About Aukan the GoliathDescription:
A towering figure, 7’5” and 300 pounds of pure muscle and sinew, Aukan is larger than any half-orc you have seen. His gray skin is mottled with dark and light patches has very few adornments and doesn't wear any armor. Lithoderms are coin-sized bone and skin growths as hard as pebbles. Lithoderms speckle his arms, shoulders, and torso. His skull has a jutting eyebrow ridge and wide jaw no hair can be seen on his head though there is some very fine hair on his arms and chest. His eyes look to be cut from emeralds, for they are a brilliant green, and they often seem to glow a little from underneath his furrowed brows. He wears a simple pack and a belt to hold all his weapons. He wears simple breeches, coming down to mid calf. He has a simple necklace of shiny black rocks around his neck. Only a cape is around his shoulders leaving his chest exposed. An intricate leather belt with three glowing sunstones resides on his waist, with multiple sheathes which you soon find out hold wands. A simple haversack is upon his back. A little red praying mantis moves around on his left shoulder and a tiny mechanical bird perches on his right shoulder.
Aukan ‘Khan’ Splitter of Trigath, Mountain Defense Male Sublime Goliath Fighter 5/Scaled Fist 1 NG Medium Monstrous Humanoid Init +8; Perception +8 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 37, touch 31, flat-footed 29 (+4 mage armor, +8 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 Natural, Cha +12) AC 41, touch 31, flat-footed 33 (+4 shield) hp 211 (10+10+5+10+5+5+78+6+72); 5d10+1d8; Con; Toughness; Cha Fast Healing 12 Fort +23, (class +5, Con +13, item +5)
Base Atk +5; CMB +15, CMD 33
[dice=Large MW Goliath Warhammer:PA] 1d20 + 16 - 2[/dice]
Large MW Dagger +16 (1d6+8/19-20 x2)
[dice=Large +1 Cold Iron Dragon slaying Greatsword of Legacy]1d20+17[/dice] +2 vs. dragons, goblins, and gnolls only one at a time
2nd and more strikes in cleave:
Large MW Sling +14 (1d6+10) 50 ft. (15 bullets)
[dice=MW Sling]1d20+14[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Special Attacks: Power Attack -2 attack, +4/+6 one handed/two handed damage
Sublime bonus: Toughness
Dangerously Curious: You have always been intrigued by magic, because you were the child of a magician. You often snuck into your parent's laboratory to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and frequently caused quite a bit of damage and headaches for your parent as a result. You gain a +1 bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you. SQ/Racial Traits:
Powerful Build, Mountain Movement, Acclimated, +2 Sense motive Sublime:
Creating a Sublime Creature
A sublime creature uses all of the base creature’s statistics and special abilities, except as noted here. CR: +2 Armor Class: Increase natural armor by +2. Speed: Increase all the base creature’s natural speeds by 10 ft. Special Defenses: fast healing (equal to Charisma bonus); Immune magic aging, disease, positive energy damage; Resist Negative Energy 10, increase the base creature’s Cold and Electricity resistance by 10. Special Abilities: The sublime creature gains the following special abilities. Ageless: Though the sublime creature is not truly immortal, it does not suffer the ravages or negative affects of old age. Upon reaching maturity, sublime creatures gain Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma as normal for a member of their species, but are otherwise unaffected by the passing of time. Sublime creatures never die of old age and they are immune to any spells or effects which cause aging. Channel Positive Energy: The sublime creature may channel positive energy as a cleric. Substitute the creature’s racial HD (minimum 1 for creatures with no racial HD) for cleric level to determine how effectively the creature can channel. If the creature has actual cleric levels (or other class levels which grant the ability), the creature’s racial HD and relevant class levels stack when determining the effect of the channeling. Positive Energy Affinity: The sublime creature’s affinity for positive energy is such that it is immune to any damage caused by positive energy effects or attacks. Additionally, any healing spells, or other effects, derived from positive energy are doubly effective when applied to the sublime creature (roll as normal for the effect, adding any bonuses such as those derived from class level, and then multiply the result by two). Strong Life-force: In addition to its Constitution modifier, the sublime creature also adds its Charisma modifier each of its HD when determining hit points. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Strength +2; Dexterity +2; Constitution +8; Intelligence +4; Charisma +8. Feats: Gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Skills: +4 racial bonus to Diplomacy.
Quirk: He will stop and tinker with any new magical contraption, Will Save DC 20. If it is new technology with out magic (Engineering) he gets no save unless it would put him in harms way. He also devotes half of his earnings to research on development of engineering, typically to a college, for tuition and for sage’s to continue their own research in that field. Most of his fellow goliaths would focus on the hunt, and perfecting that, always protecting oneself, and climbing to higher peaks. Skills: 24 + background skills craft trap and profession masseuse Acrobatics +16, (rank 5, CS +3, Dex +8) (- ACP)
Languages: Common, Gol-Kaa, Dwarven, Terran Modifiers:
11 gp, 10 sp, 8 cp On person: 2 charges used so far. Belt of healing (3 charges daily) As a standard action you may use 1 or more charges to heal yourself or another.
