The Revelation (Inactive)

Game Master Vinsomner

A world without magic, ruled by skirmishing kingdoms and an endless war. Orcs subjected to eternal slavery as bodies to be thrown into the meat grinder. Generations have past since it all began, there are only rumors and myths about what was before, but thats all they were... until a regiment of orcs sent out to deal with bandits found something that would change everything.

As told by the myths, stories and legends, there use to be gods that ruled over the world, that there use to be a singular moon within the night sky. The world flowed with magic and orcs were once free. But, they are myths, stories and legends.

The sky bares three moons. There are no gods, and the orcs have always been enslaved. Generations and generations, that is how it has always been. This service to The Eternal Queen has always been. The lands around us have always been barren of this magic. The world knows naught but violence of mankind, and it is just that, orcs and mankind, where orcs are the servants to this world.

They fight the wars, they bleed, and carry the stones. They were the beasts of the night that were to scare children into behaving, they were the monsters that only sought the destruction of your homes.

They are the ones, who ultimately, changed the world.

This is their story, this is their legend.