Aldern Foxglove

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Grand Lodge

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I'd be interested in seeing this renewed, though with PF2 out it may no longer have enough interest.

Grand Lodge

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@Endzeitgeist Well then I guess that I'll need to become one of said supporter.

Grand Lodge

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Endzeitgeist wrote:
This is bitter to me as well; I actually wrote a couple of archetypes for the book, and was excited to see people enjoy them...

Any chance you'd be willing and able to share your archetypes Endzeitgeist?

Grand Lodge

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I just realized we don't have a Barbarian/Oracle MCA, I could see that having some very interesting results. I perhaps base such an idea at least in part on the main character of the video game Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

Grand Lodge

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As the mantra has often been repeated, "If you stat it, they will kill it" or try to anyway. It's one of the reasons why the Lady of Pain was so unique for the Planescape setting, and that she was never stated or given any hard mechanics.

Instead the general idea is that you don't f$&~ with the Lady of Pain, and it could even be said that she was there just in case anyone decided they wanted to try to become a little too big for their britches one Sigil or cause too much of a ruckus in the city.

That there was generally two results if you encountered her, in that they were either flayed alive or sent to an extra-dimensional maze without excape. All in all, an NPC like her worked very well in the setting and her presence in Sigil made a lot of sense to keep the city neutral ground from any direct meddling of a divine power apart from sending outsiders or followers.

I mean it's notable that she has the power to prevent any god or goddess from stepping foot in Sigil, that no deity had the to power to counter her control over the City of Doors. Hence, again, why you don't f~+~ with the Lady of Pain. Chuckles

Grand Lodge

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Glad to see such interesting.

Grand Lodge

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I can't wait until I get the full print version of Spheres of Might. I'm also excited to see how the artist will go about representing the character I had added in... which will pretty much Ruby Rose from RWBY.

Though I just remembered I have yet to write up the bio for her... I'll get on that now.

Grand Lodge

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I very much hope to see Spheres of Might come up in this thread, once it comes out. I was part of the kickstarter, and I have to say what was put together is pretty awesome.

Grand Lodge

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
They did get the kroot... Kroot are pretty legit.

And the Vespid, you can't forget them. They do also have human allies and citizens who have joined them, though this does make them seen as traitors to the Imperium to be killed on sight if ever caught.

Other Races
The Nicassar are a highly psychic ursine race and were the first alien species assimilated into the Tau Empire.
The Demiurg are a mining species that has allied itself with the Tau.
The Tarellians are dog-like aliens who often work as mercenaries for the Tau.
The Galg are green, scaled, frog-like creatures that often form into mercenary bands which fight for the Tau Empire.
The Ji'atrix are ethereal aliens skilled in void-faring.
The Morralian are auxiliaries that employ Deathsworn to the Tau.
The Ranghon are a race which has accepted the Greater Good and joined the Tau Empire.
The Hrenian are a species that often deploys Light Infantry auxiliaries that aid Tau forces.

Grand Lodge

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Agreed. Their my favorite. I have 2 fire warrior squads cadre frieblade, a squad of pathfinders, a set of crisis suits, a ripetide, and a broadside.

Sadly, I haven't been able to put together an army yet though I do want to.

Also, to go into more detail. The Tau Empire are the only faction truly united and striving for the same goal. More, they are the only faction that doesn't outright kill you but gives you the choice of joining them or standing aside. They are the only faction even trying to use proper diplomacy, and the only faction I would trust to keep their word or not stab you in the back.

Grand Lodge

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In part real life, though I try to keep a bit more of an optimistic view than that. It's more just simply it just when it comes to my fantasy, sci-fi, or any fiction in general one of my least favorite settings are that which are overly dark with perhaps only a few exceptions.

Perhaps because I often consider it a means of escapism, and I already see so many messed up things in real life I really don't want it's a bleed into the fictional worlds that I try to enjoy. Instead I want to believe in heroes, where I walked to see good actually see fruition or reward.

Settings like A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones or even often the DC Cinematic Universe are just so often far too frustrating and grim for me to take any enjoyment in. Where I can't really like anyone because they're all jerks or do terrible things, or that anyone that does have any sense of decency are good or killed off. Settings where no matter what you do it doesn't make a difference and it's just a struggle for survival, where I'm left to wonder why I should even give a damn.

