Illustration by Caio Maciel Monteiro

Ships Ahoy!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

One book I've wanted to put out for as long as I've worked at Paizo has been a gazetteer of different ships one could find in the Inner Sea region. Because ships are mobile, a ship of any type can be found in just about any port, opening up nearly endless options for Game Masters.

When Ships of the Inner Sea finally made it onto the production schedule instead of my wish list, I wanted to make sure that the book could serve GMs in a number of ways. The included ships, of which there are seven, range in challenge rating from foes appropriate for parties of levels ranging from 4 to 15, and are thus useful additions to all sorts of adventures. For those running the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path or otherwise using the ship-to-ship combat system presented in the Skull & Shackles Player's Guide, each ship includes statistics compatible with the system, allowing all seven vessels to be potential prey for pirate PCs prowling the Fever Sea. Each ship is fully mapped (and gorgeously so, by Jared Blando) for tactical combat and can be used as a potential PC or enemy vessel. While the crew compliment of each vessel is enough to fill a book by itself, each ship's chapter includes full statistics for its captain, one prominent crewmember, and a generic sailor or passenger stat block.

To provide more useful and general tools for GMs running nautical campaigns, we also included a chapter on sailing the Inner Sea. This includes a glossary of nautical terms, definitions of several different ship classes, and details on the region's most traveled trade routes and the hazards that make them full of adventure potential.

Three of the authors who worked on the book live or have lived on functioning boats, including naval vessels. Their knowledge of nautical terms, ship layouts and life at sea really shows in their writing, and I was very lucky to be able to get them all together for the project. It's the same reason we had Sutter write about space aliens and Wes write about Infernal contracts; you're best at writing what you know.

Illustrations by Caio Maciel Monteiro, Eric Belisle, and Yama Ocre

What I'm most excited about in this book, however, is the art. This is one beautiful book. It was really tough to pick a few pieces to show off and whet everyone's appetites, so I decided to share one piece per type: a half-page introduction, a ship portrait, and a full-body illustration. And another half-pager simply because, holy cow, is it amazing!

Mark Moreland

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Eric Belisle Pathfinder Campaign Setting Yama Ocre
Liberty's Edge Contributor

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That's the captain of the Impervious! I know that lady!

(In case anyone asks, you totally did not hear me "squee" with excitement. Totally.




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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I happen to be having a pretty crummy day, so the illustration on the right is quite the pick-me-up.

Scarab Sages

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So... you're saying Sutter is an alien, and Wes and Asmodeus have a working relationship?

What kind of dragon is that?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
John Mangrum wrote:
I happen to be having a pretty crummy day, so the illustration on the right is quite the pick-me-up.

Oh, wait -- is it horrible of me to say that I meant the illo on the left? The Kraken's Spite half-page intro, I mean.

(This is why I'm better off sticking to port and starboard.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
What kind of dragon is that?

For the crew's sake I hope it's not a linnorm!

Dragon78 wrote:
What kind of dragon is that?

If I were a bettin' man, I'd say that's a sea serpent.

Sea serpents don't have limbs, this one clearly does. Though they could be flippers or claws at the end.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was non-specific in my art notes (just "some huge sea monster"), so I can't say what sort of creature it is with authorial... um... authority. My educated guess, however, is that it's a (really awesome) water orm (Bestiary 2).

Yeah, now that you say that it does look like a water orm. Darn, I was hoping for a new kind of dragon...with hair like growth on the back of it's head at that.

It is nice to see that Paizo is working with Yama Orce. He is a great artist and did a lot of great work with LPJ Design.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
archmagi1 wrote:
So... you're saying Sutter is an alien, and Wes and Asmodeus have a working relationship?


Paizo Employee Developer

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
archmagi1 wrote:
So... you're saying Sutter is an alien, and Wes and Asmodeus have a working relationship?

I'm not saying, I'm just saying. That GIF, tho. LOL.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

you had me at 'mapped by Blando'
my body is ready, Paizo

Lowwwwlands awwwwwayyyyy, me John

caption for the first picture shared,
"Hold my beer, I've got this!"


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lamontius wrote:

caption for the first picture shared,

"Hold my beer, I've got this!"

You're not far off!

Oh Captain My Captain!

That creature is a Taniwha, at least that is what a awesome Taniwha should look like.

TOo bad it probably just a Linnorm that by accident looks like a Taniwha...

NEWSFLASH - - - Woman wears sensible clothes - - - film at 11

I would have liked to have seen this include 1-2 airships. I guess maybe they're not all that common in Golarion, but I'd still like them.

Mudfoot wrote:
NEWSFLASH - - - Woman wears sensible clothes - - - film at 11

Male pirates usually wore far less. In a world with gender equality, such as Golarion, I would expect female pirates to be wearing far less as well.

jimibones83 wrote:
Mudfoot wrote:
NEWSFLASH - - - Woman wears sensible clothes - - - film at 11
Male pirates usually wore far less. In a world with gender equality, such as Golarion, I would expect female pirates to be wearing far less as well.

That's largely because your classic RL pirates worked in the Caribbean, where it's hot. Wearing fewer clothes would be sensible. so long as they were sensible clothes. Ditto armour. At least this lass has fairly realistic armour that covers the important bits and doesn't feature big rounded breastplates designed to neatly focus a thrust into the sternum...

Yama Ocre has a lot of picture on DeviantArt with sensible clothing. I approve.

They didn't wear armor because the emerge of firearms made it impractical. I don't understand why some people want to fuss so much about revealing clothing in fantasy art. They're dressed no more provocative than women I see everyday. Plus, I don't see anyone complaining about the monk or the magus showing a little skin. It just seems like a ridiculous complaint to me.

I have no beef with revealing clothing (though I can see that other people do); it's silly clothing and silly armour that annoys me. I've searched all over DeviantArt looking for some pictures that would represent my PCs, and got almost nothing. Why? Silly clothes and silly armour.

I think Paizo's done a great job balancing fantasy and reality in their artwork. There is some revealing clothing, but its all on appropriately armored characters. Seoni's dressed a little scantly, but she's an unarmored, beautifully charismatic sorceress. Why wouldn't she be? Amiri wears quite a bit more than Conan the Barbarian wore. Jirelle's fully covered in studded leather armor and still pretty hot. Seelah's clad in full plate armor, just as a paladin should be. I see no problem with any of this, well done Paizo

It's certainly better than a lot of the competition, and it's got better over time (IIRC the ACG iconics are good). Amiri's armour is kinda dumb, what with the exposed tum. Conan generally wore what he could get, and it varied all over the place.

Armored savages have left their bellies exposed all throughout time. You might not like it, but its no reason to nitpick. Plus, this is a fantasy game. Everything's suppose to be cooler han real life.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Cooler does not mean sexier.

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