Pathfinder Remaster Errata Submission

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Amaya/Polaris wrote:
That's kind of a reach for being relevant errata, especially since the whole flavor of nephilim now is that it can include influences from several planes, and thus it's just as likely that the character marked 'Nephilim' isn't of any one lineage and features both celestial and fiendish traits.

If I remember right, in the Nephilim description it mentions that there are Ganzi and Aphorite Nephilim, but the (Core) book will only cover fiend and celestial.

So, maybe those will be in Core 2?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dragonblix wrote:
There is no more evil

That's what evil would say.

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Major missed compatible

Fey Gift Spells wrote:
When you add spells to your repertoire, you can choose from the primal list as well as from enchantment and illusion spells that appear on the arcane spell list.
Captivator wrote:
Each of these spells must come from either the enchantment or illusion school.

Removal of school and removed enchantment spells. The Captivator archetype needs to be fixed.

Liberty's Edge

Just a note for any Paizonian perusing this thread that some Remaster RAW likely to be errataed appear in a few threads on the Rules forum.

GM Core page 287:

The Cloak of Illusion's active effect makes you invisible and adds the Subtle trait to your figment cantrip. As of the current errata, the figment cantrip always has the Subtle trait, making this part of the effect redundant.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Blave wrote:

GM Core page 287:

The Cloak of Illusion's active effect makes you invisible and adds the Subtle trait to your figment cantrip. As of the current errata, the figment cantrip always has the Subtle trait, making this part of the effect redundant.

Now it is twice as subtle!

Ryuhi wrote:

Player Core Page 437:


Drowning and Suffocating

You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to
5 + your Constitution modifier. Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn. You also lose 1 round
worth of air each time you are critically hit or critically fail
a save against a damaging effect. If you speak (including
Casting a Spell) you lose all remaining air

Given that all spells require incantations now, this really should be cleared up. Are you meant to immediately start suffocating and fall unconscious when casting a spell underwater?

I think this is not very realistic (try talking underwater in a swimming pool for fun, you will not immediately risk drowning) AND not really very fun in play.

It would really be nice to get something on this, especially with the change to spellcasting.

It's pretty clear. And RoE gave us Deep Breath as a cantrip, in addition to Air Bubble as a rank 1 spell. Paizo helps those who help themselves.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
Ryuhi wrote:

Player Core Page 437:


Drowning and Suffocating

You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to
5 + your Constitution modifier. Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn. You also lose 1 round
worth of air each time you are critically hit or critically fail
a save against a damaging effect. If you speak (including
Casting a Spell) you lose all remaining air

Given that all spells require incantations now, this really should be cleared up. Are you meant to immediately start suffocating and fall unconscious when casting a spell underwater?

I think this is not very realistic (try talking underwater in a swimming pool for fun, you will not immediately risk drowning) AND not really very fun in play.

It would really be nice to get something on this, especially with the change to spellcasting.

It's pretty clear. And RoE gave us Deep Breath as a cantrip, in addition to Air Bubble as a rank 1 spell. Paizo helps those who help themselves.

It is interesting that conceal spell is now also the feat for underwater spell casting.

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Xenocrat wrote:
Ryuhi wrote:

Player Core Page 437:


Drowning and Suffocating

You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to
5 + your Constitution modifier. Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn. You also lose 1 round
worth of air each time you are critically hit or critically fail
a save against a damaging effect. If you speak (including
Casting a Spell) you lose all remaining air

Given that all spells require incantations now, this really should be cleared up. Are you meant to immediately start suffocating and fall unconscious when casting a spell underwater?

I think this is not very realistic (try talking underwater in a swimming pool for fun, you will not immediately risk drowning) AND not really very fun in play.

It would really be nice to get something on this, especially with the change to spellcasting.

It's pretty clear. And RoE gave us Deep Breath as a cantrip, in addition to Air Bubble as a rank 1 spell. Paizo helps those who help themselves.

Then they should get rid of the "Reduce your remaining air

by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn.".

Saying that you loose 2 rounds of air AND all remaining air is completely redundant, given that the case of spells not requiring you to speak does not really exist anymore, save PERHAPS depending on GM fiat for a player who creates a mute character and decides on something like "tap with your staff in a specific sequence" to deal with it.

Furthermore, the rules create a technical issue that casting Air Bubble would immediately make you fall unconscious. You cast the spell obviously before it takes effect. You will then regain consciousness, but you would suffer all ill effects from falling unconscious, dropping prone, dropping what you are holding...