Perhaps surprisingly, I admit to maybe having one exception to this. That of Warhammer 40K, though I cannot explain why that's an exception.

Grand Lodge

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FormerFiend wrote:
And when Paizo publishes it I'll be satisfied to let this go. Until that time it is glorified fan fiction. It may be well balanced fan fiction, fan-fiction I'd be happy to incorporate into my own home game at my personal table, but it's still fan fiction.

This sentiment is laughable, since I make liberal use of 3rd party to enhance my campaigns. It's why I don't give a damn what is or is not banned in Pathfinder Society or not, unless it is clearly unbalanced.

The way I look at it, if Paizo doesn't offer what is wanted by me or my players I go to that which does offer what i want. Whether that is homebrew or 3rd party, I will use it if it fits and is balanced even if it wasn't published by Paizo.

I mean lets be honest her, Paizo has messed up, fumbled the ball, or created that which is broken before. Of which then has been picked up far more gracefully or creatively by a 3rd party. For example, Everyman Gaming actually making Unchained Pathfinder useful.

I mean seriously, unchaining the Monk and making it is none of its archetypes could be used anymore? The issues with how they unchained summoners and in what they changed with eidolons. They messed up with that book.

Grand Lodge

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Pact Servant
Source Distant Shores pg. 23
Category Basic (Faith)
The faith of Holomog focuses on finding the good in unusual places and appreciating the nuances of virtue in the world. You may treat Asmodeus as if he were a lawful neutral deity for the purposes of determining your own alignment as a cleric, inquisitor, or other divine spellcaster. You may not select the evil domain unless your own alignment also contains an evil aspect.

Also, if the creator of the trait says that it was not intended to be comatible with a paladin that essentially means that it's been FAQed so arguing for allowing it is kind of stupid.

Seriously, it does go completely against the concept of a paladin to have them worshiping the deity that is essentially the epitome of the lawful evil Devil/Satan that you should avoid making contracts or deals with.

Grand Lodge

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Greetings and salutations

I'm looking to finish up and expand on a conversion of the Midnight Campaign setting, from AD&D 2e and D&D 3.5m, by Doomed Hero so credit to him where credit is rightfully do. I have received permission to continue and finish up this conversion, as he was unable to do because of other things making them busy and simply moving on.

In particular, I'm wishing to finish up The Channeler class as well as get some additional playtesting for everything I have compiled on Google Doc. What is missing is that of a Charismatic tradition, which was unable to be make before Doomed Hero went on do to other thing.

This being the main detail I consider important, and one main thing left undone that needs to be completed apart from the spell list. Though I may have a friend who might be able to help me with more experience in homebrewing.

The Channeler class as far as it has currently been converted is found here.

The 3.5 Channeler Spell List found here

I would also link you to the SRD, but it appears to be down. I will try to get you all the missing 3.5 information, or at least what is needed such as the Charismatic Tradition. Of note though, in large part, you get "Inspire" abilities like with what you find for the Bard and an ability called Force of Personality.

The full conversion document can be found here.

You can find an Introduction to the setting here.

Grand Lodge

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I plan on finishing up a homebrew/conversion started by the member Doomed Hero, yet who was unable to finish such for the campaign setting Midnight. In converting it over to the Pathfinder setting from D&D. He did quite a bit of work, most of it actually, so the credit to him despite what I will be doing to finish it up.

I'm just going to be finishing up that which he was unable to do, mostly that of the Channeler class, possibly with the help of a friend with more experience in homebrewing and balancing then myself.

Grand Lodge

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Sighs, for those DM that would be willing to consider CG Paladins, why not simply pick an alternate class like the Anti-Paladin? Again, the consideration of a CG Liberator.

You have a heavily armour holy warrior who can smite good, has divine grace, offers lay of hands, and the majority of the rest of Paladin abilities but not exactly the same. Though with somewhat different flavor, as I feel is only appropriate.

The differences being in class skills, spell list, divine bond, aura of justice, and an alternate code of conduct.

Grand Lodge

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Skeld wrote:

The Space Paladins are coming.


Honestly I hope so, I love the Paladin class.

Grand Lodge

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Well then, compromising be damned it. Seems some people just won't be happy unless the paladin is completely torn apart to be what they want, so why should some of us even try to find a middle ground.

