Seamantle slam attack

Rules Questions

Apologies if this has been answered before but I have been unable to find it:

Is the pseudopod Slam granted by this spell a primary natural attack that can be used as part of a full attack in conjunction with any other natural attacks, or not? I thought it ought to be, though it's not world-ending if not.

Thanks in anticipation.

The language is poor, but reasonable assumption that it is a primary natural attack that can be used as any other primary natural attack (i.e., in conjunction with other available natural attacks) as would be the case for any other Slam.

The Exchange

Bestiary pages 301-302 (particularly Table 3-1). Slams are a primary attack. You can use the seamantle pseudopod slam by itself as a standard action or as part of a full-attack.

Though as usual: if you make a full-attack that includes a manufactured weapon, all natural attacks are treated as secondary.

Seamantle:C8 spell. The created pseudopod of water of your size has a 30ft reach. It's nice but not that great unless you are fighting fire users or the mundanes.

Belafon wrote:

Bestiary pages 301-302 (particularly Table 3-1). Slams are a primary attack. You can use the seamantle pseudopod slam by itself as a standard action or as part of a full-attack.

Though as usual: if you make a full-attack that includes a manufactured weapon, all natural attacks are treated as secondary.

yep, and Attacks(move,std,full, etc) on AoN and Monster Natural Attacks on AoN for online lookups

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