The Twisting Tree (Inactive)

Game Master Mug

The world is The Tree. Tossing to and fro with the winds of change. Under siege from vermin, fire, and chaos. The Tree needs it's Thorns to protect it, Pruners to guide its shape. Are you up to the Task? -Pruner

The Twisting Tree
A secret and powerful group. It manipulates shifts in power and balance throughout all the known world, acting through small groups, or Thorns. Little is known about how this group decides to further it's goals, the only rare evidence indicating their involvement (or existence) is a small metal disk engraved with the image of a tree -twisting and tossing in the wind. These disks have been found on the persons of men and women of all ages, vocations, races, religions, social-status, and positions of power, but typically only after said person is deceased. Those deceased persons suspected of being a part of The Twisted Tree are generally well-liked, or at least not hated, often acknowledged for the good they've done in the world, measured in works both large and small, obvious and subtle. The groups agenda is a mystery, but it is certain that, if they exist, they have one.

Occasionally a young person will boast of being approached, and even recruited, by the Twisted Tree, and what little information we have about their operations come from these 'Seedlings' or 'Saps' as they call themselves. However, without fail, within a short span of time those who are vocal about being a 'Seedling' either recant on statements made previous, forget entirely what they said, or disappear as if they never were. Even more rare is an admonition of failure from a 'Seedling', that the reason they are speaking of it now, is because The Twisted Tree rejected them before they became part of the Thorn.

From what we've pieced together using the bits and pieces of information provided by these washouts; The Twisting Tree will send a Pruner to a town or region to find and build such a Thorn and begin taking steps to put the area on a different course. The leader, or leaders, of The Twisting Tree do not share the overarching plans with it's more basic members, but they do not allow evil into the Tree. It's new recruits are carefully watched and screened long before being approached by a Pruner. A Pruner is a training and adviser of a local Thorn. The Thorn is a small group of these Seedlings who have passed some kind of test or initiation, we aren't sure how this process works. It is believed that the Thorns do not hide completely, but maintain public lives among the citizens of the city or region under their influence. No Thorn or Pruner has ever been found alive, presumably they will choose death over capture. If you believe the reports, they call themselves The Twisted Tree because the chaos and uncertainty of life is similar to a great tree in the face of fierce winds, and without care, guidance, and pruning, the tree will eventually crack and fall. So branches and twigs must be removed, insect infestations burned away, the ground cultivated and fed, and all in the name of sustaining the trunk which brings life to the tiniest leaf-bud.

Since no office above a Pruner has ever been heard of, the supposed goals and acts of The Twisted Tree can only be considered wild speculation. Purportedly they consider themselves agents of change, for the good if you believe the tales. There is some mild evidence to support this given some of the public figures who have been found with the engraved disk in their possession. However it's also speculated that these individuals who have disks were only pawns or puppets of The Twisted Tree, and were given the disk as a reminder or warning. Some acts they are generally credited with include; the disgrace and imprisonment of a sadistic Viscount in Westcrown, the disappearance of an abusive husband in a small village of Zi Han in Tian Xia, preventing an uprising of Bonuwat in Senghor, and turning aside an attack by one of the umbral dragons of Nidal.

Whether you gives these claims any credibility is up to you, but many do believe and look for the sign of The Twisted Tree in hopes of confirming this secretive groups existence. What do you believe?