Sentinel Dedication Replacement?

Guardian Class Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Would this class as an Archtype replace Sentinel?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It's going to have a lot of overlap, but multiclass archetypes will have ability score requirements at the very least. I don't think I would mind too much if Sentinel kind of got subsumed though.

Also, the Sentinel archetype has some unique feats which is baked into the Guardian class features (meaning, likely not available to the Guardian archetype).

I can imagine Guardian archetype being something like:

Dedication (2)
+Trained Athletics (or another skill).
+Trained Guardian DC (STR).
+Trained Medium/Heavy Armor proficiency.

Guardian Resiliency (4) - Add +3HP per archetype feat.

Basic Guardian Feats (4): Pick a lvl. 1/2 Guardian feat.

Taunter (4): Gain Taunt.

Advanced Guardian Feats (6): Pick a Guardian feat half or less your level.

Intercept Strike (6): Gain Intercept Strike.

Guardian Armor Expert (14): Expert in Medium/Heavy armor.

Sentinel still has the Armor Specialization (6) and Steel Skin (4) feats, which are the Guardian’s lvl. 1 class feature Guardian’s Armor.

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