
abstract xp's page

198 posts (542 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 8 aliases.


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ulgulanoth wrote:
no one interested?

You've possibly picked the quietest day of the week to start your post.

This sounds really interesting and within 24 hours I will have worked it all out and come back with my details.

I just emailed in Corvus' character...

I'm certainly keen. Recent games have folded or not started, so I'm interested before any details came out.

Then the concept of escaped convicts links neatly to a character that I've created twice but never gotten past fifty posts with. A rogue/assassin that killed for just reasons but as is the nature of the role, was eventually imprisoned.

The class is a rogue but the build is more of an assassin. Think of the Night Angel trilogy if you have read it. Finesse with weapons, death-dealling, neutral to chaotic good in alignment.

I will email you later (say four hours from this posting) with much more detail - as you prescribed.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Dennis Harry wrote:

Thanks for the update I can wait :-)

Tordek what rules set are you using for the homebrew Pathfinder as well?

At this point my initial plan is to stick to Pathfinder Core as much as possible. I haven't studied the advanced player's guide classes close enough to know if they will fit. I plan to use Golarion as the setting.

I have no wish to hijack the existing thread, but I too would be really interested in your game once it gets underway.

I'll add my vow of patience to that of the groups'.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
abstract xp wrote:
PDF of my character sheet is on its way to you now. I'll update my character's background here - again within 24 hours.

Abstract i'm afraid we've started the party without you a little bit tonight- got some RP in and the first combat has just begun. You've been added to all the relevat waves; hope to see you soon!

If anybody wants to spectate this campaign (and give us a pool of people to draw from if someone gets too inactive) feel free to add me and send me a wave on google wave and i'll give you read-only rights to the IC wave-

No worries - I'm sure I'll catch up (as long as I haven't died)!

I've already commented about numbers in PbP. For non-combat, the more the merrier, as players tend to interact with each other. I just started a PbP on these boards with seven players. After my first post, I had to wait for almost fifty posts before I could get a word in edgeways.

The downside is with combat and I believe it's best that players be as generic as possible. Rather than specifying a single goblin from a group, better if you allow the GM some flexibility. That way you can post out of order and still keep things moving. I often post and either/or - depnding on what has happened before my turn. This is particularly useful for cleric types who may engage in combat or do some healing, depending on how things have progressed.

PDF of my character sheet is on its way to you now. I'll update my character's background here - again within 24 hours.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Fair enough if your sure Dragonborn. Abstract xp, im just waiting on an email from you to get you onto google wave and then everyones sorted.

I sent one through yesterday (I'm also GMT) and I've just re-sent it. I double checked the hotmail address. I'm hoping my addy isn't seen as spam.

If it still doesn't get through, I'll send it via another email address.

I'll send an email straight away - just to make contact etc. The character will be complete within 24 hours.

I'll stick with the ranger then (with dwarves as a favoured enemy). I'll add in the symbol's appearance in my second draft.

I pulled Wyvernsting from 'Campaign Setting' as it said that's where the Children of Murder are situated, so I'll amend that appropriately.

As an aside, in my GMing experience, the more people makes the game run smoother for role-playing. It can get a little interesting with combat, but the interaction between players is worth that effort.

Oh, and thanks...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm aware of time, so here is my first draft. I expect it will flesh out when I build the character, but this is what I would base it on...

The offspring of a village attacked by orcs, Corvus was shunned by her human family once she was born - and despised by the community. This she endured until she was ten, when she ran away to join her 'orc' family.

She trekked for six months, living off the land until she found a nomadic tribe that allowed her to join them. She soon learned that in orc society, a girl was considered little more than a slave.

This feeling of worthlessness persisted for six years, until her clan was raided by a rival. Once she realised that no rescue was coming - no orc would waste any effort looking to steal her back - she switched mentally from victim to bitter realist.

She ran away again and once more learned to live off the land. But the loneliness affected her. Independence is one thing but isolation is something else. Prone to mood swings - happiness is ecstacy but sadness is suicidal - the solitary existence only made matters worse.

