Special Abilities Flexible Studies during daily prep, become trained in one skill of choice until next daily prep
Clue In [r] 1/10 min; ally attempts check to investigate my subject, they get same +1 circumstance
Combat Clue [r] when ally attacks after successful Study Suspect, gets +1 circ bonus on attack
Observe Expeditiously [0] 1/10 min; Seek or Sense Motive as free action
On the Scene: immediately notice one thing out of ordinary in new location
Quiet Allies when Avoiding Notice and allies Follow the Expert, roll a single Stealth check, using the lowest modifier, instead of separate rolls
Study Suspect [1] (free action vs subject of case), 1/rd; Perception vs target Will DC, +1 circumstance to attack rolls
Studied Strike on Studied Suspect, +1d6 precision damage
Streetwise Society to Gather Info; in known location, Recall Knowledge without Gather Info
Take the Case 1/10 min; takes 1 min to get +1 circumstance to investigate subject