Seska may not be able to see it, but the bold attitude ticks off a goblin.
Round 2
Dark green mutters under his breath, "Alright."
He aims his next arrow at Seska.
Arrow, 1 increment:1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 2 = 18Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 321+ hits:1d100 ⇒ 17, were it clear light, that arrow would have hit.
But now, the arrow flies but half an inch past her face, brushing some of her hair.
The barrier carries remain in position, and their archers let their arrows fly.
Western archers, soft + part cover:4d2 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 2) + 4 - 4 = 7Dmg:4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 5) = 14
Their arrows bump off the walls.
The eastern archers let their own arrows fly.
Eastern archers, soft + part cover:6d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (8, 17, 8, 9, 7, 4) + 4 - 4 = 53Dmg:6d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 4) = 31
One of the archers manages to land a hit on bright-green goblin in the watch tower for 4 dmg.
Blue, Cyan, & Purple
Astella & Severa
Green (-4) & Red
Astella shoots an arrow that flies fairly towards its target, but bumps off the wall in the end.
Severa's archers stand in a pose holding their bows upwards.
Red and green let their own arrows fly.
Red vs west barrier carrier:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 6 Green vs Daniel:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 3
The portable barrier takes a single point of damage, as the arrowhead lodges itself in the exposed side. The arrow flying towards Daniel is also far too wide to even come close to hitting him.
@Daniel, for the correct increment penalties, i'll move you to the edge of low light.
Daniel does what a spartan in the movie 300 does, he grabs his javelin and effortless makes it fly upwards, hitting the goblin for a solid 8 dmg.
Blue vs western barrier:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 4 Cyan vs Daniel, 1 increment:1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 - 2 = 4Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 2 Purple vs illusionary archer:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17Dmg:1d6 ⇒ 1
Illusions don't have ability scores, i think that would leave an illusion at AC 5. I couldn't find something concrete about it.
The arrow the goblin fires clearly hits an archer right in the chest. However, no motion or sound comes from it.
???Will:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15, the lack of any reaction confuses him, but he can't determine why.
Astella & Severa
Green & Red
As spells go off, four fake illusionary soldiers appearing, and people marching into the low-light area, the goblins shout.
#1 "Heads up! The townsfolk have sent armed people themselves!"
#2 "Fools! They don't even bring any ladders."
A horn sounds from the south where you were just earlier. Those people must have started their own approach.
Counter attack, round 1
The eastern archers delay until the western barriers have moved.
Dark green goblin takes a shot at 1d5 ⇒ 1Daniel. Pulling bowstring, 1 increment:1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 - 2 = 4Arrow:1d6 ⇒ 2
The arrow flies 5 feet to high to be even near Daniel.
Both barrier carrier lines move forward, stopping just outside of clear light. The eastern line of archers move to take some cover behind the barrier carriers. They know the shooting is mostly futile, but such was not the purpose. Buying the infiltration team time was.
Shot, partial cover x2:6d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (16, 7, 13, 7, 3, 4) + 4 - 4 = 50Dmg:6d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 4, 3, 5) = 22
Two arrows come close to the walled positions two goblins are at, the others bounce off the walls.
Blue, Cyan, & Purple
Astella & Severa
Green & Red
@Seska, correct. The infiltration team is a group of NPCs, working seperately from the distraction. They are at a different location towards the fort, when this starts.
You and the people gathered gather again behind the hill, then deciding to make your way to the west.
Before doing so, one of the people carrying a barrier speaks up in soft voice.
Human: "We are about 100 feet away from the fort's walls.
How about half of us approach with the barriers from here, and the rest spread out from the west?" We'd just have to stay outside of the clear light."[/b]
A 2nd,
"Shooting some arrows at the walls while doing so. We can start after 15 minutes or so?"
With the light provided by the torches, faint as it may be on the ground at that distance, the villagers and you split up.
At the west wall
The 10ft wide gate looks firm, from a distance. And more properly lit even than the southern wall. It still has the same radius of light, but there's 2 small watchtowers flanking the gate. There's a brazier at each of them, with a duo of watchmen in them.
