The Clockwork General

ZDPhoenix's page

Goblin Squad Member. 127 posts. 1 review. 2 lists. No wishlists.

I really can't wait for this. How fantastic. I've been running a homebrew Steampunk game for three years now and LOVE to idea of adding more roleplaying arsenal to our world.

Apparently, unless Hero Lab is wrong.... to get Keening; your weapon has to be at least a +1 Bonus.

Meaning... an Adamantine Bastard Sword, with Keening; would have to be both a +1 and a Keening. Not just a Keening enchant on Hero Lab. Which will then cost 11035g, instead of 5035g.

Is that right?

I've NEVER messed around with buying weapons before; only with looting them. :)

I love the DragonCyclopedia classes. They're great.

I just wish that there was a printer friendly version. I picked this up on RPGNow. As much as I love the "wrinkled parchment" look; it makes it very hard to see printed.

I can't get my gamers to give these classes a shot for my game, because they have to squint over the background. :\

This will be lengthy. :\

I've been testing and running a Steampunk campaign setting for three years now, two years of which have been a weekly game, with a rotating group of 5-6 people.

As of right now, the only major restrictions have been:
No Summoners (abused to hell and back by original testing party)
No Underdark Races (typical human-centric Democratic Monarchy)
No Psionics (only over my personal lack of understanding for PC play)

So let's get down to my concerns. Hopefully, I can get some suggestions.

MAGIC: Low Magic? Middle Line? High Magic?

It was when the party's witch cast Ice Storm inside of a small building in The Shambles (our poor district), that I realized openly vulgar displays of magic would probably be a terrifying experience in a tech savvy world, that has evolved past the hyborian norm. Not to say that it doesn't have it's advantages, but there seems to be disadvantages to the party being able to solve most problems with magic; instead of relying on their wits. Especially in higher levels, when airship battles and steam powered goliaths are at play.

Is this just my imagination? Should I let them continue to have access to all spells they normally could in Golarion? If not, what should I limit? Whole Schools? Only some spells? Go completely low magic?

I'll probably end up trying each option with test games eventually; but would love to hear what other Players/GMs may have to say.

Thanks in advance!

I've been blessed lately with more players. However, the circle of couches around a coffee table isn't working anymore. I don't want to get something too expensive. No GeekChic table or anything too extreme, but I want to avoid goofy folding tables that aren't stable when someone presses against them either.

Realistically, here's what would be ideal for us.

8 person capacity (3x1x3x1 or 2x2x2x2)

Adjustable legs to change height (We're on couches now, but could move to regular chairs. I know this is unlikely to find, so it's only here as a "perfect set up").

Sturdy design, no folding tables.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be very appreciative. I know it sounds silly, but have you ever tried to find a cheap 8 person table, that doesn't fold? It's almost like they don't exist.

I'm curious as to what other GM's allow their players to start with and/or what other GM's recommend allowing players to start with gear wise.

Does your rogue get studded leather?

Paladin get Half Plate, or Fighter get full?

Is that overpowered for Adventure Paths?

I've always done a basic armor, basic weapon deal for classes. And the rest of their gear is picked up with gold.

One of my players is going to start running soon and came to me, which is when I asked myself "Hmmm, I haven't PLAYED in a PF game before, only ran. I wonder how other people do it".

So then, what do you give your players... and why?

I've never played a paladin before. I've NPC'ed a few in towns, so I understand the code. But what are the thing I need to remember in combat? Can I efficiently be a 2H'er, or should I stick with Sword and Board?

Friends, before I begin here let me say one thing. I am not running in Golarion. We're running in a Victorian era nation, with heavy steampunk influence.

One of my Neutral Good players tried to intimidate a family of Orc Nomads, with their more civilized half-orc nephews off of a boat they were squatting on, AFTER the Orcs offered to sell their home.

Basically our fighter didn't like the price the Orcs wanted and tried to bluff that he'd set their home on fire... through roleplay, not rolling.

Now if someone says they're going to burn your house down because you won't give it to them... you're going to react to defend your home.

So a battle ensued, one of the orcs ran for the help of the local constabulary, from the guard station a lil less than a mile away and by the time they returned... the party (mainly the intimidating fighter) had killed the entire lot of Orcs. The fighter was downed, but stable at the end of the fight and thus the city guards, led by the fleeing orc arrested the group for murder and attempted arson.

Normally, I'd just do some court rolls and see what happens, but I'm really at a loss here. Murder is obviously a crime that calls for the prison time, or death. If he hadn't threatened them, the party would have had a few alternatives to getting this boat (which was an optional side-quest).

I know that from one standpoint the ordeal can be just placed on the fighter, but if a player dies in my game (which after a year of running, no one has from roleplaying)... I don't want politics to kill him.

Anyone able to provide some suggestions as to how I should approach this?

I see that I have two pending orders and tried to combine them, but was unable to.

Can anyone please combine: 1565240 and 1561893?

I have a player who is new and learning too slow to keep playing his druid. I don't want to kick him out, but he's really that slow and not learning the class, system or roleplaying in general. I can work with him on the last two, hopefully.

He mentioned wanting to try a ranger, which I'm cool with; but I want to remove the spell component from him. Forcing him to focus on blades and range. We're in the Victorian Era of a Fantasy World, so rifles and handguns exist.

Can anyone direct me to something that will help me out here?