Favorite video game?

Video Games

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Sovereign Court

Everyone has that one video game they keep going back to.

For me it's Mass Effect. I know, I know, three games. But I always end up playing ME whenever I don't have anything new to play.

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Burger Time, or did you mean something more recent? :-)

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Can't pick one. My favorites:

- Final Fantasy VI
- Chrono Trigger
- Final Fantasy VII
- Xenogears
- Final Fantasy Tactics

Scarab Sages

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One? Can't be done.

Some favorites that have lasted:

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy 8
Chrono Trigger
Phantasy Star V
Super Mario RPG
Star Wars KotOR
X-Wing / Tie Fighter
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom & Shadow over Mystara
SSI Gold Box AD&D games - all of em
Fallout 1 & 2
Anything Infinity Engine, but Planscape: Torment is the best.
Temple of Elemental Evil

It's still new, but I have played through South Park: Stick of Truth 3 times so far, and and am going to play again with the last class. Loving this game as a South Park fan, and as a RPG fan.

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Planescape: Torment
Final Fantasy VIII

Scarab Sages

Mass Effect
Fallout 3
Don't Starve
Sid Meiers Pirates
recently: State of Decay
Galactic Civilizations II

Wasteland 2 could make it into this list

Shadow Lodge

Ms saga a new dawn. Best storyline ever and super customizable

Silver Crusade

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For me, nostalgia overrides the current games. They don't seem to be quite as fun in your 30s as they were in your teens.

NES: Super Mario 3, Contra
SNES: Super Empire Strikes Back
486: Tie Fighter (and Xwing, but man, Tie Fighter was awesome! Disney, can we get an XBOX One remake, please?)
Playstation: Final Fantasy VII

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Goodness - just one is tough. Also depends on if I have PC time or just some Xbox time.

Just about anything Sid Meier's done: Pirates, Railroad Tycoon, Civilization (especially versions 4 & 5), Ace Patrol.
Bioshock 1 or 2
Myth: The Fallen Lords (mostly mod scenarios these days)
State of Decay
Champions Online (only because there's no more City of Heroes - that would have been #1 if it still existed)
Baldur's Gate HD version

Sovereign Court

Just one? hmm

Mass effect was designed in a way to keep me coming back. ME3 has cooled that drive quite a bit but its still a favorite franchise for me.

runners up

Thief series (minus reboot) Classic set of games that put an all new twist on the FPS. Great music, awesome amibiance, puzzles, great setting, fun voice acting. (reboot is ok but didnt fire on all cylinders for me.)

Darklands (microprose 1992) this was an oustanding ahead of its time RPG for PC. Dosbox it if you can!

Mech warrior series. I come back and play these occasionally for the sentimental value always loved battletech.

Mech commander. The only thing second best to mech warrior is mech commander some serious RTS fun.

Lords of the realm: outstanding RTS series and each installement was differenet enough for them to all to be interesting evolutions.

Balders gate PC series. Enjoyable classics enuff said.

Half-life series. Oh man what fun FPS environment and story. They need to make em more like this.

Sierra adventure PC classics. Space, King, Police, and quest for glory. love my old 90's Pc adventures!

elderscroll, skyrim: It got old but it took awhile for me to put it down. I'm sure in a few years ill be wanting to come back.

Champions of norrath: good clean online console hack n slash fun.

Grand theft auto: I burn out quickly on these but everytime I say "so what?" I end up with a copy anyways.

DDO what a fun theme-park MMO. Allowed Eberrron to warm on me as a setting.

Eve online: as much fun as I find excel spreadsheet the game I just dont have time for MMO life-sink anymore.

Im leaving some out im sure but this is getting long :)

Sovereign Court


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Dragon Age: Origins, Kingdom Hearts 1&2, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Skyrim, and Team Fortress 2 are the main ones.

Dark Archive

Tough, but good, question. If I had to limit myself to just one game, probably Final Fantasy VII or Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time. If I could pick a series, Mass Effect or The Elder Scrolls. Honourable mentions go out to Metroid Prime, Deus Ex, Bioshock, Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age : Origins, Super Mario RPG, State of Decay, Sword of the Stars, the Half Life series (including Portal) and the Fallout series.

