Advice on Turning Ringen into a Martial Art


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I'd like some advice on turning a real world martial art, Ringen, into a martial art for monks (basically). The "full" description of this martial art can be found on this Wikipedia page. As you can see, it's all about grappling your opponent.

I have the Martial Arts Handbook, the Advanced Player's Guide, and Ultimate Combat, but I wanted a European Martial Art for my Eberron Campaign. I already have the martial art converted for my Rolemaster version of the campaign, but I'd like to do it for my Pathfinder game. Any help is appreciated.

EltonJ wrote:
As you can see, it's all about grappling your opponent.

I think you already gave yourself the solution: It's already there, in the grappling rules.

EltonJ wrote:
I have the Martial Arts Handbook, the Advanced Player's Guide, and Ultimate Combat, but I wanted a European Martial Art for my Eberron Campaign.

Honestly? No such thing. Real unarmed combat isn't fancy or uses complicated moves, it's mainly kicking, punching, and grappling - and this unarmed combat is universal.

Indeed, the Monk class isn't really an eastern martial artist - the ki stuff is firmly based in east asian culture and folklore, but the fighting itself isn't. Your run-of-the-mill Pathfinder Monk uses punches, kicks, and elbow slams, all of which are geographically universal moves.

I'm not really sure what exactly you're for looking here. The Brawler is basically the "european Monk equivalent", and if you want inspiration for a Monk without east-asian flavor, the Martial Artist archetype could serve as an alternative blueprint (just be aware that it's weak).

Ringen seems to be a sword and grapple style. Is that what you are wanting?

reading it, seem like an true expert in Ringen would end up (in pathfinder) close to a high leveled 'unarmed fighter' fighter archtype. he doesn't get improved damage with his unarmed strike like monks (so no unrealistic punching down walls) and focus on using weapons, unarmed fighting and grappling.

the dr vs nonlethal damage is great to show how he learn to fend off attacks (and the part where it turn into normal dr when grappling is such a nice ability that I made a build focused on keeping some1 grappled while fighting to keep the dr active)

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