The timing of travel, yours and that of the infiltration team, had been timed according to plan. Give or take within less than the hour, they would arrive via the river bank a few miles to the east.
If you have any buffs or preps before the distraction begins, go ahead.
With the 15 minutes having passed, the people holding onto the portable barriers start moving. The barriers making for 6 'fake soldiers' and another 4 some distance nearby, walking side by side. Meanwhile, archers with shortbows start walking behind them at a short distance.
Everyone, place your characters where you'd want to start from. It will start from the bottom row. We are at misc slides #12.
The wall has thicker segments, representing the battlements. The thickest are total cover, the thinner lines are partial cover, providing +2 AC.
Oh yes! In fact, it almost led to a diplomatic incident when I forgot -not-(?)to slurp my soup loudly when the Ambassador's entourage was visiting a southern Duke!
Perception Daniel:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Daniel too enjoys the fair weather.
February 20th: Around 2.00 AM.
The weather this night is clouded, and while most of the way the people make due with torches, they are extinguished when the hill nearing the fort comes into sight. Pace turns slow, and everyone is down to hushed whispers. Taking some cover as far as the hill can provide, two people crawl to just above the edge.
Would you like to join for the spying on the defenses?
Perception 0:
There is a perimeter of torches around the fort, providing clear sight to 50 feet from the fort's walls. From the west a road leads into the fort.
Perception 14:
Some less visible than others, standing partially behind the stone battlements, you make out about 8 sentries on this side of the fort's walls, 2 of whom are in a watch tower. And of which 2 are patrolling from opposite directions.
Counting on the successful warding off in Fairbrooke to give some breathing space, preparations have been made. About 10 of the thin portable barriers have been made. With the premise of moving in the dark, a few villagers had been creative, having mounted oval shapes on the upper edge, in hopes to give it a vague resemblance of it being a few people moving together.
To raise morale, the town council issued a round on the house for the participants.
February 18th, morning.
The fort still being a little over 2 days march away, the crowd gathers early in the morning, checking their rations and assorted weapons.
Limited though their number may be, it being a 5th of the town's people, they are motivated. By 9.00 in the morning, you and the others set out.
2d100 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2Ok, that's truly remarkable.
A pleasant breeze blows today.
Perception 18:
On your way, you pass by a beautiful lake. A big 30 by 30 ft rock formation stands at its shore. Some fallen leaves from the nearby trees are picked up by the wind. However, while they normally would hit and drop when hitting a rock formation, some leaves seem to stop momentarily in odd places, like mid-air, before getting picked up again. As if they had been stopped by something.
Detect magic.
Moderate illusion magic is at work here.
Spellcraft 20.
You've heard mention of illusion magics able to hide or mask the appearance of terrain or even structures. Bracadan mages call it 'Mirage Arcana'.
Sorry for the pause.
[ooc]Question for the team: The infiltration team would focus on opening the gates mainly.
All things getting considered, the doubters get convinced by their fellow council members.
During the following 4 days, a group from Fairhaven heads for Fairbrook to collect those willing to participate in the covert mission. They return with two from Fairbrook, which includes the redhead ranger.
From Fairhaven, a trio complete the team.
Infiltration team consists of a muscle, ranger, cleric, rogue, and a jack of all trades.
Fairhaven constructs a several 10ft wide portable barriers. It looks like a large portable version of those woven fences, but high as a tower shield. By plan, about 40 able townsfolk will assist in the diversion, carrying the barriers and fighting if need be. Generally divided into smaller groups.
However, with Estelle and Strom staying in town, the town asks for a cleric to join you.
To avoid railroading which approach the team takes, diversion or secret tunnel infiltration, i'd like your vote on it.
Daniel is in favor of the diversion outside of the fort, to give an infiltration team the opportunity to get to the secret tunnel, and deal with things inside the keep.
Astella and Severa are up for either, as long as there is no party split. Which has your preference?