Grand Lodge

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Oh no, don't me wrong. I still very much believe Paladins should strictly be LG, but the article mentioned above offers related classes which are also different. Where a paladin is still a paladin, LG and all, but then there is a Sentinel (NG), Avenger (CG), Enforcer (LN, Incarnate (TN), and Anarch (CN).

These all have different names and fluff, as well adjusted mechanics.

That these "Holy Warriors" offer Paladins of different alignments, essentially by creating alternate classes which all have their differences. Most particularly that of name, fluff, and mechanics. Not by simply removing the alignment restriction but by actually putting a lot more effort in creating that which is related yet NOT the same as the Paladin. Each needing to strictly be a single alignment.

Grand Lodge

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FormerFiend wrote:

Look at how not published by Paizo those things are.

Granted I'm not as opposed to the use of 3rd party material as I used to be - I've fallen head over heels for Everyman's Unchained Fighter. But I don't think it's too much to ask that Paizo put out something official.

There is a lot that Paizo hasn't published, counting a better Fighter or allowing Monk archetypes to actually work with the Unchained Monk, so I say get in line for Paizo not publishing certain things.

Some of the best stuff for Pathfinder is 3rd Party:
Spheres of Power & soon to be published Spheres of Might by Drop Dead Studios
Companions of the Firmament from Geek Industrial Complex
Making Craft Work by Spes Magna Games
Cerulean Seas Campaign by Alluria Publishing
Ultimate Charisma by Rogue Genius Games
Tome of Horrors Complete by Frog God Games
Gothic Campaign Compendium by Legendary Games
Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium by Legendary Games
Ultimate Plug-In by Legendary Games

Grand Lodge

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Honestly, I think you will have some people that wont be happy until alignment has no bearing on the game at all. Apart from making alignment meaningless, you will have those wishing to toss it completely.

I mean you see it all over the forums, those arguing about certains spells or acts being evil, arguing alignment restrictions whether for classes/feats/archetypes/prestige classes, or otherwise seeking to invalidate alignment use in any way they can.

Grand Lodge

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Tectorman wrote:
Full BAB 4/9 not-nature-y divine spellcasting class (aka the Paladin)

Okay, I'm sorry but I take issue with this. That isn't what the paladin is all about, it isn't just a collection of abilities or stats, as it devalues the class when it comes to roleplaying and the way I look at it a player shouldn't be considering a class only because of mechanics but more the fluff and concept itself being a part of each class.

Hell, if that is all which mattered to a player I would consider an alternate class or even suggest they find another table or campaign. I am very disapproving of roleplayers not considering or caring of the setting, lore, and fluff but just wanting a set of useful class features. Seriously, how you kept going on about "Full BAB 4/9 not-nature-y divine spellcasting class (aka the Paladin)" was far to much.

Grand Lodge

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Ventnor wrote:

Fairness for who? Honorable people care deeply about being seen as being honorable. That often means killing those who you feel have slighted you, including your own family.

Honor is all about appearances. It is all about vanity and pride. There is no goodness in honor.

Pardon my French, but c'est des conneries!

That is a misperception of honor, would have led many to believe such as lawful stupid.

Those with real honor do not do it for vanity or for pride, they do it because they do believe in fairness and that there is such a thing as there being a right way and a wrong way of doing something. Even if it may not always seem like there is goodness and honor there definitely is, and many show both goodness as well as honor.

The honor of you speak of is that a fools, bullies, or tyrants.

Grand Lodge

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KestrelZ wrote:

Old school precedent - in 2nd edition D&D a paladin of Horus is chaotic good. By experience, this did throw off numerous GMs that were too used to trapping paladins into a moral dilemma corner.

paladin of Horus - It's an evil mummy, I attack it.
GM - It didn't attack first, you're in danger of breaking your code.
paladin of Horus - You mean that chaotic good code that means I do what feels right? Right now smacking evil undead before they do harm feels right.
GM - Oh yeah.......chaotic good.....I forgot.

Wait, way was the DM even thinking that could make the Paladin fall? It is an undead, paladin uses Smite on undead because it is evil/abomination? Especially if Paladin detected it was evil first.

Yah, situations like that are baffling to me and I can understand why it annoys players.

Grand Lodge

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No, paladins are holy warriors of good and order, of justice who follow a strict moral code, the staunchest foes of evil and dark forces. They are honorable, just, and unyielding in their path. Not just any alignment will work, and saying they can be any alignment shows how little you understand Paladins.

