DaphneDiane's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sure, I've just taken some pictures. You can find them here.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The copy of Occult Adventures I received has overprinted pages 107 and 110 ( I assume they are the same sheet of paper ). It looks like the page printed multiple times with the same plate at slightly different positions at least with the black ink making the text almost impossible to read on the right side of 107 and the left side of 110 ( the sides of the pages closer to the bindings are more readable at least on page 110. ) Anyway I can get a corrected copy?

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
DaphneDiane wrote:
How does the changes to destiny twin work when you are logged into the character that is selected?

I read it as an account-level accounting. If you have a paid account, your permanently-designated Twin gets experience, alongside whichever character you've currently aimed your pipe toward.

You'll leave the pipe on another character while you play the Twin. You'll never need to point the pipe at that one.

Awesome. That's what I was hoping. Sounds like it would be best to actually have the "twin" be the main character.

Considering I want my main to be a gnome, will I be able to make my main some other race and mark as a twin and then respec once gnome is available? Or since the choice is permament is it better to wait til gnomes are available?

Goblin Squad Member

How does the changes to destiny twin work when you are logged into the character that is selected? Suppose I have only two characters: A and B. Under the system as I understood it before the changes. A and B would both get experience regardless of which was played assuming they were twinned. With the new changes, and supposing B is selected as the twin. When character A is played, B gets experience right? But what happens with I log into B, does it just not give any character experience or does it give to the last non-twin character logged in?

Goblin Squad Member

DaphneDiane wrote:

Anyone have any alpha invites left? I'd love to try it out to get a heads up before early enrollment to see if I need to tweak my system to be able to play. Thanks.

Got one thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone have any alpha invites left? I'd love to try it out to get a heads up before early enrollment to see if I need to tweak my system to be able to play. Thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Another mac based gamer. Only Windows machine I really have set up is a Win 8 tablet which is definitely not a gaming machine.