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Final Fantasy One, Four, Six, or Ten
Mass Effect
Dragon Age: Origins
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Baldur's Gate One, Two, Throne of Bhaal
Planescape: Torment
Masters of Magic
Masters of Orion Two
Lords of Magic
Might and Magic Four thru Eight

So many of them :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hama wrote:

Not sure of the question, but it would be on my list for sure.

Sovereign Court

Alex Martin wrote:
Hama wrote:
Not sure of the question, but it would be on my list for sure.

He is just pissy because I miss spelled it.

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My favorite game is without a doubt KotOR. Never has any Star Wars product made me feel like I was in the Star Wars Universe (my favorite fictional universe) quite like KotOR.

Games that I keep coming back to would be

1. Rome: Total War
2. Medieval II: Total War
3. SWtOR
4. Kingdom Hearts (whole series)
5. KotOR II
6. Star Wars: Dark Forces IV: Jedi knight III: Jedi Outcast II: Jedi Academy. (or just Star Wars: Jedi Academy if you're boring)
7. Final Fantasy XII
8. Final Fantasy X
9. Pokemon Gold/Heartgold
10. GTA: San Andreas

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Fave game? Can't really pick just one...

I'd have to say my top five would be

-Fallout: New Vegas
-Fallout 3
- Elderscrolls: Morrowind
- Final Fantasy VII
- Okami

Neverwinter Nights 2 (good 3.5e fun, good graphics, and of course an undying supply of user created modules).

Dragon Age: Origins (LOVE the setting, LOVE the varied story arcs, and maybe one day I will figure out the complicated combat system enough to complete the game)

Star Trek Online... to a much lesser extent (again I love the fan created stories... even if STO's foundry is much more limited than I would like)

MoO2 the greatest 4x game ever made. It desperately needs to be updated and reintroduced for a modern age of computers.

Larkos wrote:

Games that I keep coming back to would be

3. SWtOR

??? Really ???

I understand it has a nice story line but the way the company nickle and dimes you to death by making you pay real money for literally everything... It really soured me on the title. Once I finally finish the 8 stories I will likely never come back to it.


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Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI, IX, IV, V
Planescape: Torment
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Legend of Zelda: SNES and GameBoy era games (Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle games). Never got into the 3D ones.
Pokemon (Particularly Gen2 and the remakes thereof)
Neverwinter Nights and expansions (not NWN2)
Sam & Max series

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IV (close 2nd)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (and 2)
Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis

And others but the list gets too long.

Liberty's Edge

Beneath a Steel Sky.

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I couldn't single a game out. In no particular order

Some Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Dragon's Dogma, Red Dead Redemption come to mind.

Liberty's Edge

Aranna wrote:
Larkos wrote:

Games that I keep coming back to would be

3. SWtOR

??? Really ???

I understand it has a nice story line but the way the company nickle and dimes you to death by making you pay real money for literally everything... It really soured me on the title. Once I finally finish the 8 stories I will likely never come back to it.

The 8 stories are really what separate the game from any other MMO. I also keep returning and going through the stories myself. I am finishing up numbering 5 now. I am in a great guild of older players in SWToR that also helps maintain interest in the game.

Back on topic, I would state that the Baldur's Gate series is my all time favorite although Mass Effect and Knights of the Old Republic give it a run for the money. Master of Orion II and Xcom also deserve a mention as well for rounding out my top 5.

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1. Tie Fighter
2. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
3. Halo
4. Tekken 3
5. Eye of the Beholder

TIE Fighter: no game has ever held my attention with such grip. I just loved it to death. My favorite mission was the dogfighting trainer in the TIE Fighter (the weakest ship) where you faced off against 1 Z95, then 2, 3, 4, etc. I never beat all the waves, but I once made it to the wave of 10 A-wings. I used to have the AI evasion pattern memorized. This game wins out on my list because its strengths lie purely in itself.

All the others represent time periods in my life that the game contributed to in some way and are favorites not just for their gameplay, but the positive impact they had on my life.

WoW-BC: This was when I REALLY got into the game, it has more to do with marking the time period than anything to do with features specific to Burning Crusade. It's when I joined a hardcore guild, several members of which I'm still friends with today. Lady Vashj was the hardest I ever worked to beat a raid boss and the steps and process are burned into my brain 6 years later.

Halo: Best console FPS ever IMO, and the co-op and multiplayer were just a blast. While I was in the Navy we played a lot of Halo on deployment.