You want Non-Lawful Paladins, create an alternate class and call it something else. The Lawful Evil Tyrant, the Chaotic Good Liberator, things like that. A Paladin though is Lawful Good, and changing that makes it something else.

Grand Lodge

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The problem is players and DMs seeing the alignment as the issue or that Paladins being Lawful Good isn't important.

I mean what is Lawful Good, how does that not permanently intertwined with the very concept of a Paladin and what they represent? You what a Chaotic Good champion and hero, consider a more appropriate class that could fit such a concept.

"Lawful Good characters believe that laws exist to further the public good, and that fairness and equality before the law are necessary for good to truly exist. Order is a vital part of good, not for its own end, but because when people act arbitrarily, they will often harm each other, intentionally or unintentionally. Justice is a very important concept to lawful good characters in every sense of the word - that people are treated justly, be it justly rewarded for their services or justly punished for their ill deeds. To a lawful good character, no one is above the rules, not even themselves."

Paladins are warriors dedicated to furthering the cause of all that is good. Holy crusaders, they combat the forces of evil wherever they are found, and defend the helpless as much as possible. Above all else, paladins are good. The term "Paladin" comes from a cycle of historical literature which includes The Song of Roland, where the Paladins are Charlemagne's greatest knights and serve as an idealized symbol of courage and purity."

Playing a Lawful Good D&D Character.

Grand Lodge

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Dragonchess Player wrote:
NG characters can use the two options above or the gray paladin archetype.

Actually, even I have to admit the Gray Paladin is generally terrible in how it takes away a lot and doesn't give much of anything in return. I would much rather find a different option for players.

Sure one can play it off that because they are not as strict or devote in there behavior they are not given as much of the power generally available to a paladin but simply not having to be Lawful Good isn't reason enough to give up so much.

Admittedly, it probably makes a difference that I have had no issues playing paladins or a Lawful Good alignment but the Gray Paladin still comes off as the poor man's version of the class. Like the cheap knock off you pick when you can't afford the high quality, authentic version.

Grand Lodge

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Sighs, honestly I feel what needs to be done is alternate classes or similar ideas but a better fit for other alignments. I say this because I am very much one of those, both as a player and DM, who believe that part of what makes a Paladin what it is... well, that is in part the strict moral code and a Lawful Good alignment.

You want a hero that isn't Lawful Good, then pick a different class or find something similiar yet more fitting other concepts and call them something else. Paladin are and I feel should stay Lawful Good, no two ways about it. They have the powers they have, the benefits they have, because they are willing to live their life a certain way. To fight for all that is good, as well for the order and structure of a lawful society. To push back madness and chaos, all those who wish to destroy, and do so without betraying their code.

Paladins are holy warriors whom are given more than common gifts and are put under a more than common burden, with the powers they receive comes the responsibility and code of conduct they must follow. They can't be the everyman, they have to become more then they are. They must show themselves unbowed by fear, unyielding in purpose, and willing to put themselves to greater rigors then others. Theirs is not the path many can follow, and their burden is greater.

Grand Lodge

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Rysky wrote:
@Jonathan, that was Ckorik who wrote that, not me :3

Whoops, my mistake. Thanks for the correct. I have made a quick edit of the post so that it is addressed to the right person.

Grand Lodge

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I'm sorry, but after seeing all this discuss I cannot help but ask why place the paladin in a situation where he has to commit an evil act? As a DM, even if it appears that the party's, or more particularly the paladin, only choice is to commit an evil act I always have it that there is a third option if the player/character is determined or smart enough to find it. I never liked the idea of forcing my players into a no win situation.

Especially the sacrificing of an innocent. Sure, it can be done well, such as in the comic Looking For Group where Cale'anon Vatay, or Cale to his friends, is placed into a situation where he is forced to kill a child. Cale being an elven hunter/ranger but having a certain idealism or moral outlook very similar to a paladin. Yet how he takes on a more sulking state of mind after do what he did, doing nothing but staring upwards and when they are later asked for help, he surprisingly mutters that he will only help as long as he can be paid. Having taken on a more mercenary outlook.