In either case, even if the rule is supposed to stay as it is, the section in bold should be removed for clarity.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If a spell has the subtle trait, it has no incantations.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Just a note for any Paizonian perusing this thread that some Remaster RAW likely to be errataed appear in a few threads on the Rules forum.

"'Contact' is *not* a verb!" -- Nero Wolfe, explaining to Archie why he is burning, page by page, his brand new Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd Edition, in the fireplace, ca. 1932. :-)

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Ryuhi wrote:

Then they should get rid of the "Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn.".

Saying that you loose 2 rounds of air AND all remaining air is completely redundant

Ah, yes. You're right.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
Ryuhi wrote:

Then they should get rid of the "Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn.".

Saying that you loose 2 rounds of air AND all remaining air is completely redundant

Ah, yes. You're right.

It doesn't need to be tossed out, but it does need clarification.

Spells without incantations (such as those with the Subtle trait) cause you to lose two rounds of sir. Otherwise, you lose all your remaining air.

I suspect that was the intent, but as currently written, that is not obvious.

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Player Core Page 101

The Warrior Muse feat Martial Performance says that...

PC1, pg. 101 wrote:

Your muse has taught you how to handle a wider variety of weapons than most bards, empowering you to effortlessly blend your performance into combat tools.


But the feat no longer grants any additional weapon proficiencies so Warrior Muse Bards can't, in fact, "handle a wider variety of weapons than most bards."

That part of the sentence seems to have been inadvertently copied from the APG.

Player Core, pages 130 and 135

The strength prerequisite was removed from the Form Control feat (pg. 130), but the even higher strength prerequisite has been retained for its successor, the Perfect Form Control feat (pg. 135).

It seems likely that these two should match, with either both having strength prerequisites as they did before or, I think more probably, neither having a strength prerequisite any longer.

h/t Revresbo

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Since this was not fixed in Remastered, maybe they can address it in future errata.

The issue:
Several effects and feats in the game say you can only use Strike or Stride, like the Haste spell for example

But more importantly even the Mature Animal companions uses that exact text, without anything else.


if you don’t use the Command an Animal

action, your animal companion can still use 1 action that round
on your turn to Stride or Strike.

This is a huge problem since that means that RAW an animal companion that Have a Fly speed, can never use its fly speed without being commanded, resulting it it falling or defaulting to its usually slower ground speed if its not in the air.

Same problem for animals with Burrow and Swim speed.

Sure you can easy house-rule this to work, but since there exist one instance where this is incorrect/erroneous means that it opens up the possibility that alot of the other instanced have the same problem, so how should we know that Haste should no also slow for Fly and Swim speed? or is the intent that flying animals cant really use they fly speed automatically?

im sure there are plenty more examples,
Paise need to do a pass on all effects that give you actions and add
similar wording as on Sudden charge if that is its intended use.

Sudden Charge wrote:
You can use Sudden Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.

Moonbeam (p. 377): The base damage of the spell was increased to 2d6, but the Heightened entry is unchanged. Unclear if this was intended, but I'm assuming it was meant to match Fire Ray on both base and heightened. (Especially as being half the damage of it previously was a clear case of being completely underpowered)

Ryuhi wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Ryuhi wrote:

Player Core Page 437:


Drowning and Suffocating

You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to
5 + your Constitution modifier. Reduce your remaining air
by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn. You also lose 1 round
worth of air each time you are critically hit or critically fail
a save against a damaging effect. If you speak (including
Casting a Spell) you lose all remaining air

Given that all spells require incantations now, this really should be cleared up. Are you meant to immediately start suffocating and fall unconscious when casting a spell underwater?

I think this is not very realistic (try talking underwater in a swimming pool for fun, you will not immediately risk drowning) AND not really very fun in play.

It would really be nice to get something on this, especially with the change to spellcasting.

It's pretty clear. And RoE gave us Deep Breath as a cantrip, in addition to Air Bubble as a rank 1 spell. Paizo helps those who help themselves.

Then they should get rid of the "Reduce your remaining air

by 1 round at the end of each of your turns, or by 2 if you
attacked or cast any spells that turn.".

Saying that you loose 2 rounds of air AND all remaining air is completely redundant, given that the case of spells not requiring you to speak does not really exist anymore, save PERHAPS depending on GM fiat for a player who creates a mute character and decides on something like "tap with your staff in a specific sequence" to deal with it.

