Ironperenti's Dread Forces

Game Master Ironperenti

Atlantean Calendar

Treasure Tracker

Map Link

Map of Tattoo Island

Dread Forces Pics


Large ship
Squares 1 (10 ft. by 20 ft.)
AC 9; Hardness 5
hp 120 (sails 40)
Base Save +2
Maximum Speed 120 ft. (wind); Acceleration 60 ft.
CMB +1; CMD 11
Ramming Damage 2d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor) (when using wind or current)
Means of Propulsion 10 squares of sails (one mast)
Crew 2 minimum to sail
Decks 2
Cargo/Passengers 2 tons/up to 12 passengers (depending on size)


Cookie: Human Expert 3, NG medium humanoid, CR 1
Defense: AC 11 (+1 Dex); HPs 15 (3D8); FOR 1 REF 2 WIL 5
Offense: Speed 30'; Init +1; Dagger +2 (1d4)
Ability Scores: Str +0 Dex +1 Con 0 Int +1 Wis +2 Cha 0
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Climb +8, Know: Geography +7, Know: Local +7, Prof: Sailor +11,
Perception +8, Survival +8, Swim +8
Feats: Skill focus: Prof Sailor; athletic Language: Marolingian Common (Greek)

On or about 300 BC in a world unlike ours in that sorcery and dragons were real, the island nation of Atlantis controlled the known world through magic and technology. While researching means to expand their influence they developed a device that could transport small groups leagues away instantaneously. Control was limited and there was no instant means for such a group to return but the exploration possibilities seemed limitless. Soon, Atlantis began to send out groups of explorers to find new civilizations. They learned to prepare the groups with star charts to help them return and trade goods to entice the natives. The crown and the explorers prospered.
The system was not without its flaws. Many exploration teams were never heard from again. But the low cost to financiers to send volunteer teams with a small amount of goods and the potential profit for the explorers ensured the continued use of the transportation device.
In the year of the Swordfish the Atlantean crown wanted to test the limits of the transporter. They decided to try for a 2000 mile cast and offered a lucrative deal to include percent partnership in the trade route to any team that returned. There was a drawing held to determine which exploration teams would have the opportunity to participate. Three were chosen.