Saturday Emerald Spire lv 14, Throne of Azlant (2014)

PaizoCon General Discussion

After accidentally necro'ing last year's Throne of Azlant thread, I thought I'd start a new one for this year's group to do a little coordination. After all, if we don't defeat the ancient Azlanti Lich, who will?

I have a samsaran diviner wizard that would be pretty interesting to play. Some brewing ideas for an oracle or two, depending on the party makeup.

Grand Lodge

I'm not sure if this is a sequel to last year's game, or if it's simply been made tougher (since PC levels are 12 instead of 10).

I have:
Cleric of Groetus (Firgul) who I played last time
Bard (Taran Windsong)

Last year I also brought a paladin, but I might change that up for a witch. Honestly though, I'd probably stick with the cleric or bard.

I'm wondering what rules to build with for the Into the Spire game.. as none are listed.

I've also wondered about the build rules. For now I'm assuming standard PC wealth and such.

Groetus is a fun god! I made an inquisitor for PFS that follows him.

Is this the one from 1-6 pm with Owen Stephens?

Saturday afternoon, 1-6pm, though the schedule says Erik Mona will be running. I believe he did last year as well.

Party so far:
* Diviner Wizard
* Cleric of Groetus OR Bard
* 3 unknown

We could use 1 or 2 martial-type characters, and a secondary divine caster wouldn't hurt. Some kind of trap/skill guy (if no bard) would also probably be wise.

Liberty's Edge

I have a Dwarven Paladin with the Stonelord Archtype I'm considering playing, that would provide the party with melee and some divine casting.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

Both Erik and Lisa have events where they run their Emerald Spire levels (the ones they wrote). I have two events where I'll run pregens through as much of the Emerald Spire as they can manage (with the second group taking over where the first group leaves off).

Grand Lodge

I am not sure what character I am bringing to the table yet. Also it is nice to meet everyone (sorta :) )

Thanks for the clarification Owen. The purpose of this thread is to organize the saturday afternoon party tackling the 14th level of the Emerald Spire.

Valen, that's a pretty cool archetype! Losing Smite Evil is rough, but there's so much fun flavor in there :)

Tentative Party Mix:
* Diviner Wizard (me)
* Stonelord Paladin (Sir Kelgis)
* Groetus Cleric OR Bard (Damien)
* 2 Unknowns (Lostmartyr and Derfmancher?)

Liberty's Edge

Turns out I lose spellcasting as a stonelord so I won't won't have any ability to heal beyond Lay on Hands.

We'll have a bard or cleric, so that shouldn't be too bad SK. Don't forget your wands folks!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

To avoid any confusion, this is in fact the _same_ dungeon that I ran last year.

If you were in my Emerald Spire Dungeon adventure last year, it's going to be exactly the same dungeon this time.

I apologize if that was not clear.

I highly recommend coordinating beforehand to make sure all character roles are represented well.

25 point buy. Use standard treasure for characters of your level.

Bring a painted miniature of your character, please.

See you at the show!

Thanks for the info Erik! It sounds like some people brought multiple characters last year. Is that something we should do, or was it just to have multiple roles to fill?

A question for the character I've been building: are samsarans legal for a race? I like them for the idea of a diviner.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Samsarans are more than welcome.

I've definitely killed characters in this adventure before, it's certainly not designed as a meat grinder where you need a replacement. If anyone brought multiple characters to previous runnings it was for versatility in party construction. No one has ever used a second character.

Sounds exciting! If I have time I may stat up an extra character for an empty role, though I'll likely be spending most of my free time before the con prepping for the special. I'll try to find an appropriate fig for a samsaran ;)

A stonelord, even without spells, will still be a great frontline combatant. The earth elemental seems like a fun additional as well! Hopefully we'll have another character with stronger breaking and restorative spells.

Damien, would your bard be able to handle traps if he comes? If not that's something we're lacking.

Derf, LostM, do you guys have any idea what you're bringing yet? Filling in the divine caster or roguish type would be useful, and perhaps another melee-capable person.

Grand Lodge

I was in this last year, but we did not finish the level, so maybe we'll have better luck this time!

I'll see about posting my bard's stats when I get a chance. FYI here's the stat info for my cleric of Groetus. If you see any errors, let me know.

