask the guy who runs the local bodega why he doesn't advertise on national TV all the time.

I say: "Esteban, these $4 sandwiches are awesome, why not attempt to grow your market share nationally with TV ads?"

And all he says to me is some nonsense about "negative ROI".

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Haskol wrote:

I read the OP and all I could think was that we have just encountered the PFRPG equivalent of a social justice warrior.

I don't know, I usually see the whole SJW thing being used as a pejorative that people sling at anyone raising their head to talk about issues that they raise as grievances (the seriousness of which is always a matter of perspective), so maybe it fits, but I've just seen a bit too much of it lately as a rough, reactionary means to stifle any sort of discussion.

And that's my derail.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
Chengar Qordath wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Boy, I would likely houserule proficiency with all Crossbows, instead of Firearms.

You sort of figured that would have been included.

Much as I like the concept, the archetype itself does feel a little half-assed/lazily constructed.
*Facepalms* Opens mouth to speak *Facepalms again* Walks away head low.
Oh, do tell...

Yes, I'd like to know what is face-palm worthy about calling out this archetype that either wasn't implemented as intended due to shoddy editing or is woefully designed.

The intent behind it seems solid, but lack of exotic crossbow proficiencies, while retaining firearm proficiencies, as well as access to a gunfighter's starting firearm and gunsmithing is silly.

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A great idea, but half baked execution. They need to trade out gunsmithing and firearm proficiencies for full crossbow access and, as someonesaid earlier a free rideeload on crossbow of choice and it'll work out well enough.

Also, grit for touch AC on a single attack is very underwhelming. Still, it's more options for crossbows at least.

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Icyshadow wrote:

Anyone want to explain to me why the latest fashion trend happens to be player-bashing?

I've seen it come up a lot more than before. Do we all really have to assume that a DM is never wrong?

Is that the way it's tilting this month?

I see it going either way all the time here. It seems to me that it's usually based off of either posters reacting in support of the person posting or in support of their own preconceived notions formed from their personal experiences.

You honestly haven't seen a lot of people raking DM's over the coals in absentia on these forums? 0.o

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Phoebus Alexandros wrote:

The first thought that comes to mind is that I've read this exact same thread, or a variant of it everyday I've bothered to come to these forums.

My second thought is that balance, especially as a stated design goal, is a fool's errand, but if Paizo isn't going to let martials be in the same league as other classes, at least unlock the stadium doors on game day and let them have a seat and enjoy a smidge of narrative power.

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JiCi wrote:

Why has it become so hard to recharge a staff?

Tier 1 problems.

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I'll somewhat steer away from system polemics, because it's been written and re-written a million times before, and just say that I tend not to play what people typically consider tier 1 classes, unless it matches a concept I really want to play.

I will play rogues, fighters and monks, but tend to mid-tier classes that combine fightyness, skills and often some casting. I like the combinations of abilities they often bring to the table on both a combat, problem solving and narrative level.

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End scene.

Thank you Jiggy and DrDeth for acting out how two reasonable people can escalate a minor online discussion over a niggling subpoint of a topic and mushroom it into a potentially sticky and personal encounter where feelings can get hurt.

This is your brain on internetz, people.

Actually, I think you guys did okay, but had this been a random thread that wasn't about e-decorum in the website feedback thread this last discussion would have probably gone to hell, too.

I can only imagine how difficult it is for a public facing company to deal with this much traffic to their boards. Unfortunately, the usual response of adding unpaid mods from the community also has major drawbacks/risks in a community whose methods related to product use are so subjective and often so entrenched in people's nostalgia, hence highly subject to opinion and debate.

Whoever mentioned adding mods with the *limited* ability to delete multiple posts and scrub spammers, with the idea of taking workload off of staff and freeing them for matters that involve deeper policy decisions, may be on to something, but I wonder if that would even work within the website's framework. It also is still pretty far from foolproof.

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Dotting to come back and necro this thread in 12 months.

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Fake Healer wrote:
Honestly if you as GM have made it so that a player feels he needs to detect magic every 30' in a dungeon, or check for traps every 30', or cast detect secret doors every 30'....then you as a GM made the PCs react that way by horribly overusing a certain "thing" that is supposed to be used somewhat sparingly and in ways that make sense.

