tpierce66's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

On August 2nd the purchased the digital download "Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild #5-1 - Threads Unravel" (PZOACGS0501E.pdf). On My Downloads page, the file is listed as being 151 KB in size. When downloaded and extracted, the file is inoperable at 0 KB.
Can someone verify the integrity of the uploaded file, or provide an answer to the situation.
Best regards.

(I was told this was a better place to post this question, so here goes.) Having picked up Skull & Shackles during the latest sale, I was wondering if there are plans for a “Season of the Goblins 2” using the Skull & Shackles base set? I was excited to play SotG, but realized you needed RotR for that. RotR is tricky to come by these days, and I wouldn’t mind some swashbuckling fun with goblins!

Hi Folks. I was really excited to receive the PACG Skull & Shackles bundle today. Everything shipped perfectly and the collection of base set and adventure decks was complete. However; the base set box is missing the rulebook and the Adventure Deck 1 (The Wormwood Mutiny Adventure Deck) box. This was crazy! I was able to download the rulebook and start the prologue adventure, but how do I go about getting a physical copy of the rulebook and Adventure Deck 1 missing from my base box? Best regards, Tom