Subtle spells still exist and can be cast, Bards can still cast via an instrument instead and Sorcerers still (as they haven't been changed yet) have Blood Component Substitution.

Speaking of Subtle, ...

Player Core 1, page 320 vs 378: Presumed inconsistency between Spells Charm and Charming Touch.

Although Charm and Charming Touch have been very similar, the new Subtle trait was added only to Charm, but not to Charming Touch. I presume, this was forgotten.

At least I hope so ...

Personal OPINION - put in spoiler tags to not pollute the errata treat with my lobbying for Subtle Charming Touch ;-):

Lobbying for Subtle Charming Touch - click to read:

Charming Touch had already nerfs compared to Charm, particularly the much shorter duration and the "target creature that could find you attractive"-clause, which apparently created confusion not just at one of my tables.

Not getting the Subtle trait - although I personally always imagined a silent, passing charming touch to be even more subtle as the once rather verbose, flashy charm from a distance - would limit charming touch even more.

(For the record: I know that the latter also has a plus for being able to be cast auto-heightened - as all focus spells. The shorter casting duration, on the other hand, is IMHO already compensated for the inability to be cast from the distance. Unless cast under optional Reach Spell spellshape. Which BTW would not only prolong duration to the one from Charm but effectively made it impossible to be "manually" made Subtle if one also had one of the covert casting feats.)

Wayfinders Contributor

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Is this a place to make an errata request, or would I need my own thread for that? I would love to request errata for the following spellhearts, all of which refer to traits from prior spell schools, but do not actually need those spell schools to function.

Grim Sandglass
Desolation Locket
Ghostcaller's Planchette
Radiant Prism
Sanguine Fang
Wyrm Claw
Polished Demon Horn

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gisher wrote:

Player Core Page 101

The Warrior Muse feat Martial Performance says that...

PC1, pg. 101 wrote:

Your muse has taught you how to handle a wider variety of weapons than most bards, empowering you to effortlessly blend your performance into combat tools.


But the feat no longer grants any additional weapon proficiencies so Warrior Muse Bards can't, in fact, "handle a wider variety of weapons than most bards."

That part of the sentence seems to have been inadvertently copied from the APG.

Especially given that bards are now trained in martial weapons as standard.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Is this a place to make an errata request, or would I need my own thread for that?

If this is like other eratta threads I've seen, then this is more of a place to report Remaster rules that you suspect may need eratta. It's primarily intended to make the developers' lives easier.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Player Core - 87-292 - Kits/Toolkits

The following kits should probably be toolkits:
- climbing kit (climbing toolkit)
- climbing kit, extreme (extreme climbing toolkit)
- cookware (cooking toolkit)
- detective's kit (detective's toolkit)
- disguise kit (disguise toolkit)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Player Core - 384 - Deceiver's Cloak

The focus spell, deceiver's cloak, is essentially non-functional with "Duration sustained up to 1 hour".

It should probably just say "1 hour" like the spell it emulates.

The Staff of Fluid Form, I think on pp. 278-279, is missing a cantrip. Nothing says that staves all have to have cantrips, but it seems odd that it's missing one when morph-friendly options like Gouging Claw are there. I suspect because it is the rebranded Staff of Transmutation, and GC didn't exist in the game when that staff was originally printed.

Player Core 1, page 213, leftover "level" in familiar ability Spellcasting:

Player Core 1, page 213 wrote:
Spellcasting: Choose a spell in your repertoire or that you prepared today at least 5 levels lower than your highest-rank spell slot.

(italics mine)

Must be "5 ranks" instead of "5 levels".

Player Core 1, page 230: Bad example + Wrong grammar

Player Core 1, page 230, right column, bottom, wrote:

Learn a Spell (Trained)
Learning a Spell is most useful for classes that use a limited list of spells, like the bard, witch, or wizard, though other classes might use it gain rare or uncommon spells.

(Italics mine.)

1.) Bad example:
The bard does not really fit. By default (w/o further feat investment), the bard solely relies on a spell repertoire and does not have to learn (common) spells. A polymath bard could eventually qualify via "Esoteric Polymath" feat, which gives them their book of occult spells. However even then, those mixed repertoire/book-based mechanics is not perfectly in line with witches' or wizards' limited spell list. IMHO it rather caused confusion to readers, unless additional clarification is given.

2.) Wrong grammar(?)
"other classes might use it gain" - I presume a "to" is missing. (English is not my mother tongue, so please ignore if that actually is correct grammar.)