She longed to be accepted somewhere and had heard of a tribe led by a half-orc. If he was accepted, perhaps they would allow a woman to join them as something of an equal?

A plan formed in her mind and she sought to destroy the one thing that the orcs hated more than females. Dwarves.

By this time, Corvus knew enough about the teachings of Gorum and that only a show of strength would earn her a place among the Murdered Child.

With the thrill of the hunt in her nostrils, she knew who the prey would be. One year later, and with two dozen dwarven skulls strung over her shoulder, and a longbow in her hand, Corvus walked into the stronghold of Wyvernsting - head held high.

Corvus Enca is a chaotic neutral, female half-orc ranger. She seeks acceptance most passionately and once gained, will demand respect and even fear. Like so many that have been bullied, Corvus relishes the opportunity to inflict pain on others and will persecute any that show weakness.

EDIT - You can substitute sword for bow and fighter for ranger if it helps the group dynamic.

I'd like to pitch in with a ranger submission. I'll do the sums today and post something here asap.

I'm a GM and player of PbP, but my games played have dwindled to two over the last month or so.

I know DarkKnightCuron is still posting, so hopefully he'll let us know one way or the other soon.


DarkKnightCuron wrote:

Looks like everything is in order...

For those that haven't yet, please email me as soon as possible so I can get everyone's 'introduction' RP out of the way via email!

You'll get mine within 24 hours. I've rolled literally a dozen characters and none are working for me. I'm actually settled on a two-weapon fighter and I'm just working on the back-story now.

OK, it seems a melee character is of most use. I'll tinker with the cavalier (and speak to the GM if I go for anything odd). I'll stick to my original character concept though - it will just be the skills and profession that will change.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

To summarize our party so far we have

Eroril Bazbek (me) - Dwarven Cleric training to be a lore master
Erinyes - Varisian Half-Elf Witch
name unknown - Human Barbarian 1/Rogue 2
Wynneflock - Tengu Wizard

I remember there being six accepted - but I can't find the post that confirms that.

I had originally looked to play a wizard. With the volume of magic users to date, is this still a sensible option for the group? I can turn my hand to other concepts. I'm not sure a paladin would work, but a cavalier? Or a fighter or ranger?

Do we need another melee character?

If I missed the advice posted already I'm about to give - sorry...

Don't underestimate the resources on the boards. I'm running ROTR and there are so many maps and handouts on that game's thread you wouldn't believe. It makes GMing encounters really easy.

Oh, and I've been playing/GMing since about October and my count is:

Played 9; still running 3 (one seems a little unwell though); died 6
GMed 1; still running 1

None of the games ended due to player inactivity...

Could everyone that was accepted give a one-liner as to their concept? Before I commit to a finalised character, it would be handy to know what others had envisaged.

As someone who contributed to one of the threads mentioned above, I would echo what I said on that board - and add that you should be ready to play when you advertise.

Players get excited, do what you ask to be selected and then...want to start. You have the momentum then - so use it. If you ask them to wait a couple of weeks, don't be surprised if one or two drop out.

When I join a game, I point the GM in the direction of a game I'm already playing in to make sure he knows what he's getting. As a GM, why not insist on it?

I'll keep adding stuff over the next few days regardless, but if you have any questions, post away. People are more than willing to help out.

Posting for my dot.

I'll post my character concept later and see how it fits in with the other players before I commit to anything.

Please take a look at the discussion thread.

It's time to level up.

Take maximum hit points and don't forget to update your character on the boards. Please let me know when you've done so.

As a couple of asides...

1. I don't plan to replace your hafling rogue at the moment. I may do later, but we'll see how the present group fares over the next few weeks.

2. If you want to buy or sell anything, you can role-play it in the game thread or ooc it here. I don't mind either way. Please e aware that I believe in real-world economics. Little villages don't have shops with +3 daggers, nor do they buy them. Their trade is too limited for one thing and they couldn't afford the security for another.