Watch you don't fall down a hole jumping to those conclusions.

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BigDTBone wrote:

I buy a car I feel entitled to a full tank of gas and a vacuumed interior. That doesn't make me a jerk.

I go around acting like people should offer their sleeve for me to wipe my face on because it's hot outside and I'm sweaty, that makes me an entitled jerk.

The accusation being thrown around in this thread is much closer to the second one.

I think it devolves to that, as the question has been sufficiently answered as to why Paizo has taken such a route and it gets a little old when a few of the free-pdf camp still return to their point, which ultimately boils down to "but I want it."

This is a niche business in a hobby "industry" that has managed to find a model that is working for them and is overall very good to their customers and puts out above-par quality products. "But I want it" is an understandable argument, I can even sympathize with it, but it doesn't override the need for a business to keep its lights on and its personnel paid.

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What Do You Hope to See in PF 2e?

A 2045 release date.

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What I read is:

Marthkus wrote:

I know people like the barbar because of how it actually competes with classes that can cast spells, but surely there is a better way to do that than just adding a +6-12 to all d20 rolls actually allowing them to be competitive.

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It bothers me so that spears are borked in PF. I was just looking into making a well-rounded spear specialist last week, but what you have to give up to use a spear flexibly and realistically is...off-putting, to say the least.

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Adam Daigle wrote:

(One of the first questions I was asked in the interview was asking why I didn't complete my degree.)

It was that double secret probation, wasn't it!?

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Considering throwing my hat into the ring, so it's only fair to warn any other potential candidates that I am proficient in Windows 95 and Windows 98.

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I was going to negatively comment on this thread, but it has turned out to be a damned interesting read.

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An awesome, attainable and flavorful option for melee characters...let's nerf it!


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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I'm trying to make sure my own PCs match the canon perfectly so they fit in the canon and I don't get anxiety for it.

Good luck, but it sounds like a recipe for massive headaches down the line. Obsessing over details that are subject to change is building expectations on a sandy shore.

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Last thread was locked prior to the weekend, this gets posted just before what is a long weekend for a lot of folks in the States.

I assume this was a purposeful move to prompt another lock. Self-fulfilling and all that, no?

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I actually think this sort of thing is generally bad for busy webboards for a few reasons:

1) "I know you're online, why are you not responding? Did I hit a nerve?" If staff do not go invisible, as mod/admins can do under these sorts of board options, they will eventually get called out by people on why they're not responding to their particular concern-of-the-moment. Big deal? No, this happens already with the really insistent and incessant types, but it could very well have the reciprocal effect of prompting more staff to go invisible and not respond to other threads on the hours they are not responsible for being online. So, we could see a general, albeit slight, downturn in the transparency and downright folksiness we enjoy from Paizo.

2) "I see you're responding, dance for me my puppets!" The ability to see your hated nemesis is responding, or, even better, 8 different regular posters are typing a response to your flamebait feeds that atavistic, attention-whoring rush common among so many trolls. No need to fuel the sense of brinksmanship some of the more adversarial posters already enjoy.

Minor things, but those are the sort of little things that add to an atmosphere of negativity I've seen on other boards.

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It's real simple. Limit all posting accounts to a dozen posts a day. Make people be parsimonious with their communication. Take the time sink away from the regulars and who knows? Maybe we'll see some pyramids get built.

And, no, I'm not being serious right now, but it'd be interesting to see some people try and pack their quotas into 12 posts a day.

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Lamontius wrote:

This is the forum equivalent of a honey pot

Then again I guess a forum actually could be a honey pot
In any case it is definitely teaching me some things

From the fury of the Thread-people, good Lamontius, deliver us!

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Philip Knowsley wrote:

You could always 'borrow' a term from the Napoleonic era - wherein the
French called the English 'Roast beef'. (Try to imagine it with a French
This was pretty tame compared to the foul mouthed English soldiers & the
many nicknames they had for the French...

