Ollie upsala's page

No posts. Organized Play character for John Kelbaugh.

Liberty's Edge

I am just wondering if these would stack. Brawler mods the Weapon Mastery at 20 so you must choose a specific type of weapon, while Seigebreaker replaces the ability completely.
I am just wondering.

Liberty's Edge

So I'm building this and RAW it seems to work. My question is about the evolution points, would they just stack as they are from different sources, and you could only change the ones from figment daily? That is my understanding of it anyway.

Liberty's Edge

So I'm building this and RAW it seems to work. My question is about the evolutions evolutions, would they just stack as they are from different sources, and you could only change the ones from figment daily? That is my understanding of it anyway.

Liberty's Edge

Are they legal, I kind of think it would be alright, but I didn't see it explicitly stated anywhere.

Liberty's Edge

I will be running 2 sessions at RPG day, Fantastic Games.
Check out our Meetup page if you are interested.
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