Aldern Foxglove

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The other thread up about what it would be cool for Paladins to have had some very cool ideas that would both be envied by people who really don't want to be stuck with a single alignment class and some of which seem like a nice step forward for more 'Mundane' characters to have.

So first, I want to suggest a compromise for the Paladin alignment and have it rejected. Everyone else got theirs rejected, I want to have a turn:

Paladins in the Core book are either listed as Lawful Good and have a sidebar that says many DMs and certain settings open that to other alignments (Maybe just usggest Any Good, or only Chaotic Good, or only Neutral Good and Lawful Neutral, I dunno) and its suggested that if a player request that, the DM discuss it with them to reach an agreement.


Paladins are listed as "Any Good" and have a sidebar or flavor text noting that in Golarion and many other settings, Paladins are only Lawful Good with very few exceptions, and it will be a common house rule for DMs to not allow Neutral or Chaotic Paladins.

Either way, in PFS, since its Golarion based, they're limited to Lawful Good, but you can get a special exception (Boons? I don't know, I don't play PFS, someone help me.) to play a different alignment. So that Lawful Good players aren't bother with constant Chaotic Paladins, but players that are really into it have a shot.

If anyone can explain in detail why I is dum and they reject that idea, I'd appreciate it.

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That aside, the other thread has some cool ideas. Sword beams, creating weapons from light, whatever amazing idea I had. All of them great. But aside the obvious issue that people who don't play Paladins wouldn't get to use the really cool stuff, it struck me to wondering what kind of cool abilities martial characters without magic should get.

Caster/Martial Disparity is fun, I look forward to arguing about it endlessly once a real spark lights that fire. But for now just wondered what kind of abilities people want to see for classes that lack magic.

Like, the "Cut the air and still hit someone" theme of a Paladin Sword Beam is something I'd love Fighters to have. If not a 'Beam', then at least slicing the air and cutting something 30ft away in half. And in the Paladin blog thread there was a note made of angel wings for the Paladin. That's not something I'd say should be shared, but it is super ridiculously cool. I want non-magical classes to have the super ridiculously cool abilities.

So ideas about what super ridiculously cool abilities for Fighters and Rogues and Barbarians would be great. Even if you want to keep a lid on mundane characters, just what you think they could do at high levels that cool would be interesting to read about.

To start, I want Fighters to be able to cut things 30ft away, I want Barbarians to throw massive objects as their ranged attack, and I want Monks that throw hadokens at level 1 and move on to Kamehameha Waves by level 10. Really hope those Monks will have sword options too...