Member of the Whispering Way

Tver's page

21 posts. Alias of Tenro.

About Tver


Name: Tver
Identity: Unknown
Level: 1
XP: 0

Heightened Endurance A: +13.
Natural Weaponry: +3 to hit and +6 damage in unarmed HTH combat. In addition, a successful attack acts as a carrier attack to render a foe unconscious (attacks as Paralysis Ray).
Low-Self Control: Tver is prone to emotional outbursts and cannot pull his punches in combat.

Strength: 11
Endurance: 24
Agility: 15
Intelligence: 11
Charisma: 10

Basic Hits: 3.4
Hit Points: 15
Power: 61
Reactions from Good/Neutral/Evil: +1/+0/-4
Movement Rates: 50" on ground
Carrying Capacity: 308 lbs.
Basic HTH Damage: 1d6
Healing Rate: 2.4
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: +0
Detect Hidden: 26%
Detect Danger: 30%
Inventing Points: 1.1 (33%)
Security Clearance: 20