
BookBird's page

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So I really like the LO Absalom book. Like, a lot. Enough to want to set an entire campaign there and with a little bit of the Isle of Kortos. But of course, one book can't contain everything I might want to know about this "setting", and it leaves a few things to mystery that I imagine aren't actually unknown outside of this book. I want to do something with the missing Primarch Lord Gyr for example, but the book doesn't reveal hit fate, other that he disappeared during Tar-Baphon's siege (probably in Tyrant's Grasp then).

Can you recommend me some books that have some more stuff about Absalom and/or the Isle of Kortos that wouldn't be in the Lost Omens book? Mostly looking for 1e sources, despite them being more likely to be outdated. I'm aware of Agents of Edgewatch, but I'm hoping to avoid that as I'm not interested in the story and would likely overwrite it with my own in my Golarion's "canon".

So, we know that over the course of the War of Immortals storyline we'll get to witness a herald dying. And it got me thinking, since there are many interesting situations that could result in that, even if the heralds aren't that important in a cosmological sense. But with Paizo leaving OGL stuff behind, I had a thought; what if it's the Tarrasque? Rovagug's herald is heavily tied to DnD, and it'd make sense to destroy it to bring about a new spawn as the herald. Of course, WoI was planned before the OGL debacle and to show the Tarrasque dying you'd need to use it, but I thought it was an intriguing possibility nonetheless. Anyway, if you had to guess, who would you say? I'm gonna be bold and say the Prince in Chains, some advancement in the ZK/Shelyn storyline ending up freeing their father's soul.

Just a question I had looking at some feats. So, the rule when you get trained proficiency at the same skill from multiple sources, perhaps as both from your class and background, you are then supposed to apply the trained proficiency to another untrained skill of your choice instead. Furthermore, if said trained skill was a lore skill, the trained proficiency must go to a new lore skill and not any normal skill. What I'm wondering is, if you get trained in a regular skill from two sources, can you then apply the trained proficiency to a lore skill? Or can you only get new Lore skills from skill increases and Additional Lore (or possibly some other source I'm forgetting right now)? Thoughts?

So, we all know the remaster axe'd the old chromatic and metallic dragons from the lore, and we've got some new Dragons in Monster Core that sorta serve as their replacement in terms of being found often but not directly as in "insert this when old dragon mentioned", with the exception of the Horned Dragon which is a replacement for the Green Dragon. Anyway, while it'll probably be a while until we see what sort of new look the rest of them will acquire (perhaps in some sort of hypothetical "big book of dragons" thingy), I'm wondering if the Skymetal/Starmetal Dragons might serve as the metallics' replacement. Probably not, as they'd have probably said so by now if that was the case, but I'm considering a possible world where all the old metallics are now skymetal and Adamantine is simply one that doesn't have an equivalent to the old metallics. Who knows, maybe Mengkare is an Inubrix Dragon or something such. Would you prefer that was the case or would you rather they create a different kind of dragon to take over the place of the metallics?

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Many entries on Golarion's lore, histories, people, or locations, are often left intentionally mysterious or obscure, subject to the rulings of the GM in their own world. Some are given a few different choices, like the origin of the Mosquito Witch, others left to interpretation, like whatever is going on in Eternity's Doorstep or the final fate of Count Ranalc, while others are confirmed but without giving us the how and why, such as Aroden's death. Which of these mysteries did you find most intriguing, and what did you decide on as their answer in your own Golarion? I'm curious to know.

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Seems like quite a broad "region". We know it's layered, with vast spaces like Nar-Voth and the Vault of Orv, and those are already massive on their own. There are also some differences in the Darklands across continents, the haunted clockworks of Tian Xia. If you had to make a book touching on Darklands content for the Lost Omens line, how would you go about doing it?

There's a few things wrong with "regional" deities, especially given how large the Pathfinder universe is. Often problems regarding those can be explained as "that's just where they're worshipped on Golarion", without needing to go into detail on their greater role in the material plane and outer sphere.
Still, the Tian pantheon throws a wrench in that, with most deities there (not taking into account ones also found on the Inner Sea) considering Shizuru their ruler and obeying her edicts, even if just as a formality. In special occasions she may even call them to her later of Heaven to have a chat, including the spicy ones like Lady Nanbyo. It's even said Shizuru doesn't afford the same treatment for non-Tian evil deities as she does the like of Yaezhing and Nanbyo. How do you suppose this arrangement came to be? I admit I'm having trouble believe it's all because they happen to be commonly worshipped on one continent of one planet on the material plane.