CN human (Varki) cleric of Groetus
6'6" tall, 220 lb; blonde hair, one black eye, one milky-white and seemingly blind that glows with pale blue radiance when he casts or accesses the power of his god

Init +3; Senses Perception +13

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+8 armor, +2 Dex, +1 deflection)
hp 87 (9d8+23, including +5 from favored class)
Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +19

Moonbarker (+1 conductive spell storing heavy flail) +17/+12 (1d10+4; currently stores bestow curse)
Cold iron spiked gauntlet +11/+6 (1d4+2)
Silver sickle +11/+6 (1d6+1)
Javelin +11/+6 (1d6+2)

Spellcasting: base save DC 17 + spell level; concentration 1d20+19 (1d20+23 defensively or grappled); CL check 1d20+12 (1d20+19 to overcome SR of outsiders)
6th: 3+1, DC 23 - phantasmal killer(D), heal, quickened silence, greater dispel magic
5th: 4+1, DC 22 - dispel law(D), breath of life, disrupting weapon, true seeing, widened silence
4th: 4+1, DC 21 - confusion(D), blessing of fervor, freedom of movement, terrible remorse, 1 more
3rd: 5+1, DC 20 - displacement(D), bestow curse x2, blindness/deafness, daylight, magic circle vs. evil
2nd: 6+1, DC 19 - align weapon (chaos)(D), grace, 5 more
1st: 6+1, DC 18 - lesser confusion(D), bless, detect undead, divine favor x2, shield of faith x2
0: 4, DC 17

Special Attacks:
channel energy (6d6, 5/day, Will DC 18)
touch of chaos (10/day, creature touched must roll 2x on all d20 rolls for one round and take worst result, no save)
vision of madness (10/day, creature touched gets +6 on either attack rolls, saves, or skill checks, and -6 on the other two, as determined by Firgul, for 3 rounds)
aura of chaos (12 rounds/day, 30' radius, all enemies must declare one action type [attack, cast spell, use item, move, activate special ability] & make DC 23 Will save; if they succeed they MUST take the action, and if they fail they CANNOT take the action)
aura of madness (12 rounds/day, 30' radius, enemies in area must make DC 23 Will save or be confused; those who save are immune for 24 hours)

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Wis 24 (base 18), Cha 14
Feats: Selective Channel, Channel Smite, Toughness, Combat Casting, Guided Hand, Widen Spell, Quicken Spell
Skills: Craft (gardening) +6, Diplomacy +8, Heal +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (religion) +15, Linguistics +4, Perception +13, Spellcraft +9
Languages: Common, Skald, Azlanti

Moonbarker (+1 conductive spell-storing heavy flail)
silver sickle
cold iron spiked gauntlet
4 javelins
+2 mithral breastplate
headband of wisdom +6
necklace of adaptation
ring of protection +1
cloak of resistance +4
boots of striding & springing
masterwork backpack
bandolier (for scrolls)
spell component pouch
belt pouch
ioun torch (resembles milk-white moon radiating pale silver-white light)
potion of enlarge person x2
scroll of dispel magic x2 (CL 10)
scroll of lesser restoration x5
scroll of magic circle vs. evil
scroll of remove blindness/deafness x2
scroll of remove disease x2
scroll of remove fear x5
scroll of remove paralysis
scroll of resist energy (CL 7)
scroll of restoration x2 (not permanent negative levels)
scroll of breath of life
wand of CLW (50 charges)
antitoxin x2
wismuth salix x2
twitch tonic x2
vermin repellent x4
holy water x4
wooden holy symbol of Groetus x10
holy text of Groetus: Permutations of the Ineffable Moon
50 ft. knotted silk rope and grappling hook
4 torches
5 days rations
waterskin, bedroll, flint & steel, masterwork gardening tools, mess kit, winter blanket

Grand Lodge

Oh, traits are viking blood (+1 Intimidate & is class skill), and birthmark (eye, counts as holy symbol, +2 on saves vs. charm & compulsion).

Favored class bonus went into hit points for 5 levels, and CL to overcome SR of outsiders for 7 levels.

I love that Aura of Chaos power. The inquisitor I mentioned was made to play around with the protean domain. It'll be fun to see it in action!

Grand Lodge

I had been working on a Gunslinger7/Inquisitor5. My gunslinger will have disable device for traps and the like (for the mechanical ones at least). I understand the concerns some have playing at tables with gunslingers and have no issues revamping prior to our dungeon run.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I don't mind, but I also don't have a ton of experience running gunslingers, so be prepared to explain how a lot of their class features work when it comes up in play.

Sounds like he'll shred his targets, LostM. Maybe I'll prep Named Bullet just to name it even crazier! It seems like our paladin and cleric will be able to hold a line pretty well to protect us.

