Paizocon 2015 PACG pickup games Thursday and Monday

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Scarab Sages

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So my carpool is planning to arrive in Seattle around 3 or 4pm ish on Thursday. Anyone interested in a pickup game Thursday evening? I will be bringing Skull and Shackles with me since my Wrath hasn't arrived yet. Can't wait to see you all! I don't leave until Tuesday morning so if anyone wants to play pickup games on Monday that would be awesome too. =)

Some of us are going to be at the Meet and Greet at AFK Elixirs and Eatery on Thursday at 6pm - are you going to be there?

Scarab Sages

If I can find a ride there. My carpool is playing a PFS scenario at the hotel I think so I'm rideless.

Silver Crusade

I should be able to shuttle peeps over to the afk. Pm me if you want. Currently looking for driver so j can drink haha

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