
Miko Teppen's page

652 posts. Organized Play character for Kludde.

Full Name

Miko Teppen


HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 |


Miko's songs


Female Talented Human 6

About Miko Teppen


Miko Teppen
Female human (Tian-Shu) bard 5/sorcerer 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 39 (6 HD; 1d6+5d8+7)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +6; +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells, +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks bardic performance 16 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 16], inspire competence +2, inspire courage +2)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—laughing touch
Bard Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . 2nd (3/day)—blistering invective[UC] (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 16), heroism, tongues
. . 1st (5/day)—chord of shards[UM] (DC 15), cure light wounds, ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), saving finale[APG] (DC 15), timely inspiration[APG] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, daze (DC 16), detect magic, flare (DC 14), ghost sound (DC 14), mage hand
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—charm person (DC 15), sleep (DC 17)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, disrupt undead, mending, read magic
. . Bloodline Fey
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Eschew Materials, Expanded Arcana[APG], Godless Healing[ISWG], Harmonic Spell[ISWG], Spellsong[UM]
Traits beneficent touch, history of heresy
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +8, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +12, Linguistics +11, Perception +5, Perform (act) +9, Perform (comedy) +9, Perform (dance) +18, Perform (keyboard instruments) +9, Perform (oratory) +18, Perform (percussion instruments) +9, Perform (sing) +17, Perform (string instruments) +9, Perform (wind instruments) +9, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Aquan, Azlanti, Common, Dark Folk, Ignan, Protean, Sylvan, Tien
SQ bardic knowledge +2, godless healing, lore master 1/day, versatile performance (oratory)
Combat Gear ectoplasmic metamagic rod (lesser)[APG], potion of cure light wounds, potion of invisibility, scroll of glitterdust, mirror image, see invisibility, shatter, silence, sound burst, tongues, wand of burning hands (50 charges), wand of color spray (50 charges), wand of cure light wounds (24 charges), wand of mage armor (44 charges), wand of protection from evil (49 charges), acid (4), alchemist's fire (3); Other Gear bracers of the glib entertainer[UE], 144 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex) Add +2 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 16 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Godless Healing (1/day) (Su) Move, at 50% or less Hp heal 1d8 + level damage.
Harmonic Spell Casting spells extends duration of bardic performance
Laughing Touch (7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, if melee touch hits, foe can take only move actions for 1 rd.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on any trained knowledge checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
Spellsong Combine spellcasting and bardic performance
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +18 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks

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Oh, hey there Kestler. You asked me if I had time for some questions. Sure! Why not? You have to promise me to tell me about yourself too, though, you're not getting away that easily!

1. Why are you a Pathfinder?

Oh... that's a bit of a long story. You see, I was a wanderer of the world once, sailed across the Encarthan on a buccanneer's vessel, ended up in Cheliax to see the capital of the empire, which didn't agree with me, and ended up in Cassomir. I tried to join the Kitharodian academy. The knowledge! The history! The tunes! I was ready to eat and drink it, but the academy wasn't ready for me. I got older, but not wiser, and I took the rejection from the academy as an incentive to travel the world. See it all, the expanses of the north, the treacherous waters of the shackles, the cities of Varisia, the secrets of the Osirian desert... So I joined the organisation that welcomed me. They are a family to me now.

2. Do you have a name and surname that is not ripped straight out of existing Earth mythology or popular culture?

My name? Well, it's not the name I was born with, you now. I no longer use that name. No, Teppen, that's the family name of a friendly home I stayed in Cassomir. My real name raised some eyebrows there, and was hard to pronounce for the Taldans. So I called myself Teppen, and it stuck around...

3. Which nation did you grow up in? How did this nation influence you?

Razmiran. I... I'd actually rather not talk about it.

4. What do you look like? What are your wearing? How does this vary when you’re stalking through forests, sewers, deserts or in glittering cities?

Oh, I always dress like this. Do you like the green robes? I like having a bit of color.

5. What do you love? (Treasure and experience doesn’t count)

Besides singing, you mean? I like it when life take me by surprise. In a good way, I mean! There's so many monsters in the wild in Golarion, so it's nice to find the friendlier ones. I have had some amazing encounters, creatures in the strangest nooks and crannies of the world, and they had the most outrageous stories to tell. I like talking to them so much, so I'm trying to learn all these exotic languages. I should try Sylvan, someone told me I have a talent for it.

6. What do you hate? (Unclear and irritating darkness level rules don’t count)

Hmm. Brainwashed. Fanatics. I have seen one too many of those. Live is so much easier without preconceptions and prejudice.

7. Which other Pathfinders (PCs) do you rely on for teamwork, survival and butt-kicking? Do you have a bro? a mentor? a father figure? maybe a rival?

Hah! Now we're getting to the closest of my friends. I wouldn't be sitting here if it weren't for them. As much as I like to talk and sing, I'm afraid I'm not very good in a fight.

8. How does your race influence your views? Are you a stereotype of a certain race? How are you different from most humans/elves/gnomes/orcs/tengu?

My race? Do I look Ulfen to you? Hee-hee... Yes, I look Tien. I don't know why that is, my parents never told me. And they... well... I can't... And my brothers, they had more of the Ulfen look to them. So... I don't know. What do you think?

9. What are you afraid of? Do you have any phobias or worries?

Fear... fear is a strange thing. I have a strange relationship with fear. I never realised the fear I grew up in until I was older. Back... home - well, it's not my home anymore - my parents...

This is hard to talk about...

My parents were always fearful, in the sense that they would watch every step, count every word they said and made sure never to cross anyone. It was natural to them, their way of life. When I escaped that forsaken country, I felt such a relief that I didn't care to be afraid. What harm could life possibly throw at me, after what I had been through? I felt invincible, untouchable. It wasn't until our mission to Osirion that I felt true dread.

10. What is your most treasured possession?

Not a possession, but it is my friends I cherish the most.

But enough about me, what about you?