Since Erik's here I realized I should ask beforehand: I took quickdraw to use with rods, since they count as clubs in their description. Is that ok, or should I grab another feat?

Silver Crusade

I will be Brother Zelyoni, aasimar cleric of Sarenrae, bringing the glory and light of the Dawnflower to dark places. This Emerald Spire has the reputation of being one of the darkest places known, so it is fitting that she should be frequently invoked!

Our fifth has arrived! I think the party's starting to look pretty good.

*Samsaran diviner wizard
*Dwarf stonelord paladin
*Lost's gunslinger/inquisitor (with disable device)
*human cleric of groetus
*aasimar cleric of sarenrae

I'll have a summon or two ready to supplement our forces if needed. I tend to focus more on control & debuffing than blasting, but will still have some ready.

I have a familiar able to use some wands during combat as well. Out of combat, I was thinking of buying a lesser restoration wand (they're really useful) unless someone else already did so.

I sprang for permanent arcane sight as well, which should help us spot magical traps before we spring them, if we're lucky.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Paulicus wrote:

Since Erik's here I realized I should ask beforehand: I took quickdraw to use with rods, since they count as clubs in their description. Is that ok, or should I grab another feat?

I'm fine with that.


That lich is going down :)

Grand Lodge

I had mentioned running a bard as an alternative. Since we have a 2nd cleric. I may well exercise this option. I have two versions of him: one an arcane duelist, and the other a vanilla bard. Herewith the arcane duelist version:

Taran Windsong
NG human bard (arcane duelist)
6'2" tall, 200 lb; blond hair, blue eyes

Init +7 or +11; Senses Perception +15

AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+9 armor, +2 Dex, +1 deflection, +1 insight)
hp 93 (9d8+29, including +5 from favored class)
Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +12; +2 vs. mind-affecting, +2 vs. death if a spell effect is active on Taran

+2 impervious adamantine longspear +16/+11 (1d8+9/x3; 10 ft. reach)
Cold iron locking gauntlet +15/+10 (1d3+5)
Javelin +11/+6 (1d6+5)

Spellcasting: base save DC 15 + spell level; concentration 1d20+17
(1d20+21 defensively or grappled); CL check 1d20+12
4th: 4/day - dimension door, freedom of movement, greater invisibility, heroic finale
3rd: 5/day - arcane concordance, dispel magic, jester's jaunt, haste, mad monkeys, displacement, slow
2nd: 6/day - acute senses, allegro, cure moderate wounds, delay poison, glitterdust, mirror image, silence
1st: 7/day - anticipate peril, cure light wounds, grease, hideous laughter, saving finale, vanish
0: unlimited/day - dancing lights, detect magic, mending, message, open/close, read magic

Class Abilities:
arcane bond (longspear)
bardic performance (31 rounds/day): rallying cry, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +3, inspire competence +4, bladethirst +3, dirge of doom, inspire greatness (2 allies), soothing performance

Str 21 (base 17), Dex 14, Con 14, Wis 10, Cha 20 (base 18)
Feats: Arcane Strike, Flagbearer, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Lingering Performance, Disruptive, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Spellbreaker, Improved Initiative
Skills: Acrobatics +17, Climb +10, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana and history) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, nature, and nobility) +6, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (planes and religion) +11, Linguistics +8, Perception +15, Perform (oratory) +16, Perform (act) +10, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +20
Traits: Deathtouched, Magic is Life
Languages: Common, Azlanti, Necril, Draconic, Celestial, Goblin

+3 mithral breastplate
+2 impervious adamantine longspear
headband of Charisma +2
belt of Strength +4
necklace of adaptation
cloak of resistance +4
ring of protection +1
feather step slippers
ioun torch
cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone (+1 init)
handy haversack
banner of the ancient kings
masterwork cold iron locking gauntlet
6 javelins
potions: enlarge person x3
scrolls: bless weapon x2, comprehend languages, fly, freedom of movement, magic mouth x2, remove fear, protection from energy x3, shield of faith, silent image, spectral hand, spider climb
wands: cure light wounds, shield
alchemical items: bladeguard x2, wismuth salix x2, twitch tonic x2, vermin repellent x4
bedroll, spell component pouch, belt pouch, flint & steel, folding pole, grappling hook, mess kit, 100 ft. knotted silk rope, waterskin, medium tent, soap, 4 torches, 5 days of rations, stuffed monkey on display stand that resembles tree branch, and 50 gp

Grand Lodge

Here's version 2 of the bard:

