
RussGreene's page

** Starfinder Society GM. 11 posts. 18 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.


Pg 12, B2. Storage refers to "mk 1 antidotes," which do not have an entry in the Medicinals section of the CRB (or anywhere else I've looked). I'm going to proceed with the assumption that these are meant to be mk 1 antitoxins instead, but official confirmation would be nice.


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I'm very curious to see how the First Seeker candidates are being received, especially outside my neck of the woods. I'll post my rankings and reasons why, and encourage you all to share yours as well.

4th: Aurora. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with her objective of boosting the public image of the Starfinder Society (especially after 1K Bites and Data Scourge), but I feel like that kind of thing should be a "sometimes food," not the main thrust of a First Seeker's mandate. And as much as I do like the media/performance SFS scenarios, again I just don't feel like that's what the Society should be doing all the time.

3rd: Nykiti. I do like her objective of exploring weird magical phenomena - I'd probably rank her a bit higher if her objective was Pharasma's Spiral instead of Kazmourg's absurdity. But as was pointed out to me, her mandate would be a bit too much like Season 4 of PFS, so it could end up a little boring.

2nd: Sevaile. I very much support his mandate, and his goals and interests 100% align with what the Starfinder Society should be doing. Not a big personality, but honestly, that's not a bad thing, given all the weirdos in the Starfinder Society already. XD

1st: Sarmak. Much like Sevaile, I very much support his mandate and think it's very good for the Starfinder Society as a whole. I put Sarmak above Sevaile for two very personal reasons. Firstly, I have wanted to know more about the First Ones since I started playing Starfinder, and secondly, I want a First Seeker that isn't local to the Pact Worlds. The story of the Izaalguns and their introduction to the greater galaxy is tied to that of the Starfinder Society, and having one of their number become a First Seeker is a fantastic story beat.

In my local group, Sevaile is considered the "safest" candidate, given his very noble goals and his mandate is already up the Society's alleyway. There is a small contingent of Aurora supporters, and usually Sarmak takes the 2nd or 3rd spots. Nykiti didn't go over too hotly.

So, what's the polls like in your districts, Starfinders?


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Quoting from the Character Options page for Starfinder Society:

Using options published in Starfinder Adventures and Adventure Paths:
Ownership of Adventures or Adventure Path volumes is not required to use Character Options originally published in Adventures or Adventure Paths in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd). A player must still have a chronicle sheet from a Scenario to use any options in that Scenario.

In this text, does this mean that options from a Starfinder AP are only available to characters that have had at least one Chronicle Sheet applied to them? Or is the chronicle sheet in question meant to be for the book in the Adventure or Adventure Path that features the item? The question arose since "Scenario" usually applies to SFS modules, not the Adventures/Adventure Paths themselves.

For instance, let's say I have a 2nd level character with spellcasting capability that I want to give the Spell Sergeant archetype. Which of the following requirements are necessary?

1) I need to have at least 1 chronicle applied to that SFS character
2) I need to have SFS credit for any Adventure from The Threefold Conspiracy applied to any SFS character
3) I need to have SFS credit for any Adventure from The Threefold Conspiracy applied to the SFS character I want to give the Spell Sergeant archetype
4) I need to have SFS credit for Starfinder #30: Puppets Without Strings applied to any SFS character
5) I need to have SFS credit for Starfinder #30: Puppets Without Strings applied to the SFS character I want to give the Spell Sergeant archetype

Same requirements for items, alternate class features, races, racial options, etc.


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Our GM was kind enough to give us a write-up of the improvements to Stachys in Songbird, Scion, Saboteur, which I turned into an autosheet. The first sheet covers the default settlement statblock for Stachys, plus a reminder table of the distances to other towns for overland travel. The second sheet has the list of available improvements, alongside trackers for total GP spent and current Loyalty Points.

Changing the value in the "purchased" column from No to Yes (or a specific value) will increment the total GP and Loyalty counters, modify the town's stats as appropriate on the statblock sheet, and mark the row as green to show it has been met. The fields labeled "Misc. Loyalty Gains" and "Misc. Town Opinion Mods" can be edited freely to increase/decrease their values based on encounters, decisions the PCs make, and certain events. The field labeled "Onora Piscum's Opinion of PCs" is a simple tracker, and as long as the value stays above 0, it will modify the Town Opinion field as well.

Investments with a black background are unavailable until other improvements are built. Once those conditions are met, the formatting is removed. Note that you can mark improvements as bought without actually meeting the prerequisites at this time; this allows you to preview its effects on the settlement, but you're on your honor in-game.

Feel free to take a look around and copy a version to your personal Drive. From there, you can mark some of the rows as "Yes" to see their effects on the other values. You can also tell me what you think, whether there are any errors you see, potential improvements, or just general feedback. I hope GMs find it useful!

Link to Google Docs Sheet "Stachys Settlement Stats + Improvements (Template)"