Curse of the Crimson Throne In K-zoo

Campaign Journals

I decided to throw my hat into the ring as out little groups GM in order to give our usual GM's a break. I haven't run a campaign in quite some time (close to 15 years iirc) but we are nearing the end of Edge of Anarchy and everybody is having a blast, me included.

I requested that each player give me 2 NPC's living in Korvosa in order to better establish a tie to the city. I promised in game rewards for good NPC's. So far they got extra harrow points but I will give them each a bonus feat "Harrowed" after the first adventure.

The players:
Patrick: The usual GM (DnD 3rd and 3.5, Mutants and Masterminds, World of Darkness, and Pathfinder **Carrion Crown**)and friend of 20+ years.
Conrath Helgreave: LN Human Cleric of Abadar who plans on taking the Exalted prestige class from Inner Sea Gods. Father is a minor Chelish noble and prominent merchant witch gave him the Rich Parents trait. Converted from the family religion at age 12. I addition to his father he has a Hellknight brother and a sister in Acadame.

Mike: The alternate GM (RotRL aniversary ed.)and friend of 2 years.
Lani Ledora: NG 1/2-Elf Swashbuckler who considers herself to be an urban holy warrior for Iomedae. Parents unknown to her but the mother has provided for her (rich parents and she grew up and lives in the Enclave.) Friend of the merchant Foxglove and a minor Noble paramour.

Dan: Friend of 35 years.
Idwe: CN Elf Bladebound Kensai Magus Has a mentor at the enclave and a Chelish Diva paramour. Wants to slowly shift toward CG. He pays homage to the Elven Pantheon.

Melissa: My lovely Wife
Min Capabopple: NG Gnome Alchemist follower of Brigh(with a steam punk bent). Daughter of Goupie Capabopple (guide to Korvosa), bored of the clock shoppe and eager to get into some trouble of her own.

I am summoned to 3 Lancet Street in regards to Gaedren Lamm, a notorious gangster and drug dealer who is plaguing the poorer parts of my city. I am joined by an elf named Idhwe, a half-elf named Lani, and a gnome called Min. We have been summoned by a mysterious Varisian woman named Zellara. Her son was murdered by Lamm, and she has dedicated herself to finding Lamm. She has located him, but she needs help to bring him to justice. Truth be told, it does appear as though Lamm is well connected enough to protected from the normal channels. By way of incentive, she performed some Varisian mumbo-jumbo (a Harrow reading), and gave me The Crows.

I, of course, agree, as does the elf Idhwe, a touch more exuberantly than I feel may have been necessary. The singing and dancing was a bit peculiar. After a brief debate on the definition of justice versus murder, we agree to join forces to take Lamm down.

We make our way to the docks, where Lamm is rumored to be hiding. We make our way into Lamm's hideout, where we are attacked by the fell hound, "Blue." Lani and I slay the beast, though I am wounded in the exchange. The alarm is sounded, and battle joined. The forces of good prevail, and Lamm is captured, hopefully to receive a fair trial and an expedient execution.

While searching the aftermath, we find a hatbox with Zellara's severed head and her Harrow deck. Oh, and the King died. Yeah... We take our prisoners to the Citadel. We find out the King is dead and the city is decending into riotous ruin. We return to Zellara's and discover she's a ghost. So, yeah... Good first night's work.

We were contacted by what turned out to be a ghost harrower. She told me, and others who had reason to see Lamm brought to justice, his location.

Our group, consisting of myself, one of the Elven guards, a Priest of Abadar, and a crazy gnome woman, went to a dockside warehouse and apprehended Lamm after a fight.

We discovered a group of orphan children in bondage to a half-orc master, who attacked us. The children eventually tore him apart (eww) and were given shelter by the Ababar priest at the PoM. Lamm sicced his pet Alligator on us, and Iomedae's hand guided my blade to bring it down in a spray of blood and gore (eww). Lamm himself was a sad and old little man, and we captured him. Our attempts to deliver him to the Guard were interrupted by a major event - bells started ringing all over Korvosa in the middle of the night! The King is dead!?

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