wand of cure light (0 charges) (1d8+1),
Gear: weapon cords, silver holy symbol of Sarenrae, belt pouch (chalk)(1/2), signal whistle, dagger(1), sling/bullets (15), Large Heavy Steel Shield (20), Goliath warhammer (30), small steel mirror (1/2), silver broach, coins (1) Total weight: 87 a few precious gems he collected on the way, a statue, and a silk rope. [spoiler=Spellcraft DC 24]Legacy Item: Greatsword of Mastery, It requires you to kill in single combat 3 of the creatures type to add the bane ability versus that type of creature. Dragon Bane and Gnoll Bane are active. +1 cold iron greatsword. It can only have two banes active at a time. [spoiler=Spellcraft DC 24 - statue]Eye of the mantis [spoiler=Spellcraft DC 20 - silk rope]It is a steadfast grapple. Command word : Ibrix Nautsr. It is infernal for 'be strong'. Handy Haversack (5): Bedroll(7), 4 pairs of breeches (8), 5 bells, winter blanket(3), 5 candles, 2 fish hooks, 5 fishing lines, 6 rations (7), 31 wandermeal rations, (6), 6 sacks(3), 4 waterskins (16), four tindertwigs, 8 silk rope 50 ft.(40), spade (8), 3 bottles of wine(3), 1/4 lb. of soap, fishing kit(3), rock climbing chalk, three daggers, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, 50 feet of thread, a whetstone, three sunrods, four tindertwigs, 10 day’s worth of firewood, flint and steel, mess kit[/ur], [url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipmenT/goods-and-services/tools-kits/#:~:text=PZO1123-,Kit%2C%20gear%20maintenance,-5]gear maintenance kit, 1 tent, two climber's kits, and an everburning torch. Total weight: ++60 Chronicler’s Kit: This bundle contains a map case, two vials of ink, two inkpens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, a pound of fine powder for drying ink, and a 20-foot measuring cord. The supplies usually suffice for chronicling a single expedition of not more than 2 months' duration; also two more journals, each two pounds for engineering and magical item notes. (8 ½ lbs.) Fishing kit: This kit includes a simple fishing pole and a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures).(3 lbs.) Gear maintenance kit: This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.(2 lbs.) Mess kit: This kit includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin. Each item has a handle or small hole, and can be tied together using the included leather cord.
I was excommunicated from my tribe for wanting to know more. I always talked to the traders and explorers that would come through our mountains. To build was my favorite pass time and they would always destroy it. The elders would tell me it is not my place to learn the ways of outsiders or to even learn of this thing, this force, they call magic. Yes I am one of their best fighters, no not a hunter, or a rager, but fighter. No one can stand in my way with my edged hammer. No one passes me or my defense. I am strong like the mountain and it holds me in place. They tell me that I should not play with such things. Though when my curiosity got me a wand that a wizard had left. Soon with the chief’s daughter’s home was in shambles and the flames had passed, I was taken by force, tied up and tossed before the elders. I had saved the chief’s daughter and her mate, which was my place though he weaseled his way into her life by charming her with the magics that they charge me with. They could not have truly taken me by force but I allowed them to take me, knowing that I would get a fair trial, that by me staying it showed my innocence or at least my naïveté of the item that I had used. No I was aghast to find out that a similar spell, a ball of fire had incinerated the chief’s home as well the same night, they charged me with both acts. I know the truth, I know the moltings of who I once called brother and the male I pulled from the chief’s daughter’s home was not him. They would not have listened to me even if I had not been gagged. The new chief had me brought to the fringes there they tied me to the largest tree they could find and they left. Soon after he returned, no more that a few hours, he was invisible and showed if off to me by becoming visible in front of me. ”Thank you brother, you have made taking over the village easier than I had hoped. I know you understand how to use some items, though I know how to wield the force of magic itself. I give you one last gift, banishment by that force you so desperately wanted to know.” At that point he teleported me away. Though he was able to say his name as a curse before being shunted away, "BALTHAZAR!" I know magic now, not to cast it but to bend it to my will. I hope to be able to cast it, or to have a master of its ways to help me get back home to make things right, by might or whatever means necessary. Though now I am home. Near magic, open space to create contraptions, though I am still lonely, that hole in my life is still there. I hope to find it someday. That was my first life and one that I loved dearly. I found many adventures through my years. Treasure, magic, technology, and the love of so many. My life was great, filled with danger and success... spoilers:
[spoiler=Vital] HP: 61/61, AC: 19/23_ T: 15/13_ FF: 15/20, DR 3/- Perception +7, Sense Motive +6, Initiative: +4/+2, Fort: +12 _ Ref: +9/+7_/ Will: +10, CMB: +15, CMD: 29/27, Speed: 30/20 Skills:
Acrobatics +11/+7, Bluff +4, Climb +14/+10, Escape Artist +4/-2, Handle Animal +8, Inti +10, K (dung/eng) +6, Ride +7/+3, Survival +11, Stealth +4/-2, Use magic device +10, Swim +13/+9 notes:
Loot taken:
(8) +1 studded leather armor
(6) composite longbows
2 potions of cure light. Round 1
Balan... Aukan draws his large greatsword and steps in with a large swing cutting one of the spider's legs. The spider takes a step back and then misses as it bites once more at Aukan.AoO for Aukan and maybe others. 79 |