1. You will need a cards to play with. There are a few options: You can use
adventure packs using a
Curse set. Alternatively you’ll need a class/character deck to play with. You can use any of
these class/character decks or
these Ultimate Decks.
Note that some of these have some slightly different names, here’s a general overview:
Adventure Packs: These are built from Core/Curse sets. You can read more about them from
this blog post
Class Deck: These focus on a particular class, such as rogue, cleric, fighter, Oracle, etc. Most have 3 characters to choose from.
Character Deck: These have a particular theme, like Occult Adventures, or Hell’s vengeance. They come with three characters who have different classes.
Ultimate Decks: These decks can be used stand-alone or combined with any class/character deck. The Ultimate decks come with one character.
Character Add-on Decks: Do not buy one of these for Organized Play, they are not standalone decks and cannot be used.
2. Once you have your deck, pick which character you’d like to play from your deck. Note that the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide does outline some additional character options using the class/character/ultimate decks.
3. You will need to create an account for Paizo.com if you don’t have one already. Click “Sign-in” at the top of the page and click the “Register” button. Note: there are very clear opt in/opt out email checkboxes on that page. These are the only emails your sign-up will cause--there will be NO spam.
4. You will need to register your character. Go to http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/acg. Click the “Create a character” menu item. If you have never signed up for Organized Play (RPG or Card game), you will see prompts to either register a character number given to you already (example: at a convention) or to generate one. If you were not given a number then click “Join Organized Play.”
You will then see a page with a “Register a new card game character” button on it. Clicking that gives you the page where you can select your specific character. When you submit that page, you will then see a page with “My characters” with your character listed. Your character will have a number next to it-- This number is your pathfinder society number, followed by 1001 to indicate it is your first card game character.In the future when you sign up or join a game you will need to provide this to get credit for your games.
5. You will need to build your character deck. Instructions on doing this can be found in the Adventure Card Guild Guide. In general, you’ll only be using cards that have the “Basic” trait, though the Guide does outline what to do if you run out of “Basic” cards. If you need help on building your deck then feel free to ask for help in the Discussion thread
6. You will need to verify your deck ownership. All players are required to own a copy of the deck their character comes from. To verify that you own an item, simply take a quick snapshot of that item along with a note showing the date and your PFS ID (see #4). Then e-mail that picture to Mark Koopman at morkxii@orgplayonline.com. Make sure to include your Paizo forum handle and your PFS #, please!. A copy of a receipt is also an acceptable way of verifying ownership.