Hello Sister Seska! Welcome! I play Severa, an elven illusionist wizard with a little more social skill than you'd expect as she has worked as an ambassador.
If you're aspiring the position, The Contested Lands are not yet united, but could use one when they are. ;) Beats being just an ambassador's pupil.
Currently the scene has the party speaking with Fairbrooke's council about making a move on the military fort occupied by the goblin force who have raided the region for some time.
The original plan is to be part of the diversion to give an infiltration team chance to start a sabotage from within. It'd be a good opportunity to hop onto the wagon.
Just wanted to check in. Sadly there don't seem to be other interested applicants, but I also don't want to assume I get in de facto. Where do you stand on this recruitment?
Exactly what Astella said. Hop on over to discussion.
I don't know, sorry... I am just winging it here. Didn't mean to change the plan. I thought that was the plan. Whatever works.
Just asking, as previously 2 were seemingly in favor of doing the stealth, 2 in favor of being part of the diversion. Currently 2 & 1. I reckon the cleric will go with either.
A dwarf woman next to the timid man: "But wait, this is the first time we even heard of a secret tunnel. If this is true, how did you even come to knowledge that would be military information?"
An elven man more composed: "That place was held for only a relatively short time, before the Erathian army threw us back on our backs after our fight for independence. We might not have had enough time to thoroughly get to know all its secrets."
The dwarf who was firmly in favor of action looks back at you.
"So Fairbrooke proposes a combined effort of infiltration and a diverting action outside of the fort? As good an intention as any.", he looks around the table, then raises his hand into the air.
"In favor!", his hand more a raised fist in enthusiastic gesture.
Around the table people talk in softer tone briefly, before the majority agrees with the dwarf. Only the timid man doesn't, and a few people wanting to know details before jumping on board. Such as how many people will form the infiltration team, -who- will be on that team, what the plan is for the diversion.
With Strom staying in town, who was in favor of being outside of the fort, do you still want to do so? Or do the infiltration?
@ DeathQuaker, something for your selected languages. Avlee and Erathia are the nations, with both neither an own language, but the languages of its people.
Erathia is generally a human kingdom, speaking Common. Ambassadors being their own exceptions to the rule, obviously.
Avlee holds centaurs, dwarves, elves, dragons (mainly in its central region around the Dragon Cliffs, a very small human minority (druids/rangers. Examples being ranger Ryland and druid Gem.), and the dragons that aid cities in times of war). Their main encountered languages are common, draconic, dwarven, elven, sylvan.
I would like to know, if you choose a language not from your own kingdom, of how or where your character has learned it.
To give a silly example, how does a dwarf from an isolated forest village from Avlee, learn Gnoll speech that is unique and far away, in the swamp nation of Tatalia.
The door opens to a functional room with just a few decorations. A twelve heads count of council of all people from Fairhaven, elves dwarves humans and 1/2 elves, löok into your direction.
Assuming this is backed up with the letter from Fairbrooke...
There are surprised expressions all around, some of which are but mere raised brows, but attention is had.
A councilwoman: "A secret tunnel? Where"
(Hastily defensive voice) Timid looking human: "But getting close is suicide? How are we to safely get people there in the first place?"
From behind the door you can hear a muffled part of conversation.
Critical voice "So in the end, it is better to stay behind our walls and try weather this out?"
Hastily defensive voice "Fairbrooke was the more remote of the towns, and they got taken by surprise. But what else is there to do, when a large force occupies the fort? They've successfully plundered and raided."
Calm voice "I agree though, something must be done. The situation cannot continue indefinitely."
@ Deathquaker
The specialization points work like all skillpoints. Any selection can't exceed character level. In addition, the expertise trainer of the selected specialization must be sought out.
Getting back, you are joined by Estelle, who had been busy helping the Fairbrooke refugees.
Strom, respecting people who help and heal selflessly, gets into a conversation with her. Both decide to stay in Fairhaven until the goblin situation calms down. Estelle promises to come back to Welnin at first convenient opportunity.
