The Most Intriguing Classes

Wednesday, March 10, 2016

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue is only a few weeks away, and it's time for the first rules preview blog—this time focusing on classes!

The new class in Ultimate Intrigue is the vigilante. An upstanding member of society by day and adventurer by night, the vigilante has two different identities which can even have different alignments. Unless someone discovers that the two identities are the same, divinations like scrying only work when the vigilante is in the form the diviner is trying to scry. Each vigilante chooses to be either a stalker, focusing on sneaking up on foes and punishing them before the foe notices the stalker is there, or the avenger, focusing on giving foes a more straightforward beatdown and gaining a full base attack bonus. The vigilante class is extremely modular, with a talent option at every level, switching off between social talents that give him an edge in social situations and other intrigue hijinks out of combat, and vigilante talents, which generally provide powerful combat options that he can use in either identity, though it might give him away if people see him using them in his social identity.

Illustrations by Tomasz Chistowski

If you've been with us since the playtest, the biggest change is that zealot and warlock are now archetypes, and while avenger and stalker each have some talents that only that specialization can choose, many of the talents that seemed like they fit the vigilante in general are now available to all vigilantes, as you requested in the playtest. Also, you asked for social talents based on being a craftsman or professional, and those are now available as well!

So I mentioned that warlock and zealot (which were arcane and divine vigilantes for those of you not part of the playtest) are now archetypes. All told, the vigilante has 10 pages of archetypes, the most that any class has ever received in a book. After all, he has plenty of catch-up in order to match his older cousins that have been around for more books. The brute has a hulking out-of control vigilante identity, and he can't always stop the transformation when he's in danger. Cabalists make blood pacts with dark patrons, gaining witch spells, blood powers, and a familiar. Gunmasters bring justice with firearms, and they gain a bunch of deeds as potential vigilante talents. The magical child archetype covers the "magical girl" trope, with a transformation sequence ability (faster switch between identities, but with flashy lights and music), summoner spells, and an otherworldly buddy. Mounted furies are mounted vigilantes like Zorro whose steeds also have a secret identity. Psychometrists are gadgetmasters and tinkerers who create personal occult gadgets to do things like fly (basically creating gadgets that each perform a single occultist focus power). Warlocks, are arcane casters from the magus list, with elemental options and mystic bolts of energy. Wildsouls are vigilantes who gain animalistic features in their vigilante identity. Finally, zealots are secret champions of their faiths, often because their religion is outlawed or persecuted, who cast from the inquisitor list and smite foes of one opposing alignment.

But vigilantes aren't the only ones with archetypes. Exciting archetypes for other classes include the tyrant (a lawful evil antipaladin archetype!), cardinal (a politics-heavy cleric with 6 skill points per level), gray paladin (can be one step from lawful good and smite any foe, but the lack of absolute conviction makes many abilities less absolute), fey caller (unchained summoner that summons a fey, with an all-new fey eidolon), zeitgeist binder (spiritualist that calls in a local zeitgeist based on a settlement statistic like corruption or society), battle scion (Celt/King Arthur blend skald that can call others to a quest and go into a deathlike sleep to return some day), dandy (a courtly ranger with the ability to manipulate rumors instead of wild empathy), vizier (a mesmerist that has a "power behind the throne" ability to make it look like his allies are the real threat while insidiously influencing them for his own agenda), feyspeaker (a fey-themed druid with 6 skill points per level that casts using Charisma!), and plenty more. In addition, the classes chapter two new inquisitions (Crime and Secrets), three new ranger combat styles (deceptive, menacing, and underhanded), four new rogue talents (follow along, shades of gray, hidden mind, and stalker talent), an oracle mystery (Intrigue), and even five intrigue-themed kineticist utility wild talents (earthmeld, flame trap, spying touchsight, greater voice of the wind, and greater watersense).

Tune in next week to hear more about some of the cool feats, spells, and magic items of intrigue!

Mark Seifter

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder RPG Tomasz Chistowski Ultimate Intrigue Vigilante
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I'm sure someone else has already said this, but this book really seems intriguing... Yeah, I'll show myself out. Just need to say something more first. I wasn't really too interested in the class and I was wondering how they'd fix the caster problem in it. Seems like they did it though! Can't wait to play Sailor Moon and Batman.

Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm....

I'm interested to see how they pull of the Cabalist...I have had several character concepts that sounds well suited too....

Really eager to see what the new Keneticist abilities are like....especially fire trap.....

3 people marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
AlgaeNymph wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

A friend of mine is a magical girl fan and if you want a Faustian twist to the genre watch "Magical Girl Madoka"

zergtitan wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

A friend of mine is a magical girl fan and if you want a Faustian twist to the genre watch "Magical Girl Madoka"

I actually just tried watching some video's in an attempt to understand the trope....but I can't get past the art's not just uninteresting....but a complete turn off (at least in my opinion)...

I mean mini skirts and bows...I cant imagine any one outside of an eight year old girl finding that interesting.....

Ah each their own.

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Yeah, despite all the sparkles and pleated skirts magical girls usually have pretty massive destructive potential.

I'll have to see if the archetype is something I can relate to..."massive destructive potential" certainly sounds interesting ;)


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Try the Chosen One paladin from Familiar Folio for some of the "Magical Girl Warrior" trope, using smites for the massive damage attack thing (though it's much lighter of a reference to the trope and doesn't have a transformation sequence).

3 people marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

A friend of mine is a magical girl fan and if you want a Faustian twist to the genre watch "Magical Girl Madoka"

I actually just tried watching some video's in an attempt to understand the trope....but I can't get past the art's not just uninteresting....but a complete turn off (at least in my opinion)...

I mean mini skirts and bows...I cant imagine any one outside of an eight year old girl finding that interesting.....

Ah each their own.

That's actually part of what makes it creepy. You start with generic cutesy anime girls and then the Lovecraftian elements start to kick in...

As far as magical series go my favorites are Sailor Moon, Card Capture Sakura, Princess Tutu, W.i.t.c.h., Miraculous Ladybug, Devil Hunter Yoko, Shugo Chara, Akazukin Chacha, and Magic Users Club. I would also count Cutey Honey but she is technically an android and her abilities are non-magical. You could also count Rainbow Brite, She-Ra, and Moondreamers as magical girls series. Though Jem and Holograms is similar just like Cutey Honey, her powers are based on tech not magic.

Silver Crusade

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zergtitan wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

A friend of mine is a magical girl fan and if you want a Faustian twist to the genre watch "Magical Girl Madoka"

"Faustian Twist." Despite its accuracy it almost feels understated.

'Would you like to make a contract with me?'

Bwahaha now I finally have decent rules to run a proper Power Rangers campaign!

Mark Seifter wrote:
Try the Chosen One paladin from Familiar Folio for some of the "Magical Girl Warrior" trope, using smites for the massive damage attack thing (though it's much lighter of a reference to the trope and doesn't have a transformation sequence).

For some reason, Chosen One doesn't make me think of Magical Girl Warrior so much as of Eddie Murphy, even though I've unfortunately only seen the trailer for that movie, and not the movie itself . . . .

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Gotta watch the movie! It's one of his best. :-)

Rub-Eta wrote:
I'm sure someone else has already said this, but this book really seems intriguing... Yeah, I'll show myself out.

Your intrigue skills were insufficient to escape our notice. We have seen what you did there and recorded it in the International Registry of Puns (tm).

Yeah, The Golden Child is one of his best other then Coming to America and the first two Beverly Hills Cop movies.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Is Buffy a magical girl? She's a chosen one.

SmiloDan wrote:
Is Buffy a magical girl? She's a chosen one.

The transformation sequence is pretty important to the archetype, though it just occurred to me I don't know enough about Buffy to be 100% sure she doesn't go through a transformation sequence.

A good example of a western magical girl boy would be Danny Phantom.

How has no one mentioned Power Rangers? If you don't like cutie girl archetypes, Power Rangers are like the iconic super masculine magical girls.

It's morphin time!

Wasn't He-Man one of the first magical girls?

Edit: Now that I think about it, Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, comes pretty close, but he doesn't have a magical companion that I know of.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Melkiador wrote:
Edit: Now that I think about it, Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, comes pretty close, but he doesn't have a magical companion that I know of.

