Spellshot and Basic Wizard Spellcasting confusion

Rules Discussion

Building a character in the nexus character builder, I would assume my gunslinger spellshot can take basic wizard spellcasting. But, basic wizard spellcasting says I do not meet the prerequisite. This confuses me becasue of what is stated in the spellshot dedication feat. "This counts as the wizard archetype for the benefits of Basic Wizard Spellcasting."

If I am unable to take the basic wizard spellcasting feat, how can I realize those benefits, and since I don't get spells without going that route, what does spellshot actually give me here?

Do i need to take wizard dedication as well? If so, what's the point of stating the benefits in the spellshot dedication, since I will get those benefits with the wizard dedication? those benefits from spellshot dedication don't seem to be functional from what I'm reading. What am I missing here?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You can take Basic Wizard Spellcasting. If the nexus character builder doesn't allow it, then the nexus character builder is wrong. You might file a bug report with nexus, through whatever method they have, or simply not use their tool.

HammerJack wrote:
You can take Basic Wizard Spellcasting. If the nexus character builder doesn't allow it, then the nexus character builder is wrong. You might file a bug report with nexus, through whatever method they have, or simply not use their tool.

Thank you! That's what I thought but I figure the official tools would be right, so it was driving me mad! I'm also switching over from D&D 5e, so some things still make my head spin.

If you are taking the Spellshot Dedication at level 2 then, as HammerJack said, you should be able to take Basic Wizard Spellcasting at level 4 or higher.

nikocaiden wrote:
Thank you! That's what I thought but I figure the official tools would be right, so it was driving me mad!

I'm not familiar with the software that you are using, but basically every piece of sufficiently complicated software will have at least a few bugs.

In this case the text you quoted was added in errata so it might be more likely to see an error pop up on this issue. You should let them know.

Also the wording of "This counts as the wizard archetype for the benefits of Basic Wizard Spellcasting" is weird. I'm pretty sure that it should say "This counts as the wizard archetype for the prerequisites of Basic Wizard Spellcasting." Perhaps the programmer who put in the errata was confused by that wording.

nikocaiden wrote:
I'm also switching over from D&D 5e, so some things still make my head spin.

Yeah, switching is hard. I still have trouble separating the PF1 part of my brain from the PF2 part. :)

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