Gen Con Day 1 Timelapse

Sunday, August 7 2011

Here's a neat little video shot by former Paizonian Phil Lacefield Jr. on Thursday morning at Gen Con.

Using a cheap Canon Powershot A470 and the CHDK time-lapse hack, we captured the first couple of hours at the Paizo booth. Unfortunately, no one remembered to check if the batteries were actually good in the thing, so it ran out of juice after only two hours of taking a picture every ten seconds. Despite our electrical deficiencies, this is a neat little glimpse into the chaos on the first day of Ultimate Combat sales! Look carefully for glimpses of blue-shirt Paizo staff, industry celebrity cameos, maybe even YOU!

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Tags: Gen Con
Sovereign Court

That is so cool.


I'm the skinny one in the far left before you even start the movie

Very cool. I wish the camera had run throughout Gen Con.

Hey, there I am! :)

9 seconds in, with white shirt with my back to the camera talking with Sean (to the right of him). My friend is standing in front of me, black shirt with the goatee.

Grand Lodge

Didn't know which end you were on, I was waiting for the doors to open up and the wave of gamer flesh to rush in.

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