
Thanateros's page

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We have the translation of Black Butterfly's proper name into English, but what is missing is her actual proper name in a Golarion language. This thread is a petition to Paizo to give Black Butterfly an official proper name which is not merely an English translation of her actual proper name.

Xephiqali (zeh-fih-KAHL-ee) is my proposal for Black Butterfly's proper name; I derived it from an amalgamation of Mazahua, Hindi, and Azerbaijani words meaning "butterfly" and "black" [with additional spelling influence from Greek], so the name Xephiqali effectively translates as "Black Butterfly". For the Golarion language from which the name Xephiqali comes, Celestial seems like the obvious choice.

If fellow pathfinders agree that Black Butterfly needs an actual proper name in a Golarion language that is not merely the English translation of her actual proper name, here is the place to let your thoughts be known. (As this is a petition, thread necromancy is welcome.)