Rumble in the Jungle: GM of the Ape's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master R0B0GEISHA

Surviving in the jungle!

Food and Water

A Medium creature requires a gallon of water and a pound of decent food each day to avoid starvation - in hot climates, characters need twice as much water each day. Small creatures require half the amount of food and water that Medium creatures do, while Large creatures require twice as much.

Smuggler's Shiv is relatively hospitable when it comes to game and fresh water, and 4 hours of hunting and foraging allow a character to attempt a Survival check. With a DC 10 success, a character provides enough food and water for himself every 2 points by which he exceeds this DC provides food and water for an additional character.

Establishing a Base Camp

Creating a safe camp to sleep, eat, and relax in can make the difference between survival and death. A base camp needs to be located in a safe and stable location, and must adequately provide for shelter from the environment and protection against wildlife. Locating a suitable site and building a shelter requires a DC 12 Survival check and takes 8 hours. Lack of building tools imposes a -5 penalty on this check. The time required is reduced by 1 hour for every 2 points by which the Survival check exceeds DC 12, down to a minimum of 1 hour. Once a campsite is established, it provides a safe place to rest out of the relentless heat of the sun, while the shelter and smoke from a campfire helps to ward off insects (reducing the chance of being exposed to disease to 10% per day).

In addition, there are five roles that PCs or (more likely) NPCs can take up as part of their daily duties to further enhance the effects of a campsite, as detailed below. In order to fill one of these roles, the character must spend the entire day pursuing the role.

Defender: A defender works to set traps, shore up a shelter's walls, and see to the safety of the campsite. The first time in a day that a wandering monster or hostile creature attacks the campsite, the defender's traps inflict 2d6 points of damage - divide the damage done as equally as possible among all attackers. Each additional defender assigned to a campsite increases this damage by 2d6.

Entertainer: An entertainer helps to raise hopes for rescue - each entertainer grants NPCs a +2 bonus on Will saves to increase morale.

Guard: Each guard reduces the chance of a wandering monster attacking the camp during the day or night by 5% (minimum chance of 5%).

Hunter: Each hunter provides enough food and water for eight Medium creatures per day.

Medic: Each medic reduces the chance of being exposed to disease by 5% and increases the number of hit points healed naturally during a night's rest in the camp by 2.