3. XP. I don't dish it out every encounter. Instead, I have split the campaign up into sections and when you hit a milestone, I'll ask you to level up. You should hit level four by the end of Burnt Offerings.

4. Pace. How is it for you? Do you want more time to role-play or should I minimise the NPC encounters and give you a precis of what happened?

5. Any other business? Don't forget to use this board for any questions/ooc stuff etc.

***Need new player's for Falcon's Hollow Campaign (Pathfinder)***

My concept is a character I've rolled for two PBPs that sadly didn't last 100 posts each.

It's a rogue/assassin. The abridged concept is:

Due to an early life incident - and a necessary killing - the character faced a moral dilemma. Deciding to act in a selfless way and believing it was their duty to protect others, they took up the role of a virtuous avenger.

They looked for wrongs to right when others would turn a blind eye.

This led to a life as a vigilante assassin. When those who transgressed were above the law, they saw that justice were done.

Many people would pigeon-hole this character as a rogue, but they see themselves more as a stealthy assassin, and has tried to develop their skills that way. They take on contracts that require someone to be eliminated - but never seeks payment. Their lack of strength (I like to play this character as a woman) means she always plans to get close to her victim and will use stealth or her charisma to achieve that 'kill.'

She may not be strong, but she is agile and uses this to compensate when others underestimate her abilities. She's smart and also charming when it suits her.

Old Redeye, Cuu and Ashbek

Old Redeye's magic takes effect. No sounds come from beneath the closet, and Old Redeye certainly can't see any movement.

As he slowly leans his head into the hole, his initial thoughts are confirmed. The foundations are partioned in six feet squares and the space below the closet shows no signs of another entrance/exit and it is now empty.

From the main room you hear the sounds of sobbing.


The woman sobs uncontrollably. Finally, she catches her breath and offers, "I have a sister in Magnimar...I will get word to her...She will come to help me."

abstract xp wrote:
Without sticking your head down it, you surmise that the goblin hacked a hole into the bottom of the closet, into the foundations of the house. Without further investigation or deductive reasoning, you can't say more at present...there are some clues in the earlier text.

PROMPT - Do you want to investigate the hole or head back to the inn? What will you say to the widow?

Any idea what the abilities' score points buy would be?

email sent...

And I want to play as a spellcaster. This is my favourite class and I've yet to play one in a PbP.

DarkKnightCuron wrote:
Dennis Harry wrote:

All of these suggestions sound very good. The 48 hour rule is actually a great rule usually I have found that as a DM I don't have players do things they would not do themselves anyway.

As far as what I would want to play does not matter to me, I have not played PF before so everything is new to me. The theme of the game does not matter I think everything in RPGing can be well done so long as the right person is doing it.

I will be away from this Saturday 2/6 to next Saturday 2/13 though so if you are setting up a separate post for apps please accept my application here and now. I cannot post everyday though I can certainly do at least once every other day.

Actually, I'm probably going to be accepting applications way later on, but if you're going to be absent, feel free to send them to my email:

Well, since its out there, I'll go ahead and open this up to everyone else interested in this little campaign.

My advice is not to put your actual email address on the board in its entirety - spambots will find you out. Better to space it out e.g. person at thismail dot com

In terms of something specific as to where to play:

There are plenty of PF Wiki's out there (e.g. this one), but once you'd picked something, I'd recommend picking up a copy of the PC Campaign Setting, or one of the specific books that covers the region or city you want e.g. Taldor or Darkmoon Vale.

What sort of game do you want to run? Suggestions (with my recollection of key aspects) include:

Absolom (lots of politics)
Alkenstar (has firearms and no magic)
Andoran (at odds with Cheliax)
Brevoy (civil war)
Galt (always in a revolution)
Hermea (a place for heroes only)
Kyonin (elven kingdom)
Lastwall (a defensive border state)
Linnorn (vikings)
Mendev (crusaders)
Mwangi (jungles and lost temples)
Qadira (desert kingdom)
River Kingdoms (lots of warlords, bandits, exiled royalty)
Shackles (pirates)
Ustalav (gothic)

This list is not exhaustive and I haven't even touched the evil lands.