Tekken 3: Similar to Halo, I spent a lot of time playing this in the Navy, but it was with my roommates in the barracks when I first arrived at the ship. More than Halo, this was the game over which several friendships were forged that lasted a few years.

Eye of the Beholder: It's the D&D CRPG that dominated my early childhood. It was around the same time that I was introduced to PnP D&D, so the two combined to really develop a strong interest in RPGs (both computer and table-top). Not the best D&D game ever, but it was important to me and the development of interests in my life.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Games I enjoy enough to replay fairly regularly, start to finish:

Monkey Island 1-3.
Mass Effect 1-3.
Final Fantasy IV-IX (mostly VI & IX though).
Megaman 1-4
Spider-Man 2: The Movie: The Game

Games I might play for a few hours, but put them back because they don't hold up, or I get distracted by something shiny:

Icewind Dale I & II (Mostly just idly creating characters)
Baldurs Gate Complete
Temple of Elemental Evil (I would probably play this start to finish if the story was more interesting. I love the combat system in this game).
Neverwinter Nights (1 & 2)
Dragon Age 1 & 2.

Games I love, but rarely replay:

Beyond Good & Evil
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance was fun. Deadpool was the best character.

Teleporting through locked doors? Check. Regeneration high enough that only OHKOs kill you? Check. Being able to spin like a top and kill people? Check, check, and check.

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Planescape: Torment

There are others which I play more often, shooters are a lot easier to just play for an hour or so mindless violence, but for story, characters, immersion and all-round awesomeness, PST wins hands down.
KOTOR 2 was a good runner-up but its flaws make this no contest.

Alceste008 wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Larkos wrote:

Games that I keep coming back to would be

3. SWtOR

??? Really ???

I understand it has a nice story line but the way the company nickle and dimes you to death by making you pay real money for literally everything... It really soured me on the title. Once I finally finish the 8 stories I will likely never come back to it.
The 8 stories are really what separate the game from any other MMO. I also keep returning and going through the stories myself. I am finishing up numbering 5 now. I am in a great guild of older players in SWToR that also helps maintain interest in the game.

Yeah that's true of any MMO though. I really liked my guild which extended my playtime but when there started to be too much drama to handle, I stopped playing. I plan to go back but I need to save money for now.

Incidentally, I didn't feel the nickel-and-dime routine in TOR but that's because I was always a subscriber. My friend who went free-to-play did and he was a preferred customer.

Planescape, KOTOR, Assassin's Creed 2, and Baldur's Gate 2

Current "favorite" Baldur's Gate: EE for the iPad even if I have to reload saves because my NPCs are idiots :/

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Has to be...Final Fantasy 6. With shout-outs to Persona 3/4, Rune Factory 3/4, and Neverwinter Nights 1.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aleron wrote:
Has to be...Final Fantasy 6. With shout-outs to Persona 3/4, Rune Factory 3/4, and Neverwinter Nights 1.

How can you beat an octopus at the opera, after all!

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I have a number that have sustained their appeal even after years of gaming.

Chaos Overlords
Master of Magic
Master of Orion II

Elder Scrolls II: Morrowind
Fallout 3

City of Heroes / Villains
World of Warcraft

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The original Samurai Showdown arcade game.

Maybe just a Streetfighter knock off, but oh, so fun.

Scarab Sages

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limsk wrote:

City of Heroes / Villains

I MISS this game. I'll never forgive NCSoft for killing a profitable game with a dedicated fanbase just so the could re-purpose the servers.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Imbicatus wrote:
limsk wrote:

City of Heroes / Villains
I MISS this game.

+1 on this one. I would probably still be playing it on and off all the time if it still existed.

Liberty's Edge

Larkos wrote:
Alceste008 wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Larkos wrote:

Games that I keep coming back to would be

3. SWtOR

??? Really ???

I understand it has a nice story line but the way the company nickle and dimes you to death by making you pay real money for literally everything... It really soured me on the title. Once I finally finish the 8 stories I will likely never come back to it.
The 8 stories are really what separate the game from any other MMO. I also keep returning and going through the stories myself. I am finishing up numbering 5 now. I am in a great guild of older players in SWToR that also helps maintain interest in the game.

Yeah that's true of any MMO though. I really liked my guild which extended my playtime but when there started to be too much drama to handle, I stopped playing. I plan to go back but I need to save money for now.

