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My play group has finally finished the Skull & Shackles set and I am now looking to get the Wrath of the Righteous sets. I have run into something odd and I was wondering if you guys know the answer.

I am seeing 2 sets of box art for Wrath of the Righteous. One is Silver and one is Red for the adventures, and the Main box is red or yellow. Is one an updated printing?

Sorry if this is out there already, but I couldn't think of a good way to search for the topic.

Alright, so with the new Ultimate Intrigue the Feat Cat's Fall feat has been added.

"When you succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics skill check to soften a fall, you ignore the first 20 feet of that fall and convert the damage from the next 10 feet of the fall to nonlethal damage. You land on your feet as long as you take less than 20 points of damage from the fall."

In Dirty Tactics Toolbox the Feat Equipment Trick (Cloak) is listed. One of the tricks for the cloak is:

Parachute Cloak (Acrobatics 5 ranks) While wearing a cloak, you can adjust your grip so that it catches the air as you fall. If you use both of your hands to hold on to your cloak as you fall, you can attempt a DC 20 Acrobatics check to ignore the first 20 feet fallen (as opposed to the usual DC 15 check to ignore only the first 10 feet), and you avoid falling prone at the end of your jump even if you take damage.

So the language of both feats use "ignore the first 20 feet" when falling.

The question my players have asked is this:

Can they both be applied to a fall by making 2 separate skill tests for the fall?

One at the start to enable the Parachute Cloak at the top of the fall and then a second to enable Cat's fall at the bottom. If both checks passed they would ignore 40 ft of fall, take nonlethal for 10, then avoiding falling prone with all other damage being applied normally. If both checks fail then you would take damage normally. If only one succeeds then you would apply the benefit as normal for the successful role.

I am currently running a city based campaign with an intrigue/superhero theme and they are really wanting to do the Hero drop thing so I don't really have an issue with this, but I figured I would ask the community. Dedicating 2 feats to this seems worth the effort. There are only a few buildings in the city that are over 60 ft tall, but many that are 30-40. I have instituted a ruling on dropping on people already that seems to be working well so I'm not concerned about them landing on bad guys.

Should I increase the DC of the Cat's Fall check? To me this seems like the increased DC of something like avoiding AoE on multiple foes. So increasing the DC by +@ or +5 seems reasonable.

While playing my Session this weekend I had a house guest who wished to get in on our RotR play session. This added a 7th player to our game for the evening. I decided to just run the game with the standard 8 locations and 30 blessings in the count down deck. This seemed to work in a tolerable manner but it came down to turn 30 in scenario one, turn 27 in the second scenario and the third scenario ended on 28. That seems pretty common from the other listings on the board here for a scenario with a high player count, but these still seemed to be very close calls from the other player's perspectives and I agree with them.

My concern is that it did not follow the Players +2 location guideline from the standard play. I think that a 9th location should have been added with it's own 10 card location deck and another henchman. This then leads me to believe that successfully completing the game in the normal timeline of 30 turns would prove unmanageable without extreme levels of luck.

So I am looking for feed back on the purposed changes for such sessions that I have laid out below. If there is another thread out there for this line of thought please point me there as I wasn't able to locate one.

- Additional Locations -
To add a Location for the new player select the last location from the the Scenario prior then if another player is added take the first location from the following Scenario.

Do this for each additional player that is added to the game. I suggest to continue to stagger the locations if possible, taking location 8 from the previous then location 1 from the following, then 7 then 2 until the location total has been met.

DO NOT use locations from outside the adventure path. If you are in the First Scenario of the adventure you must choose the First location of the second Scenario and if you are in the Last Scenario you must choose the last of the previous Scenario.

The location deck would be built using all of the normal rules. The Henchmen card would need to be a proxy of some sort. I would suggest using a henchman card from another scenario, with it using all of the rules from the current henchmen in the scenario. This will maintain the Color indication system and remove the possibility of confusing the "proxy" with a standard boon/bane card. This proxy would then be mixed into the normal villain/henchman pile and added to the location decks.

- Increasing the Blessing Turn Order (needs the most work) -
The current Turns to players ratio is hard to replicate and maintain the notion of a successful game. The Players:Turns:cards 1:30:30, 2:15:40, 3:10:50, 4:7.5:60, 5:6:70 and 6:5:80 works very well, but breaks down going forward. 7:4.25:90 and 8:3.75:100 makes for a too tight turn limit for the additional cards added for the locations.

So I am suggesting that the Blessings deck be increased to maintain a full 5 Turn Limit for all Players. Essentially adding 5 Blessings to the Blessings Deck per additional player beyond the 6th.

Yes I know that adding 10 location cards and 5 turns per player seems like too many turns, but with the standard variance of the location decks it is likely that this will keep the players down to the wire on most scenarios. I was toying with the idea for allowing for more turns with a calculation like Players-2 in turns, so 8 players would have 6 turns for 100 location cards and 9 would have 7 for 110, but that seems to add too much positive variance to balance out the negative variance of the addition location decks.

- All other rules -
This system specifically avoids messing with player decks and available boon cards. The adventure paths as we have played them so far seem very well balanced within their own adventure sets. I do not feel that modifying the player's power level due to additional players, up or down, is unnecessary.

The adding new players in ongoing games rules would still apply for any character deck creation.