Though this doesn't last long and he again returns more to his previous outlook, saying that he and his companions will aid the people. No matter the cost and without personal gain. Saying that they are not mercenaries and will do it because it is right. With him and Richard actually helping each other to have a shifting of alignment, Cale going from Lawful Good to Neutral Good and Richard from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Neutral. The two surprisingly coming to respect each other, perhaps even unlikely friends.

Of any cause, I am still generally very weary of the idea of focusing a paladin to commit an evil and risking them to a fall. At least not without have other options available, even if the players/character must figure such out. It can be quite tiring actually to see DM constantly looking for ways to force a Paladin to fall, especially if they do not first discuss with a player if they want to add such an aspect to the campaign for the sake of potentially creating a more engrossing roleplaying experience.

Grand Lodge

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Hmm, I'll make sure to check out the series, from what I've seen of snippets that actually looks like it'd be a pretty interesting anime.

Given the length of most podcasts I might have to put the first link aside for now but I'll still make sure to double-check when I have the time to see if it's even that long.

Thanks for the links!

@SorrySleeping, @bitter lilly
Ohh, that lore is definitely something I can work with as a DM and keeping in mind how humans use actual dogs at times I actually have an idea that could come to a shock to many players but also provide opportunity for them to actually do something about it.

What of there being a group of humanoids who take advantage of a dogfolk biology by creating a potion which forces a female dogfolk to stay in heat if they are made to continually drink it? Were they have essentially enslaved these dogfolk for breeding as well as for other purposes? Where the potion makes them docile and willing, submissive and eager to the needs of others.

How would a party react to this, especially one that happens to have a member of the dogfolk among them? Perhaps expecially with a player having female dogfolk in the party?

Admittedly, given the strong reactions that could likely bring about all around I'd make sure to discuss such a plotline with the players ahead of time just to make sure that everyone will be comfortable and mature enough to work with such a scenario.

Also, before anyone asks, I'm the sort of DM who looks for scenarios where I can emotionally or morally motivate my players into acting a certain way where it could lead them to be more heroic and so the right thing if it is in character for them to do so. To take something that which is ugly, evil, which could make them uncomfortable, and actually do something to fix the problem.

Essentially I'm a DM who seeks to press the right buttons in which to motivate or manipulate the party to act a certain way. Where is not essentially just "these are orcs, which are an evil race so it's okay to kill them" but actually offer something that the players would actually see potentially evil themselves.

Grand Lodge

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Careful now, you turn "man's best friend" into a humanoid, sapient race you may have players wanting to romance the characters or be one themselves for some fun. Laughs, unless that is was something you were expecting and considered? =P

All joking aside, this is an interesting idea and I look forward to you getting something more finalized in order. Though I am curious on how you plan on working out the lore and how the race came about. It looks interesting so far so I will keep an eye on this thread.

Grand Lodge

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I have gotten a pdf of Shadow of the Demon Lord and will perhaps see if there is anything there for me to use. I admit though, especially because of the next two suggestions I will say strongly that I wish to stick with Pathfinder, as there are a fair few things I want to be able to use in a campaign.

I especially want nothing to do with D&D 4e, even if it may work in this situation, as I have nothing but frustration for that edition and wish it had never been made. It was I feel very much a setback for D&D as a whole, with I feel Wizards of the Coast losing many who loved the system given how radically they changed it. Even now, I think they are just picking up the pieces with D&D 5e.

Sighs, my apologizes, but I just do not have fond feelings to D&D 4e. It may seem silly, especially because the reasons you gave seem fair, but the system just never felt right. Perhaps even a betrayal of what had originally been created.

Thanks for the file Rub-Eta, I will look it over.

Grand Lodge

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Alex Smith 908 wrote:
I want a fighter to be able to meaningfully contribute mechanically to as many situations as possible. For instance in a diplomatic situation the fighter should still have something to do even if he isn't the star, without having to have invested a huge portion of his resources into it. Alternatively enemies who cannot be fought directly is a fairly common narrative device and the fighter should have means of indirectly fighting them such as combat maneuvers without having to have invested hugely into that specific maneuver.

I advise snagging the Everyman Unchained: Fighters.

Grand Lodge

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Triune - Which is why I use Spheres of Power, as this better balances magic with melee a bit more.

Grand Lodge

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FormerFiend wrote:

Personally I'd go so far as to argue that the advanced armor & weapon training abilities should be standard and come with the basic abilities of weapon & armor training rather than be options that you can switch those other abilities out for.