Taran Windsong
NG human bard
6'2" tall, 200 lb; blond hair, blue eyes

Init +3 or +7; Senses Perception +21

AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 93 (9d8+29, including +5 from favored class)
Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +13; +2 vs. mind-affecting, +2 vs. death if a spell effect is active on Taran

+1 impervious adamantine longspear +12/+7 (1d8+4/x3; 10 ft. reach)
Mwk cold iron locking gauntlet +12/+7 (1d3+2)
Javelin +11/+6 (1d6+2)

Spellcasting: base save DC 17 + spell level (18+SL for transmutations); concentration 1d20+19(1d20+23 defensively or grappled); CL check 1d20+14 to overcome SR
4th: 4/day - dimension door, discordant blast, greater invisibility, wall of sound
3rd: 5/day - arcane concordance, dispel magic, fear, haste, mad monkeys, sculpt sound*, slow*
2nd: 6/day - acute senses*, allegro, cure moderate wounds, delay poison, glitterdust, mirror image, silence
1st: 7/day - anticipate peril, grease, hideous laughter, saving finale, touch of gracelessness*, vanish
0: unlimited/day - dancing lights, detect magic, message, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic

Class Abilities:
bardic knowledge, lore master, versatile performance, well versed, jack-of-all trades
bardic performance (33 rounds/day): countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +3, inspire competence +4, suggestion, dirge of doom, inspire greatness (2 allies), soothing performance

Str 14 (base 12), Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 25 (base 19)
Feats: Toughness, Flagbearer, Combat Casting, Lingering Performance, Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration, Persistent Spell
Skills: Acrobatics +22, Bluff +22, Diplomacy +22, Disable Device +14, Fly +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana and history) +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, local, nature, and nobility) +13, Knowledge (planes and religion) +20, Linguistics +9, Perception +21, Perform (oratory) +22, Perform (comedy) +22, Perform (dance) +22, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +22
Traits: Deathtouched, Magic is Life
Languages: Common, Azlanti, Necril, Draconic, Celestial, Goblin, Undercommon

+2 mithral chain shirt
+1 impervious adamantine longspear
headband of Charisma +6
belt of Strength +2
eyes of the eagle
necklace of adaptation
cloak of resistance +4
feather step slippers
ioun torch
cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone (+1 init)
handy haversack
banner of the ancient kings
masterwork cold iron locking gauntlet
6 javelins
potions: enlarge person x3
scrolls: bless weapon, comprehend languages, fly, freedom of movement, magic mouth x2, remove fear, protection from energy x3, shield of faith, silent image, spectral hand, spider climb
wands: cure light wounds, shield
alchemical items: bladeguard x2, wismuth salix x2, twitch tonic x2, vermin repellent x4
bedroll, spell component pouch, mwk thieves tools, belt pouch, flint & steel, folding pole, grappling hook, mess kit, 100 ft. knotted silk rope, waterskin, medium tent, soap, 4 torches, 5 days of rations, stuffed monkey on display stand that resembles tree branch, and 50 gp

Grand Lodge

The main difference between the two: the arcane duelist has better combat abilities and is more buff-oriented with his spellcasting. However, his save DCs are worse. The regular version of the bard has much better skill bonuses overall, and higher save DCs on his spells (and hence more offensive spells), but in combat would rely more on support, aid another, etc. to help out. Really though, even with the arcane duelist, he is no replacement for a dedicated fighting build like the paladin (nor should be be).

It is worth noting that with the Flagbearer feat and the banner of the ancient kings he will be granting allies within 30 ft. a +2 morale bonus on attacks, weapon damage, and saves vs. fear, charm, +2 resistance on all mind-affecting effects. Coupled with inspire courage, this gets the attack and damage bonus up to +5 (+3 competence, +2 morale). This applies for both builds.

Personally I lean toward the arcane duelist, but this is something we can discuss at the game session.

It'd be useful to know how Randuril's aasimar cleric is generally built, as melee seems to be our weakness at the moment. Two clerics would probably be good for survival, but really I think either option is good.

The lillend azata is a summon I'll have available. She's no replacement for a real bard, but lessens the sting of losing inspire courage a bit.

Easy to figure out at the table.

Edit: I plan to have my familiar passing out some buffs with wands (haste, blur, bless (not with a bard), remove fear, liberating commmand, etc.) depending on the group makeup, if that factors into anyone's considerations.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure it won't be a problem to have a team that is weak in melee.

The adventure is kind of a pushover, anyway.


That was a blast. Thanks for running Erik, I can't wait to see the rest of the dungeon.


All hail Abraxas!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Hahaha! :)

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