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Hello, I have questions to create a swarm that walks with a worm that walks and other existing swarms.
You can turn an existing evil, living, spellcasting creature into a worm that walks
A worm that walks loses any abilities that came from its previous physical form and any traits that represent its life, such as human and humanoid. It retains any spellcasting abilities it had in life, regardless of their origin, and gains the abilities listed below.
Fast Healing, Resistances, Weakness with the HD
Tremorsense 30 feet (imprecise)
Immunities disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, and unconscious. Swarm mind ability, which makes them immune to mental effects that target a specific number of creatures, though they are still subject to mental effects that affect all creatures in an area.
All-Around Vision
Squirming Embrace [one-action] {Is it in the two shapes : humanoid, swarm ?
Swarm Shape [one-action] (concentrate)
Other Walking Vermin
Cockroaches: A worm that walks made of cockroaches gains a +1 bonus to AC and light blindness.
Leeches: A worm that walks made of leeches gains a swim Speed of 25 feet, but its land Speed is 10 feet.
Spiders: A worm that walks made of spiders gains a climb Speed equal to half its land Speed, and half the damage from its Squirming Embrace is poison damage.
Army ant swarm
Cling [reaction] Trigger A creature leaves the swarm's space; Effect The swarm takes 1d6 damage as ants cling to the creature and continue biting, dealing 3d6 persistent piercing damage. High winds or immersion in water reduces the DC of the flat check to end this persistent damage to 5. Any area damage dealt to the creature destroys these clinging ants.
Swarming Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 3d6 piercing damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes clumsy 1 for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.
The king of biting Ants
Squirming Embrace [one-action] The King of Biting Ants Strides to a creature, ends his movement sharing a space with it, and deals 3d8 piercing damage and 3d8 poison damage to it (DC 39 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails this save also takes 2d8 persistent piercing damage.
Swarming Bites While a creature is taking persistent piercing damage from the King of Biting Ants's tendril Strike or Squirming Embrace, or while within a visions of danger area that it has not disbelieved, it is also clumsy 1. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.
1/For swarming bites and squirming embrace from the king, does it come from swarming bites and cling of army ant ?
Brood Leech swarm
Blood Draining Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 bleed damage and is exposed to brood leech swarm venom.Brood Leech Swarm Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 clumsy 1, sickened 1, and –5-foot status penalty to Speed (1 round); Stage 2 clumsy 1, sickened 1, and –10-foot status penalty to Speed (1 round)
2/Brood leech swarm in Brood leech that walks ? weakness salt in addition ? damage ?
Hellwasp Swarm in Hellswasp that walks/flies ? weakness fire in addition ? damage ? abilities ?
Abandon Corpse [one-action] Requirements The hellwasp swarm is controlling a corpse with Infest Corpse; Effect The hellwasp swarm leaves its host corpse, which dies instantly and becomes a normal corpse in all respects. The hellwasp swarm expands out from that space to its normal size.Hellwasp Stings [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 4d8 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its saving throw is exposed to hellwasp venom.Hellwasp Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 2 2d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)Infest Corpse [two-actions] (manipulate) The hellwasp swarm animates the corpse of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid that protected by gentle repose or similar magic, crawling into its mouth and other orifices. Its size changes to that of the corpse and it loses its piercing and slashing resistances, fly Speed, and Hellwasp Stings. It gains a fist melee Strike with a +18 attack modifier that deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 2d8 piercing damage and hellwasp venom.
The hellwasp swarm gains 40 temporary Hit Points when it Infests a Corpse; when these temporary HP are depleted, the corpse falls apart and the swarm Abandons the Corpse automatically.Torturous Buzz [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, occult) The swarm emits a distracting, cacophonous buzzing. Each creature within 20 feet muAbandon Corpse [one-action] Requirements The hellwasp swarm is controlling a corpse with Infest Corpse; Effect The hellwasp swarm leaves its host corpse, which dies instantly and becomes a normal corpse in all respects. The hellwasp swarm expands out from that space to its normal size.Hellwasp Stings [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 4d8 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its saving throw is exposed to hellwasp venom.Hellwasp Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 2 2d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)Infest Corpse [two-actions] (manipulate) The hellwasp swarm animates the corpse of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid that protected by gentle repose or similar magic, crawling into its mouth and other orifices. Its size changes to that of the corpse and it loses its piercing and slashing resistances, fly Speed, and Hellwasp Stings. It gains a fist melee Strike with a +18 attack modifier that deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 2d8 piercing damage and hellwasp venom.
The hellwasp swarm gains 40 temporary Hit Points when it Infests a Corpse; when these temporary HP are depleted, the corpse falls apart and the swarm Abandons the Corpse automatically.Torturous Buzz [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, occult) The swarm emits a distracting, cacophonous buzzing. Each creature within 20 feet must attempt a DC 26 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is confused for 1 round.
Critical Failure The creature is confused for 1d4 rounds.
3/A piranha swarm in a piranha that swims ? Bloodsense ? Damages (piercing and persistent bleed) ?
4/ Vescavor swarm in a vescavor that wakls/flies ? weakness holy and cold iron ? abilities (devour all, maddening gibbers, ravenous bites) ?
5/ The bloodstorm composed a hundred thousand leeches, mosquitos, and parasites.
Why does the bloodstormm have a fire weakness ? from mosquitos ?If a bloodstorm devoured a living, spellcasting creature with a strong personality, a lust for life, buried in a graveyard infused with eldritch magic, a strange phenomenon can become a bloodstorm that walks/clims/flies ? 3 speeds : land, climb and fly ? Bloodsense ? Weakness fire in addition ?
Demon shape is the humanoid shape instead the swarm shape ? biting constrict in addition ?
Biting swarm and feeding frenzy for the squirming embrace ?Thanks for your future answer.