Incidentally, I didn't feel the nickel-and-dime routine in TOR but that's because I was always a subscriber. My friend who went free-to-
play did and he was a preferred customer.

I think the nature of SWToR attracts an older more mature fanbase. I have been in guilds / pvp groups in GW2 and WoW as well. Some of the comments in Voice chat while playing those games were pretty offensive. I just have not experienced that same level of chat idiocy in SWToR.

I am never played while f2p but I do know some that have. The extra convenience is worth the money to me.

Alceste008 wrote:

I think the nature of SWToR attracts an older more mature fanbase. I have been in guilds / pvp groups in GW2 and WoW as well. Some of the comments in Voice chat while playing those games were pretty offensive. I just have not experienced that same level of chat idiocy in SWToR.

I am never played while f2p but I do know some that have. The extra convenience is worth the money to me.

The first guild I was in had a few kids but they were few and far between. I later became an officer in the guild in charge of recruitment and the Guild Leader and I made a rule that no under 16-year-olds were allowed. The second guild I joined after the first one imploded already had a no <16 rule.

It helped a lot.

I generally agree about the money issue but I do understand that not everyone can afford subscriptions. I like the preferred customer rule. If you buy cartel coins once or have a subscription for even on month then you get perks above that of F2P. Personally I think the perks of preferred status should be available to F2P and Preferred have more options but then again I don't work for the evil Empire (EA).

Sovereign Court

Played, got bored, have no intention of paying subscription, too much nickle and diming for a one time purchase players.

Hard to choose.

I'd say the following are up there on the list though...

Lunar: Eternal Blue
Diablo II
Baldur's Gate II (with XP)

(ME one can be fun...but man...driving around in the Mako gets tedious for me after around hour 30...because of that almost get sick playing the game to the full end (with everything completed) and then playing again any time soon).

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Legend of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Metal Gear Solid 4
Fallout New Vegas.

I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that spring to mind. They just appeal to me on some deep level.

Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3

Close on the heels of those...

Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill: Origins
Silent Hill: Homecoming

Then there's...

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Hill: Downpour

Also, I like some other scary games. Kind-of. Had a lot of fun with Dead Island last year. Played through a couple times.

And GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. For the laughs when I don't feel like having the crap scared out of me.

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Dead Island is big fun, mostly because of co-op.

Not sure I'd call it scary though.

Nothing takes the fear out of a zombie like jump kicking one 40 feet through the air to smash its head against a wall.

John Morgan was the best possible addition to Riptide they could have made.

Hard to pick one game. My short list though...

1. Age of Empires II
2. Mass Effect Trilogy (Particularly 2)
3. Wargame: Red Dragon
4. Skyrim (Heavily Modded)
5. Diablo 2

Scarab Sages

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Bruunwald wrote:

Silent Hill


Also, I like some other scary games. Kind-of. Had a lot of fun with Dead Island last year. Played through a couple times.

My favorite horror game is Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for Gamecube. I love the sanity system in that game. Too bad the sequel was doomed.

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Multiplayer through the years (in order)
1) Unreal Tournament (we got to be the #1 clan in Domination @ Provinggrounds.com for abit)

2) StarCraft- we played a lot of this on Battle.Net. One of our Terran players was nicknamed "the human torch" because he always was attacked early and all you saw was his burning buildings flying over to you to share mines/geysers.

3) WoW - Still playing on my 571 Disc.

Single Player Console - Too many to list but anything from Naughty Dog remains tops.

Single player PC - also too many but top 5 from early to late (though WoW is still tops overall) ...
1) MechWarrior 2 and Ghost Bear's Legacy expansion.
2) Quake 1 with expansions
3) KotOR
4) Dragon Age Origins and the Expansion (DA2 was horrible)
5) Mass Effect

Rynjin wrote:

Dead Island is big fun, mostly because of co-op.

Not sure I'd call it scary though.

Nothing takes the fear out of a zombie like jump kicking one 40 feet through the air to smash its head against a wall.

John Morgan was the best possible addition to Riptide they could have made.

I wouldn't call it scary, either, really. A few jumps here and there and some tension. But nowhere near the same ballpark as the first three SH. Those were genuinely frightening.

But, since it's horror survival (in its own way), and since I played it a lot last year, I figured it was worth mentioning.

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