Luthais's page

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Bluddwolf wrote:

I'm a bit confused by the issue being brought up in this thread.

The belief seems to be that harvester / pack mules will run about naked, so they can carry more. This however will make them more vulnerable if attacked, and whatever they have in their inventory will be exposed to looting.

If on the other hand they choose to wear armor, they will sacrifice some of that carrying capacity in exchange for greater defense.

This appears to be one of those "working as intended" and "meaningful choices" issues. I seriously doubt many "pack mules" will be running around naked or wearing heavy armor, but rather wearing either light or medium armor. Likewise, I expect that characters trained specifically for this role will have a certain amount of Freeholder / Rogue / Cleric training.

Makes perfect sense. I see zero issue with this beyond needing a little fine tuning as we work out exact weight/armor tradeoffs.

I don't see this as a problem. People should not be walking around in full armor. Would you? The idea of people walking around in relatively little clothing and having to take a moment to put on armor (I'd maybe even suggest a cast bar to make it take time to don armor) adds a whole new great dimension to ambushes or surprise attacks. This is why Knights had squires and the like, to carry their gear.

I'm sure this has already been mentioned but will settlement constructions require upkeep?

I can only run my copy on the Mac.

I'd still love an alpha invite if anyone has a spare!


If anyone's got a spare invite I'd love some pre-Early Access action!