Super Crime Fighter II (Inactive)

Game Master Legendary Sidekick

A superheroic RPG with "Round Tabletop" GM'ing!

Round Tabletop Rules:
#1. PCs don't get killed off.
Nor do they get maimed or permanently altered. Comatose when death would normally have occurred is allowed.

#2. The GM's PC does not play.
It's bad form, even if we're GM'ing in turn.

#3. Char-Gen:
Gestalt Classes: any TWO core/base/alt/hybrid classes, any archetype
• Race: standard races only, please
• Alignment: LG / NG / CG
• 2 Traits
• 1 Drawback
• 2 Background Skills
• Health: Max HD all levels
• Stat Array: 19–19—15–15—11–11
• @Lv.4/8/12/16/20: +1 to two different stats
• Feats: anything listed on AoN with Elephant in the Room feat taxes!

#4. XP does not exist.
When an "episode" ends, the party levels up (including the GM's character), and someone else GMs the next episode.

#5. The rest is up to the GM of whatever episode we're on:
• The setting it another part of town, or we go island-hopping
• The threat ...with the obvious limit of no death spells, and make it believable that fallen PCs are able to get back up
• The stakes ...we DO care about those innocent NPCs, don't we?
• The rewards ...well, even the most stone-hearted adventurer wants money and items
• The scope ...though if you want to level-up, tell stories that end!

#6. GM Pay = PC Pay:
• The only monetary reward is that seen in the $alary tab below.
• The GM can offer items in-game, but they should be fairly inexpensive consumables meant to assist the party within the current episode.
• Players with Sidekicks (including humanoid familiars and cohorts) do not get paid more, but the GM can reward the Sidekick with an item.

And speaking of Sidekicks...
#7. Sidekick Char-Gen:
For any cohort, companion or familiar...
• HP: Max HD @ same Level and/or HD as Hero

• Person Stats: 17–17—13–13—9–9 / Cohort: + any standard racial adjustment

• Animal Stats: 17–17—15–15—11–11 / –8 INT

Adjust STR & DEX for the large and extra-small:
• Large: +2 STR / –2 DEX
• Tiny: –2 STR / +2 DEX
• Diminutive: –4 STR / +4 DEX
• Fine: –8 STR / +8 DEX

As our characters level up, they earn more!

1K @ Lv.1
2K @ Lv.2
3K @ Lv3
4K @ Lv.4
5K @ Lv.5
10K @ Lv.6
15K @ Lv.7
20K @ Lv.8
25K @ Lv.9
30K @ Lv.10
40K @ Lv.11
50K @ Lv.12
60K @ Lv.13
70K @ Lv.14
80K @ Lv.15
90K @ Lv.16
100K @ Lv.17
125K @ Lv.18
150K @ Lv.19
200K @ Lv.20

Incredible Shrinking Houserule:
In order to make this game as corny and campy as possible, a couple size-changing spells have been altered to allow for the possibility of hulking halflings, waspy women and subatomic sprites!

Alter Self's size bonus is considered an effective size bonus, meaning the spell stacks with Enlarge or Reduce Person.

Mythic Reduce Person no longer has a Tiny restriction, if cast on a willing target.
> A Small person becomes Diminutive.
> A Tiny person becomes Fine.
> A Diminutive person becomes too small to perceive, her items do not resize with her, and her movement is limited to a single 5ft square for each minute of the spell's duration.