And on the subject of GMing the game - make some hard and fast rules up front. I learned the hard way. State up front that you'll only wait x hours for a post. If a suggestion is made and nobody contradicts within y hours, you'll take that as the will of the group etc.

Aaron Bitman wrote:
abstract xp wrote:
Secondly, it can be worth recruiting a couple more players than you need - to accomodate an early drop-out of a player or two.

This is a point that I've been struggling to understand for a long time now. When a DM recruits a couple of people for a "reserve list," what exactly does that mean? How long are people on the "reserve list" expected to follow the campaign? Suppose one player doesn't post for a while, and the GM gets impatient and says "Reserve Player 1, are you ready to take Deadbeat Player's place?" How long should the GM wait for Reserve Player 1 before moving on to Reserve Player 2? Or recruiting new people entirely?

Suppose the game has been going on for months and months, and a player drops out? Should the GM give the reserve players first dibs? Should the GM wait for the reserve players, before doing a general recruiting drive?

Obviously, there's no one universal answer. I'm not expecting an answer like "The GM should give the player precisely 4 days." But in practice, how do these things play out? I'm just trying to understand the netiquette here.

My advice is not to have a reserve list. If you want five players, start the game with seven. If two drop out, you have five that started from the outset.

If that worries you too much, start with one more than you wanted. If the players all post, having an extra body doesn't upset the game. Just be sure you manage the combat closely.

I agree, reserve lists don't seem to work the way you would like as you can't send people personal messages (although you could take an email address I suppose). No, better to start with more than you planned and see what happens.

Without sticking your head down it, you surmise that the goblin hacked a hole into the bottom of the closet, into the foundations of the house. Without further investigation or deductive reasoning, you can't say more at present...there are some clues in the earlier text.

As someone who has currently got 5 'dead' PBPs under his belt since November of last year, my experience is that it is the GM that tends to be the one that kills the game.

That's no criticism of any GM of any game I've played. But if the GM continues to have the time - and chooses his players wisely - the game should survive.

PBP will attract most interest and my advice is to not open it up to first come first served but elaborate on what sort of game you're going to run and make the players give you a character and background to review. Those that are too busy to do this will be too busy to post often.

Secondly, it can be worth recruiting a couple more players than you need - to accomodate an early drop-out of a player or two.

Finally, whereas the Paizo adventure paths are great for the GM, some players have been known to meta-game! Shock horror! But it happens. I'd pick a region of Golarion that doesn't have an adventure path yet and set the game there. Expect players to post daily Mon-Fri but don't expect as much activity over the week-end.

And yes, I would be keen to play a character. The 5 RIPs have left a hole.

The boy is with his mother outside the room. The boy complained there was a goblin in his room. The father and dog investigated. When all went quiet, the mother came looking for you to help. All bodies are present and accounted for.

Between Asbek and Cuu (with some significant help from Aylmora), the goblin is now sliced and diced and poses no threat whatsoever.

The room is now bloodied and has a dead dog, a slightly eaten dead man and a dead/minced goblin.

Aylmora Mvashti wrote:

Sorry for the long absence! Internet problems gave way to computer problems - all at the busiest time of year work-wise. But I'm caught up at the moment, so time to get back into the game! Thank you for being so patient!

Abstract, can Aylmora roll initiative and take an action?

Glad to have you back - and yes, your actions are perfectly valid - I think they might need the help!

At the Barett house

A cackle starts to build in the goblin's throat. Quiet at first and then it quickly develops into a really annoying laugh that grates your teeth.

The goblin swings wildly with his knife and misses Cuu, his intended victim.

In a frenzy, Cuu swings wildly with both hands at the goblin. Although the first blow nicked the creature's skin, you don't think it took any real damage.

At the Barett house

As Aylmora and Old Redeye look on, with the family standing beside them, it becomes clear that the body on the floor is either dead or unconscious.