You can overhear people chatting, discussing chances of an attack happening before or after the memorial festival.
Some believe things at the fort must be on low temperature, as even the goblins must heal their wounds before taking action again.
Just relaying the plan and convincing the town council remains.
Answers to your questions:
1) Currently the party is in tge middle township of Fairhaven, which is a mingle of Avlee and Erathia in terms of culture. Welnin to the ewest is more Erathian, while Fairbrooke to the northeast is Avlee in culture.
One could be a local from one of the townships. Fairbrooke's dwarven and elven townsfolk have mostly sought refuge in Fairhaven. Joining the effort to evict the goblin force from the fort is a fair motivator.
Or, if a goblin as pc is chosen, being in the jail or among the coerced forces, would be a setup. A prison break is very much possible.
Goblins also are hired as guards to merchants.
2) We have a fighter going into paladin, archer bard, and Wizard. But play what you want.
3) I'm leaving this open for a couple of weeks. Hopefully i can select from entries before Christmas? X)
You need not to worry about the personal agency or flirting.
Our group is looking for two more adventurers looking to make a name for themselves in the world of Might & Magic. Our story so far:
The original 4 heroes participated in a contest and won stewardship of Castle Harmondale and the town of Welnin, one of three towns in The Contested Lands, a region that has had a battle-worn history for the past several centuries. Currently the heroes are preparing a move against the lands' central fort, occupied by a garrison of goblins. This to stabilize the lands, creating opportunity to establish an independant land, together with the other towns' support.
(Town building-lite)
(goblins are medium sized humanoids here, and are an intelligent people, akin to green skinned humans and elves)
Part of the goblin force is supposedly coerced into fighting, since their wives are kept in the dungeons. Goblin PCs have a perfect tie-in here.
Going by source material, there's countries to explore, plenty of things to vanquish, and fame to earn. Are there adventurers looking to settle and become heroes of Welnin?
Character creation:
18 point buy. We started 15, which expanded to 18. No scores above 18 or below 8 after racial modifiers.
2 traits,no drawbacks.
Wealth: 2000 gold.
Classes: Core, minus barbarian. Barbarians are not particularly liked outside of the barbarian nation of Krewlod.
Archetypes subject to approval.
There is no orient continent, thereby excluding eastern armor and weapons, as well as eastern themed archetypes.
Races: Dwarf *, Elf, Goblin *, Half-elf *, Human
When you choose a race, you have an origin or ties in a nation of your choosing, that has them as a population. The nations and their inhabitants, along with pantheons, are described in the Players Guide linked under the header.
* Dwarves are devided into 2 categories. Avlee born dwarves, and born in Stone City, the semi-city state of the dwarves of the Barrow Downs.
While the Stone City dwarves are your average dwarf, their AvLee cousins have slightly less hardy bodies, from the less burdensome life in the forests and hills.
However, from being around elves and other forest dwelling creatures, their social mannerism are considered better, but are somewhat less driven than their Stonecity brethren. AvLee dwarves get a +2 to Wisdom and Charisma, and take a -2 to Dexterity, instead of the usual dwarf modifiers.
* Goblins are medium sized humanoids, with green skin in a variety of shades. They are native to Deyja and Krewlod. Outside of Deyja and Krewlod, some end up as bodyguards or mercenaries.
The males especially, often have more rough looks, like humans, while females can sometimes look like slightly more muscular green elves with sharp features.
Lupine affinity: Goblins have a +2 bonus to checks when interacting with wolves.
Versatile: Like humans, they are a flexible race, and get a +2 bonus to a single ability score.
* Half-elves, aka half-bloods. Half-elves are a very rare sight. I'd take only one half-elf. Their ties would lie with Avlee or the Contested Lands.
Gods & domains
Each nation has its figures of worship, but that does not exclude clerics undevoted to a particular deity.
A feature i adapt from the game franchise, is specialization points.