Yeah, very telling that the French slurred the English during the Hundred Years War by referring to their penchant for profanity. See Les G#$+@&s

Great idea for a riff on Kingmaker, by the way, Dagada! This wouldn't happen to be an online campaign, by any chance, would it? I can have my exiled lesser noble, savate specialist ready to go in no time ;-)

I did some brief work on a 17-18th century setting a year or so ago--there's plenty of inspiration to draw on out there, so have fun!

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We do something similar with our DM. If he takes too long to answer a question we infract him. Three infractions and he is subject to a major upbraiding. 7 major upbraidings and it all escalates to a sort of unpleasantness best left off the official boards.

It's an ugly business, but it keeps the man behind the screen in check and on the ball, and that all leads to good efficient play, which is the reason we all get together in the first place.

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Gaekub wrote:

Okay, let's approach this from another angle. Let's say I have a character concept. I want to make a character with a little bit of inherent magic, but not enough to make him a sorcerer. Let's also say he used these powers and some cunning to make himself a better combatant than those stronger and larger than him.

Alright, now what do I want out of this? Sneak Attack is good, as it fits the oppurtunistic idea of his character. I reject vivisectionist out of hand, as the alchemist abilities don't fit the idea, and anyway, rogue is the obvious first choice.

So I look at rogue, and realize that the only real way to get built in magic as a rogue is the minor/major magic rogue talents, which are very limited, and even worse run off of intelligence instead of charisma, which doesn't fit the idea of a weak sorcerer.

True, you could go for a sorcerer/rogue multiclass, but that's awkward, and has some weird side effects (taking a bloodline even though you only have a trace of magical power, for example.)

So instead, I go for the ninja, and voila! Magic(ish) powers based off charisma, sneak attack, poison, all in one easy class! I have created a completely non-"eastern" character using an "eastern" class.

Would you bar this character from a game with no ninjas, and why?

EDIT: Oh, and just to cover my bases, this character uses daggers, wears studded leather armor, speaks common and dwarven, and comes from the largest human town/city/settlement in this theoretical setting.

"Admiralackbar.exe has already launched. Are you sure you want to start another session?"

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LovesTha wrote:

Dunking is something that takes enough practice to represent a feat or two. Particularly for anyone less than 6'6".

If this were NBA Jams: The Role-playing Game, I'd agree, however there's already way too many needless feats to do circumstantial things characters should probably be able to do on a case by case basis in a heroic fantasy RPG. Add to this that there is a viable skill pertaining to the action, there just needs to be a ruling on how the action is done, no additional cumbersome mechanics or feats required.

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Ravingdork wrote:


Concentrate and ask again

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GrenMeera wrote:

Haladir wrote:
Real-life example: I *NEVER* hire anyone who swears during a job interview, or who I overhear cussing while I'm eavesdropping on applicants' conversations with my admin staff. Even if they are the best-qualified applicant. Even it it's for positions with no public presence.
This... seems like you are using your personal judgements of others as a measure when put in a position of control. This is dictatorial and irresponsible with the position you've been given. When in the responsible job of hiring, the quality of the applicant to perform the job at hand should be your only concern (yes, the applicant's ability to socialize with his coworkers still counts as his ability to...

Though I agree with many of your points on language and profanity, expecting people in a business setting to uphold what is generally held to be accepted and expected levels of courtesy and decorum in a business setting is not only understandable, it's a responsible way to run the public-facing side of a company. Given that nowadays even a lot of background positions have to communicate with business associates outside of the company (via email, or with vendors etc.) it's also acceptable to expect an employee to know how to comport themselves in an appropriate manner when the circumstances call for it.

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I like the underground idea above as long as some new ground is covered and some long beloved sacred cows are either avoided or slain.

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Well don't jump down people's throats when you ask for advice and get it. No one was speaking to your motives, as opposed to the possible outcomes of this sort of in-character behavior.

/good day

PS--Have you thought about having your character slip a note to another character asking for advice and then...

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

As for a module... oofda, we don't currently make modules that big.

[cough]Boxed Set![/cough]

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I know how you can solve your problem. Tell me, do you have any basic automotive knowledge? Specifically, do you know how to locate an automobile's brake line?

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

Yeah, let's go ahead and put automobile accident victims on display along highways.

On a related note, is changing lanes without signaling an evil act?