An emaciated goblin, with a distended belly jumps from the closet and swings a knife at Cuu. He connects with Cuu's left arm with a resounding 'snick.'

Cuu take 3 damage

Before either hero can react, he takes another swing and again connects. This time he finds Cuu's right arm and draws more blood.

Cuu take a further 1 damage

OK boys, it's over to you... For those outside the room, there is no space to join the action - even if you wanted to.

When you return to the Rusty Dragon, there is no sign of any of your comrades. Someone says that they left a while ago.

You then get a friendly elbow in the ribs from one of the patrons. "Not that you'd be too worried, what with you being occupied in a manner of speaking, eh?"

Shayliss, now fully dressed, looks Sapere in the eye. "Taken with your new status, was I?" You are unsure if she's being sarcastic or if she's toying with you. "For now, we'll call it a night. If I want your 'best intentions' at a later date, I'll know where to find you. For now, I'd scarper before my da' realises he's been hoodwinked."

The man still appears confused and his daughter takes advantage to slip past him. Finally, he speaks. "Well. Right then. Hmmmm. OK, I'll be seeing you then. Right..." He turns tail and heads up to the shop.

Cuu and Ashbek:
As you pull at the man's body, you realise instantly that his lifeless form can only mean one thing - he's dead. As you continue to pull, you see that the flesh of his face has been eaten away and much of his upper torso has bite marks in it.

As your eyes switch to the wardrobe, you see a hole in the bottom of it - obviously leading to the foundations of the house. A moment later, a goblin's shrieks pierce the silence and a goblin leaps from the hole.

Initiative rolls please, once out little friend has had his attack of opportunity.

The others:
You simply see Cuu pull at the figure that is half-in and half-out the wardrobe - their bodies obscure any detail. Then, without warning, comes a loud goblin cry and you are aware that something has emerged from the closet.

The man seems genuinely confused at this point. "So you're not saying you'll marry her, but you're not saying you won't?" He scratches his head as if to emphasise his bewilderment.

Cuu and Ashbek:
The man half-in and half-out the wardrobe hasn't moved since you entered the room. Cuu, you now notice the dead dog on the floor, its throat cut. The room is so small, the two of you occupy all of the available space.

Everyone else:
Cuu strides into the room. From your vantage point, you can't really see or hear anything. And with the size of the child's bedroom, you couldn't fit in anyway.

Keep rolling diplomacy every time you want to try a new angle on talking him round. If you keep on the same subject or argument, you don't have to

The man considers you for a while, his mouth remains open, mid-bellow. Then a look of puzzlement crosses his face, before he realises his mouth is wide open. He shuts it with a snap. "Marriage? Marriage you say?" Suddenly his face splits in two with the widest smile you've ever seen. "Why didn't you say so boy." He steps forward and pumps your hand. "I err...welll, sometimes I can be a little hot-headed. But if you're here to make an honest woman of Shayliss, what with you being a hero an' all, well..." He scratches his head, still looking a little bemused."

As you move forwards, the figure remains silent and still.

The others:
As Ashbek moves into the room, you hear him talking to someone quietly.

As you open the door slowly, you see an open closet door and a man is obviously trying to climb into it. You can see his legs and his lower back before his body obviously disappears into a hole in the floor of the closet. You also notice he is being very still. On the floor next to the wardrobe is the body or a dog. It's throat has been slit open and blood stains the wooden floor.

You hear nothing at all from behind the door. Your hand is now on the its handle, it is still shut.

The man's bellowing eventually forms into words. At first he appears to be directing his wrath at his daughter. "You too. You too. Have I been such a bad father?" As he shouts, Shayliss cowers behind you, semi-naked as she is.

The man now turns his attention to you. "Talk this over? Talk this over? It wasn't talk on your mind barely a minute ago. What's there to say, eh? Think my daughter is easy game do you? Well, do you?" His anger seems unabated but he has at least stopped advancing on you.

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