They are similar to background skills, in that you receive 2 per level, but will spend them divided on your choice of proficient weapon/armor/type of magic. More is detailed in the players guide.[/spoiler]
In relation to animal companions or themed archetypes:
Animals that live on savannas and dinosaurs, make no appearance in this setting. Those do no exist on the world.
Golarion related outsiders also do not make an appearance in the game.
1) What did you do during the conflict?
2) Name one specific person from your past, you have lost contact with during the conflict.
3) Quirks to be aware of?
4) What unsettles your PC?
5) Particular goals in life?
Severa nods to Neas in thanks "Do you know any more about the tunnel, such as where in the fort it originates? If anyone sneaks up through the tunnel, they would want to know where they will be!"
"The very first tunnel started in the keep of the fort. I think it is likely the same goes for the last tunnel. The keep holds the commander's quarters and war room on the 1nd floor. An assembly room, and quarters for guests and guards on the ground floor. And an underground prison. That is what is documented. What is outside within the fort's walls may have been subject to which side held the fort at a given time. I would guess the tunnel starts in one of the quarters. Given Avlee held it last, i wouldn't say it improbable that they put a fork in the path, or a trap or two to slow pursuers."
She raises a finger in warning.
"Avlee had implemented magical defenses against outside attacking forces, which needed no speech activation. In case you are thinking about that as well. I have no details on what, but it did require manual activation."
Severa nods. "Fascinating. My thanks for this useful information."
"You're welcome. Was this the only topic you needed information about?"
Meanwhile Daniel and Strom are busy helping the townsfolk with preparations where they can. Iron reserves are not great, wood moreso.
Spears, slings, wooden hammers, arrows. With luck they wouldn't need it, provided the infiltration plan works. But they feel a bit more secure doing what they can.
Still, despite the atmosphere, they hear a few children being excited over the memorial festival. One of them, a little dwarf girl, looks at you two with enthusiasm.
"Misters, you're not from here, are you? It's worth visiting. It's about the history of our town and the lands."
Severa nods thoughtfully to Astella as she listens to Neas. "That is very interesting and useful. Do you know of any rumors or hints as to the location of the new tunnel? Does the newer tunnel face the river like the old one?"
"Most likely, that would be the most useful. Supposedly the outside entrypoint would be pointed out by 'the wooden dragon's claw'. Information wasn't documented more than that."
Astella explains why they are headed to the fort, then adds
So, now that you know why, is there anything you can tell us about the fort that might help?
Neas listens patiently to your plan.
"Ambitious, but nothing ventured nothing gained. There used to be an escape tunnel facing the riverside when it was built by Erathia, but supposedly sealed by Avlee afterwards, when they captured the fort."
She seemingly thinks a few things over, before continuing.
"However, there was an unofficial mention that a new tunnel was made later in the Timber Wars by Avlee, just before the end of the war. With some luck, the goblins haven't found it, though even if they had, it's entrance and exit are warded, conveniently deactivated by elven speech."
We're in need of some information about a fort. Is there a place we can talk privately? I don't want to disturb Jennifer's business dealings.
Jennifer nods as Neas looks to her. "Sure, go ahead."
Neas walks you into the humble but cozy living room. Two chairs standing at the table, some small furniture and a place to cook. Neas gestures to one of the padded chairs.
"Well, people don't often try find a courier for history trivia, i'm guessing that could be the case? So what's your interest?"
Hello. I'm Astella. Is your name Neas? I heard there was a half-elf around here by that name that I wanted to talk to, so hoping I wandered into the right place. Forgive me if I am mistaken.
The blonde shakes her head. "No, i'm Jennifer, the town herbalist."
She takes a few paces behind the counter, to call into a door in the back.
"Neas, Neas! Someone to see you, do you got time?"
A moment later a reply is heard.
"Hold on, i'll be right over."
The door to the living area of the house opens, and there stands a 1/2 elf, dressed in green & beige. Her ears' tips evidently hiding underneath flowing auburn hair, under which two vibrant clear blue eyes look at you.