Priest of Desna

DM Jeff's page

Organized Play Member. 1,261 posts (1,264 including aliases). 16 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

Full Name

Jeff Ibach




Rogue 8/Dungeon Master 12







Special Abilities

Run a great game under the most horrid conditions


Lawful Neutral (enforcer, not follower)


My Wife


Mt. Holly, NJ, USA


English, Draconic


Call Center Team Leader / D&D 5e Conversion Guru

Homepage URL


Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 11
Charisma 15

About DM Jeff

I have been playing (mostly DMing) Dungeons & Dragons in every incarnation since the red box set, first session January 1st 1980. I'm married to an awesome gamer, and have one daughter and one stepdaughter (yes, they both play D&D). I have four of the best cats in the world. I live in Lumberton, NJ USA.

When my wife and I were not acting as mild-mannered managing office folk from 2000 to 2005 we were involved in a number of d20 projects. I was the managing editor and writer on a number of d20 fantasy books from Alderac Entertainment Group and Troll Lord Games among others. My wife and I wrote and developed AEG's Toolbox, which went on to win the silver ENnie that year at GenCon. Since then we've written it's follow-up, Ultimate Toolbox, in 2009.

I currently run three D&D 5e games: a weekly campaign, a biweekly campaign, and a weekly weekday Girl's Game.

My gaming group the Marauders Game Group is 40+ strong and growing. Here's a link to some books we've done on DM's Guild.

Jeff Ibach’s d20 Design Credits
Playtesting group coordinator:
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Hardcover: Wizards of the Coast
Oriental Adventures Hardcover: Wizards of the Coast
Forge of Fury module: Wizards of the Coast
Contributing author and d20 mechanics editing and proofing:
Mercenaries: Alderac Entertainment Group
Magic: Alderac Entertainment Group
Warlords of the Accordlands RPG: Alderac Entertainment Group
World’s Largest Dungeon: Alderac Entertainment Group

Editor and d20 mechanics technician:
Librum Equitis Volume 1: Mystic Eye Games
The Canting Crew hardcover: Troll Lord Games
Dark Druids adventure: Troll Lord Games
Heart of Glass adventure: Troll Lord Games
St. Anton's Fire: Troll Lord Games
The Hermit adventure: Troll Lord Games
Wild Spellcraft: Mystic Eye Games & Natural 20 Press

Project Manager, lead writer, editing and d20 mechanics technician:
Toolbox: Alderac Entertainment Group (winner of 2003 Silver ENnie)
Cities & Settlements: Troll Lord Games
Feats: Alderac Entertainment Group
Guilds: Alderac Entertainment Group
Secrets: Alderac Entertainment Group
Adventure I and II: Alderac Entertainment Group
Secrets: Alderac Entertainment Group
Adventure I and II: Alderac Entertainment Group
Ultimate Toolbox: Alderac Entertainment Group

Editor and d20 mechanics technician:
Librum Equitis Volume 1: Mystic Eye Games
The Canting Crew hardcover: Troll Lord Games
Dark Druids adventure: Troll Lord Games
Heart of Glass adventure: Troll Lord Games
St. Anton's Fire: Troll Lord Games
Wild Spellcraft: Mystic Eye Games & Natural 20 Press