I get why they did it the way they did, but I'd prefer to have seen these things as just being an extra bonus thing that fighters could have gotten in, say, Unchained.

Look up Everyman Unchained: Fighters, it does exactly you're describing above and more.

Grand Lodge

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If you really want to embrace the idea of fighters not sucking, with consideration of Weapon Master's Handbook, Armour Master's Handbook, and the Stamina system introduced in Pathfinder Unchained... I would unequivocally recommend the Everyman Unchained: Fighters, as there is no other supplement that truly provides as much versatility, options, or attractiveness for playing a fighter and is exactly what Paizo should have done.

Grand Lodge

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1. The Magic system, which can be very frustating especially if you want a game to go high level and yet don't want full casters completely overshadowing other players or causing undo stress to the adventures.

I would replace it with the Spheres of Power system.

2. The Combat system, which often leaves melee characters with much more limited options as well just standing still and full attacking. Giving them options other then simply beating an opponent with a stick while hoping a caster doesn't simply cast a spell and get the job done faster. Also, more kinetic and fluid combat where one does not need to stand still just to get the most damage.

I would, once it is finished going through playtesting and is offically released, replace it with Spheres of Combat. Of which I was part of the kickstarter for and am very excited to use.

3. Leadership rules and the feat that everyone thinks is broken, and how apart for spellcasting many see Charisma as a wasted feat. How there isn't a lot of options, apart from perhaps Kingmaker, for more social encounters or even psychological strategy in combat.

Replace existing rules with Ultimate Charisma, as well consideration of certain Legendary Games supplements from their Ultimate line.

4. More versatility and even complexity for Bloodlines, both for Sorcerers and Bloodragers, and in what powers can actually be gained from have a particular ancestry or parentage.

The The Big Book of Bloodlines by Interjection Games.

5. More archetypes, better crafted archetypes, and in general more options for players or class building. With this even, improved versions of already published options that Paizo did not do quite as well as they could.

The Archetype Compendium by Flaming Crab Games, the Everyman Unchained products (counting, in particular, the Unchained Fighter), Legendary Classes (particularly for the Rogue which is comparable with its Unchained version), Childhood Adventures, and more.

There is more, but for now that will do. When it comes to Pathfinder not having the rules or options I want, I can generally count on a 3rd parties coming up with something brilliant and well made. Particularly when it comes to products well rated and recommended by The Endzeitgeist.

Grand Lodge

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I would like to request advice on character advancement, spell selection, skills and feats, as well other such things.

Also general thoughts on the overall concept and consideration of certain details. In the implications hinted at in her backstory, though not outright stated, for those that can guess on what these may be. The reason being that they are admittedly a more sensitive subject for many, and one that I may need care in handling.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral*
Traits: Enemy of Slavers, Overwhelming Beauty
Alternate Racial Traits: Fey magic, fey thoughts, low-light vision, powerful presence
Class: Feyspeaker (Druid)
Personality: Nature and the magic from within were her most trusted allies, of which she will hold most dear, and even those companions she might find herself traveling with would find a certain distance. Distrust and suspicious with be in her thoughts when first meeting others, though this shall generally be hidden by a charm and sense of amused detachment.

Yet despite this, inside is the scars of her past. Hidden with a playful coyness or soft mockery, depending on her mood. One moment she may be teasing others with a smile towards those around her, yet then reveal sudden snark or biting tongue. For those who she comes to consider friends though, a warmth and openness may begin revealing itself.

Backstory (I will be expanding this): Born with clear marks of her fey ancestry and growing up to have an enticing beauty, she was kidnapped in her youth and forced into the life of slavery. Trained to serve the master who purchased her, and exploited for her looks as an exotic possession to show off or used for pleasure. Such parts of her past she tries to block out of her mind as much as possible, and will be unwilling to discuss it with any but those she most trusts.

After a few years of such a life, she was later be rescued by an old hermit who would teach her the way of the druids and nature before eventually sending her off to learn on her own given how her fey blood altered how she learned magic. It coming more from emotion and passions, then the more meticulous and meditative ways known by her mentor.