Mister Tawky Tawny?

To say nothing of the rest of the Marvel Family...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This thread is now going to all the best places on this detour.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Super Ted!

So new ranger combat styles...I am guessing(hoping really) that one of them(possibly Underhanded?) focuses on dirty tricks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
So new ranger combat styles...I am guessing(hoping really) that one of them(possibly Underhanded?) focuses on dirty tricks.

"I just don't get it boss! We had sentries, magical wards, traps, everything, but somehow he bypassed them all. Next thing I know he's in the middle of the room. He never said a word, just kicked each and every one of us in the nuts and walked out the front door."

Maybe there will be a feat for kineticist that grants them bonuses on combat maneuvers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Mortonator wrote:

How has no one mentioned Power Rangers? If you don't like cutie girl archetypes, Power Rangers are like the iconic super masculine magical girls.

It's morphin time!

Late to the party buddy.

I HAVE BEEN SMURFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Archive

Luthorne wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

So this magical girl archetype has to be a girl? And I ask this as a guy that plays a fair number of female characters. I just see it as unnecessarily limiting. Easy enough to house rule but it strikes me as odd as I've never heard of the magical girl trope but the magical child or chosen one I've heard of plenty in fantasy. ie: Not gender limited.

Anyways, curious design decision.

No, Mark Seifter said here that the Magical Child archetype isn't limited to females. Presumably, it works reasonably well for super sentai and similar concepts.

This is not at all helping my desire to see a Jatembe's Ten Magic Warriors themed AP that is more or less the PCs as a Mwangi Sentai Team with some of the Magical Warriors' mask.

Dark Archive

zergtitan wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Not a fan of I can't really put a finger on the trope that everyone is referring to in the "magical Girl"....although the pictures people have posted make my colon spasm...

Don't be fooled by the sparkly, they're living weapons. Magical girls are one of the few natural predators of evil wizards and fiend lords.

I wanna sic Sailor Somol on Sorshen.

A friend of mine is a magical girl fan and if you want a Faustian twist to the genre watch "Magical Girl Madoka"

This should be required viewing for anyone who wants to play a Magical Child Vigilante in Strange Aeons.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm a little nervous for my ranger/druid spell-list-using invisible-after-moving playtest zealot... that particular option was one of the best parts of the playtest and it sounds like it might not be available in the finished version!--but it seems like a lot of other suggested changes were made and overall I'm optimistic. Should be fun! I'll be looking for the shipping email in my inbox this week...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
technarken wrote:
Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
So new ranger combat styles...I am guessing(hoping really) that one of them(possibly Underhanded?) focuses on dirty tricks.
"I just don't get it boss! We had sentries, magical wards, traps, everything, but somehow he bypassed them all. Next thing I know he's in the middle of the room. He never said a word, just kicked each and every one of us in the nuts and walked out the front door."

My kind of hero.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
technarken wrote:
Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
So new ranger combat styles...I am guessing(hoping really) that one of them(possibly Underhanded?) focuses on dirty tricks.
"I just don't get it boss! We had sentries, magical wards, traps, everything, but somehow he bypassed them all. Next thing I know he's in the middle of the room. He never said a word, just kicked each and every one of us in the nuts and walked out the front door."
My kind of hero.

The hero Golarion needs, but not the hero it deserves.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I defy anyone to tell me with a straight face that a paladin needs to stray from law and/or good to competently deal with or even in intrigue. I've done it before and will do it again, no "gray paladin" required; they have all the tools as-is. Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Knowledge (nobility), Profession (barrister), and best of all a commitment to Law. Nothing drives intrigue quite like knowing all the ins and outs of the rules. ;) Something like the 3.5 Grey Guard or the gray paladin archetype talked about here only serves as a crutch for those who want the glory without the guts. :P

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All a Paladin needs is Profession (barkeeper) and Profession (courtesan).

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Renegade Paladin wrote:
Profession (barrister),

This is not the correct 'Law'.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ross Byers wrote:
Renegade Paladin wrote:
Profession (barrister),
This is not the correct 'Law'.

