Fire Elemental

Therien's page

73 posts. Alias of Reckless.

About Therien

Therien The Eternal Eclipse; The Burning Blood
Domains(Portfolios): Blood, Desert, Sun, Supernatural (Pain, Thirst, Heat, Conflict)
Theme: Conflict among the gods leads to the birth of evils.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Attack: 6d6 (7d6 with Hemolash)
Defense: 3d6
HP: 21/30
Abilities: Elemental Mastery(Plasma) Therien is by, of, and for living plasma. He is the heart of the Sun.


Existent Week 1
5 AP Elemental mastery (plasma)
0 AP Alter land (reduced by Elemental mastery, boil and ruin the Sea of Flame
5 AP Weave plane (the sun)
1 AP Mundane concept: Hypocracy of the Gods
1 AP: Alter Land to create the Bloodstorm
3 AP: Magic Concept (Blood Magic)

Existent Week 2
0 pts Alter Land several times (modified by Elemental Mastery)(Path of volcanoes mimicking orbit of sun, ring of volcanoes at the border of the light &dark sides of the moon
1 AP: Mundane Concept: Blood Sacrifice
0AP: Blessings of the Volcano People (modified by Elemental Mastery)
3 AP Create Greater Life: Erienae, the Vampires
0 AP: Praise(Chosen of the Sun): Unlike other Erienae, the Chosen do not burst into plasma when exposed to direct sunlight.
0 AP: Praise(Chosen of the Sun): The Chosen become immune to fire, magma, electricity, radiation, other sun/plasma based effects
0 AP: Praise(Chosen of the Sun): The Chosen may harmlessly immolate themselves, becoming encased in plasma, at will.
0 AP: Praise(Chosen of the Sun): The Chosen may shed heat, light, and electricity in blast form at will.
0AP: Teach the Chosen all concepts developed so far (Hypocrisy of the Gods, Blood Magic, Blood Sacrifice)

Existent Week 3
3 AP Gain Domain: Supernatural (Conflict) {Blood Storm, Blood Magic, Hypocrisy of the Gods, Erienae}
3AP Gain Domain: Desert (Thirst)
5AP: Cosmic Decree: Blood is Life (All new non-microscopic life forms must have blood.)
5 AP: Gain Ability (Bathed in Blood)