While at first uncertain of her path, going where ever the winds would take her or the whispers of the land,she would encounter settlements and those who she observed with distrust yet curiosity. The young woman came to a crossroads of civilization and nature, the fey blood influencing who she was yet still finding herself drawn to that of her own race.

In time, she would come to use her beauty to her own advantage, yet always be careful so as to avoid ever being enslaved again. At times even having her mistreatment cloud how she treated others, and finding herself actually taking secret pleasure from manipulating others. Yet she reserved a special passion towards those involved in the buying to selling of slaves, seeking to at first convince them from their path and if this fails punishing those who would commit such acts.

Explanation of Alignment
*Yes Chaotic Neutral alignment is generally avoided or frowned upon by most DMs, given how disruptive such an alignment can be and how many players use such to do whatever the hell they want. Myself, I have chosen this alignment because, in part, it follows the “any neutral” requirement of the druid class but also because she will seek after herself above all else. Her freedom, her path, and her desires.

Apart from having an understandable issue with slavers, given her own personal experience enslaved, she will not see the world so much in the light of such concepts as good and evil. If personally unaffected, she will generally not involve herself one way or another. She will be distrusting, suspicious, yet curious of others. Except for those who gain her trust, for those companions that she becomes emotionally connected with, she will generally ignore most or simply not care. That, and whenever others disrespect nature or harm animals as this will earn her disapproval or even wrath.

If the party she joins wishes to take a certain path or adventure, even save others from evil, she will follow... though perhaps not always without complaint. At the request of those she likes, trusts, and respects, for those she sees as family, the young woman can usually be found willing to put her own life at risk and set aside her own desires for them. Those those she does not like, cause her harm, or betrays her. This will instead reveal a certain cruel mischievousness or dark passion to harm or torment.

Grand Lodge

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Thanks for the ideas and advice, and my apologizes for not getting back sooner. Admittedly, mattering the fanon you go with for them... treating the two more like contracts could be a way to go.

Or perhaps, I could just house rule them monsters that look like undead but don't follow the rules for such. Perhaps even a template that changes or alters them so they are not animated by negative energy, perhaps "awakening them and giving them a soul in a way other then necromancy that creates undead.

I could start with the Skeletal Champion as a base.

Grand Lodge

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Actually two of them, but essentially I am looking to create more unique monsters for an encounter where the party would meet these strange skeleton brothers. One would be especially friendly, the other more quiet but with a sense of humor. One is actually very dangerous, so the hope would be the players' character wouldn't immediately attack the skeletons.

Any advice on how I should work the mechanics of these non evil and intelligent undead, with a will free any necromancer or cleric as well their own personality, motives, and even class levels?

How should Smite work on these skeletons? Even though they are undead, they are both non-evil, intelligent, and free will would they still be harmed as other undead?

Grand Lodge

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Entryhazard wrote:
Because ironwood is a temporary transmutation

You do realize Ironwood can be made permanent using the a permanency spell right? More, that Ironwood armour is actually something one can acquire.

Grand Lodge

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Firewarrior44 wrote:
Woo. Finished! I Had to break the feat's chapter up as is was far too large and unwieldy (also took forever to render). But it's done.

With the go ahead of Kirth, I will host/link the Kirthfinder Complete PDF in that I finished what Firewarrior44 started by having everything made into a single, 524 page file. Enjoy

Kirthfinder Complete

Grand Lodge

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My plan was to very much build a campaign around this one source book, to creating a many number of city based adventures and challenges as the party goes up in level, prestige, and fame/infamy. From what has been described for the city of Bard's Gate, I would be able to do with with all of its content.

Grand Lodge

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Thanks, glad I could paticipate.

Grand Lodge

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Nice, I'll see what Forest Guardian Press has and send an email.

Admittedly, another Christmas gift I plan on getting this weekend is a hardcover of the Spheres of Power.

Grand Lodge

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Forrestfire wrote:
It is in fact a reference.

Glad to see another Undertale fan!

Grand Lodge

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Well that was interesting.

Grand Lodge

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Hmm, the Nation Avowed could work fairly well in building Undyne from Undertale. The ability "Hearts Beat As One" is eerily named and appropriate, and her being the captain of her king's royal guard works well with the more military focus it appears to have.

Grand Lodge

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Rednal wrote:
(For those who aren't familiar with it, OBS is "OneBookShelf", the company behind DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, and similar sites.)

Ah, I was a little confused on this.

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