Gold Dragon

GM_PapaSteve's page

473 posts. Alias of Papasteve08.

Full Name



Human (Michigander) GM/1 Tactical -


Where on Golarion - CLW Charges: 0



About GM_PapaSteve

Hello and welcome to my GM Profile!

If you are here you are either curious or are playing in one of my games. Play by Post is a wonderful method for playing Pathfinder, or any roleplaying game for that matter as it is the most immersive form of role playing you can participate in, in my very humble opinion.

When done well, no other form of role playing allows such deep character development, or glimpse into the internal thoughts and motivations of a character, as well as providing for the most spectacular inter-personal relationships that make stories so much fun to experience. I have found this is true whether you are the reader or the writer. In the Play-by-Post setting, you get to be both!

So here are some basic rules if you are playing in one of my games. (I shamelessly admit I have completely stolen these from some incredible GMs (both online and in person) from which I have learned almost everything I know. It isn't plagiarism if you give them credit where credit is due. So a quick thanks to Aaron S., Lockwood, GM Damo, GM TheBobJones, GM Silbeg, and the other amazing players I have had the privilege of playing alongside!


The go-to comprehensive list is in the profile of the infamous GM Damo. Many of these customs came about in my many games with him and they make me feel comfortable and safe. Like a warm blanket. I will refer you to these if I see issues with posting.


Let's start with Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP. This is the quintessential guide to how to play this game on the boards for the most rich and immersive experience. Think of it as PbP-101.

Second, lets take you to the 201 class with Painlord's expansion on the basics.

Friendly tip - read both of those. It won't just make you a better PbP gamer, it will make you the type of gamer that others want to game with. It will even make your live sessions better. Take the time and read them.

There are other rules that will expand on this page as time goes on, but you will know about them if you are in one of my games before the game starts. I expect players to have fun. If you aren't having fun, I expect you to bring it to my attention. After all, if you aren't having fun, then what are we really doing here?