Dragon: The Game Kickstarter

Video Games

Kickstarter Link!

Hi! Arcanic Drake here!

I'm here to try and spread awareness about a kickstarter for a new open-world rpg for those dragon lovers out there.

As I am not very good at hype, I will list a few features that you could help the dev team develop if they are supported with Kickstarter donations:

>Fully customizable dragon player characters

>Dragon Action (hoard treasure, develop your lair, attack towns... or protect and save them, hunt fantastical beasts, and thwart would be dragon players or wizards after your hide)

>World physics (fire spreading in fields and on buildings, destructible environments, flight, rag doll, the works)

>Myariad of creatures, quests, magic, lore, and the freedom of open-world exploration

>Freedom of choice. (Be good and help the lesser races around you, be bad and destroy all the towns you want, or ignore them and go exploring on your own)

>Single player and Multiplayer action... maybe even PvP!

And what I said doesn't even do what they are trying to accomplish justice... I'm horrible at explaining things....

Please go to the kickstarter page and check it out!

Kickstarter Link!... Again!


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