Anevia Tirablade

Harp Rose's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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This is a really important conversation and it is really tricky to navigate feminism in a fantasy realm with nonhuman creatures. We should definitely be talking about it. But this is not the place. At this point we are disrespecting Crystal and the other contestants. Let's focus on their hard work.

So, is the assumption that if we don't get to Calla in time or if we don't convince her to be good, then we have to fight the hag that she becomes? Wouldn't that be a pretty easy fight since she has no experience being a hag and probably has not been trained in hag stuff and knows nothing about her own powers?

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This one is a close second for me. Like a really close second. This author really went for it with the sodden lands and really hit home. I love the use of divination which I think is really underused. The adapting the divination to storm auguries is a bit of a stretch, but in a good way that the system needs to be stretched. And I love the use of the Thunderbird, because it is fairly neutral but can be turned evil. I would like to see the PCs try to turn it against the hags. I also love the sand box feel and I think there could be a ton a super cool loot hidden around here. I feel like I may be talking myself into voting for this one, lol.

But on a side note, it is SUPER disrespectful to post about one author on another authors page. Especially when you pretend to do it out of some bizarre notion of "fairness."

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RJGrady wrote:

I expressed my concern about hags in the discussion of the Storm-Veiled Spires. In the interest of fairness, I shall also state there that I have some misgivings about a story of a mean old lady seducing a good man and leading him to ruin, then showing up later with a surprise kid and demanding child support. Err, I mean, his soul. :) So, hags, they are tricky.

But... I think this pitch handles the hag a lot better than the other entry in this contest. She's the most active NPC in the story. She is given personal motivations, beyond being just evil. The themes surrounding hags, like dark motherhood, are relevant to the events in the story. She can't be reviled existentially without also, in some light, condemning the innocent victim in the story, according to that person's nature.

Wait, you have an issue with the hags being powerful and controlling a massive monster in the other proposal, but not with them being needy moms who do anything to get the man?