Nothing says they can't do both. ;) In any case, I've played a paladin in 3.5 Forgotten Realms who hewed to the code while running an effective counterinsurgency campaign and shadow war against the Night Masks, and my first Pathfinder Society character is a paladin actively scheming to bring down Hamaria Blakros for her evil ways and handed the means to do it through her violation of Absalom's slave trading laws in The Penumbral Accords (hence Profession [barrister]). The overarching point is that relaxing the definition of "paladin" to include not-good and not-lawful is both a perversion of the concept and not at all necessary to make them fit in a campaign heavy in political intrigue.

Has anyone received their pdf yet...? I expected a lot more discussion by this point. Did shipping start today?

The Vigilante sounds very fun and interesting, the archetypes in particular sound awesome, and I'm also very excited about the new druid archetype but I'll admit I'm a bit tentative about how it will all be implemented.

Renegade Paladin wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Renegade Paladin wrote:
Profession (barrister),
This is not the correct 'Law'.
Nothing says they can't do both. ;) In any case, I've played a paladin in 3.5 Forgotten Realms who hewed to the code while running an effective counterinsurgency campaign and shadow war against the Night Masks, and my first Pathfinder Society character is a paladin actively scheming to bring down Hamaria Blakros for her evil ways and handed the means to do it through her violation of Absalom's slave trading laws in The Penumbral Accords (hence Profession [barrister]). The overarching point is that relaxing the definition of "paladin" to include not-good and not-lawful is both a perversion of the concept and not at all necessary to make them fit in a campaign heavy in political intrigue.

The definition of Paladin needn't include the words Lawful Good. Most times it has been so restricted, they've gone back and opened it up. It's true in Pathfinder, and I believe true for most editions of D&D (never played the first so not sure there. They may have renamed it something else but make no mistake... it's a warrior servant of an ideal or God that has an alignment other than LG.

It's great to find your joy in your character but I'd like to serve a more neutral God in a way that matches that God's particular morality.

There's love for the Paladin in the book, you just don't love it back... and that's O.K. I'm gonna read about it then decide : )

Grand Lodge

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Feyspeaker? A charisma based druid? With six skill points? SQUEEEEE!

What does it give up to get that? Oh, I almost don't care. I want! I want!


Hmm wrote:

Feyspeaker? A charisma based druid? With six skill points? SQUEEEEE!

What does it give up to get that? Oh, I almost don't care. I want! I want!


Gnome iconics are finally mechanically optimal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Yrtalien wrote:
Has anyone received their pdf yet...? I expected a lot more discussion by this point. Did shipping start today?

Not that they'd be able to download it anyways. I haven't been able to download anything since Paizo started contributing to Humble Bundle.

Hmm wrote:

Feyspeaker? A charisma based druid? With six skill points? SQUEEEEE!

What does it give up to get that? Oh, I almost don't care. I want! I want!


If they keep their Wild Shaping, they'll be my favorite archetype of any class.

I hope they don't loose there wild shape ability.

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Loving the alignment-changing paladin and anti-paladin archetypes. Hoping the Gray Paladin goes PFS legal. I love paladins, love playing with them, but don't like playing LG myself.

As far as Anti-Paladins go, what I was really hoping for, was Clinton Boomer's Chaotic Good Desnan archetype.

Dragon78 wrote:
I hope they don't loose there wild shape ability.

I hope they do lose it, means the class will be less grab-bag-y and means they can do more with the archetype.

Grand Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:
Yrtalien wrote:
Has anyone received their pdf yet...? I expected a lot more discussion by this point. Did shipping start today?
Not that they'd be able to download it anyways. I haven't been able to download anything since Paizo started contributing to Humble Bundle.

@Ravingdork -- Don't download in Chrome. I used other browsers and got my downloads to work.

I would prefer they loose there animal companion/domain ability.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Yrtalien wrote:
Has anyone received their pdf yet...? I expected a lot more discussion by this point. Did shipping start today?
Not that they'd be able to download it anyways. I haven't been able to download anything since Paizo started contributing to Humble Bundle.

How long has it been since you tried? I haven't had any problems downloading anything in nearly a week. Of course, everything I have downloaded lately has been on the small side -- I will have to see whether I have any problems when I get Ultimate Intrigue.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I need this like yesterday. And here I thought I wouldn't be wanting this book....

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