Player Core 1, page 252: Inconsistency

Player Core 1, page 252, right column, top, wrote:

Armor Proficiency

[...]If you are at least 13th level, you become an expert in this armor type.

(Italics mine.)

I presume, this should be plural, i.e. "these armor types". Alternatively it could be put as something like: "armor types you have been trained with".

- That would effectively avoid a current RAW-weirdness when combining General Feat "Armor Proficiency" with a non-scaling Light Armor Training, like the one from (current) Rogue Dedication. Right now and by RAW those combination could cause a character to forever remain in Light Armor Training, while Medium Armor correctly scaled up to expert...
- Consistency with General Feat "Weapon Proficiency". (The latter also scales to "expert in these weapons" (plural!).

Very minor thing, the Humbug Pocket item on I believe page 291 hasn't got a denomination for the values of the two items. They're just 650 and 12,500, and omit that they cost gp.

The Edicts and Anathema for some gods in PC1 and GMC are different than each other in some cases. I’m assuming PC1’s are the correct ones and they just missed it for this errata pass.

The big example I’ve found being Lamashtu’s now demanding you indoctrinate others and not changing what makes you different (pc1) vs indoctrinating children and refusing to cure mental illnesses (gmc and crb).

Also it was like that is CRB too but shouldn’t Prone state “If you would be knocked prone while you're Climbing or Flying, you fall instead (see Falling for the rules on falling). You can't be knocked prone when Swimming.”? Right now it’s missed the bolded word and a fair number of people are arguing you can make someone prone while in the air despite the first sentence of Prone stating you’re flat on the ground. An errata like this, or a statement that they’re right to read it the other way at least, would clear that up one way or the other.

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Ravingdork wrote:

Player Core - 384 - Deceiver's Cloak

The focus spell, deceiver's cloak, is essentially non-functional with "Duration sustained up to 1 hour".

It should probably just say "1 hour" like the spell it emulates.

Why would it be "essentially non-functional"?

Sustaining is only a Concentrate action so nothing about it would break the illusion.

Dont see anything wrong or unclear about it to be errata, its functions without problem.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nelzy wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Player Core - 384 - Deceiver's Cloak

The focus spell, deceiver's cloak, is essentially non-functional with "Duration sustained up to 1 hour".

It should probably just say "1 hour" like the spell it emulates.

Why would it be "essentially non-functional"?

Sustaining is only a Concentrate action so nothing about it would break the illusion.

Dont see anything wrong or unclear about it to be errata, its functions without problem.

You think having to spend an action every single round to maintain the disguise isn't going to draw attention to you? That's worse than an "incognito" bodyguard or secret service agent who keeps putting his hand up to his earpiece.

What's more, no other disguise spell or effect requires such continuous maintenance. If the intention was for it to be a short duration effect, then it should just have a shorter duration. Otherwise, if it's meant to be long lasting, it shouldn't have such a crippling and inconsistent feature.

Among other things, it also prevents you from taking other Exploration Activities (which could quite literally mean anything and everything) and reduces your movement to half speed.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Nelzy wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Player Core - 384 - Deceiver's Cloak

The focus spell, deceiver's cloak, is essentially non-functional with "Duration sustained up to 1 hour".

It should probably just say "1 hour" like the spell it emulates.

Why would it be "essentially non-functional"?

Sustaining is only a Concentrate action so nothing about it would break the illusion.

Dont see anything wrong or unclear about it to be errata, its functions without problem.

You think having to spend an action every single round to maintain the disguise isn't going to draw attention to you? That's worse than an "incognito" bodyguard or secret service agent who keeps putting his hand up to his earpiece.

What's more, no other disguise spell or effect requires such continuous maintenance. If the intention was for it to be a short duration effect, then it should just have a shorter duration. Otherwise, if it's meant to be long lasting, it shouldn't have such a crippling and inconsistent feature.

Among other things, it also prevents you from taking other Exploration Activities (which could quite literally mean anything and everything) and reduces your movement to half speed.

No not realy since its only mental, maybe the person would appear abit slow or not in a hurry. it would not be more hinderance to your movment then a search a guard on patroll would do but without any clear sign.

And since it was changed from infinite sustain duration to sustain 1h i would say that the sustain part is intentional and not an oversight. they just did not want infinite duration.

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Nelzy wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Among other things, it also prevents you from taking other Exploration Activities (which could quite literally mean anything and everything) and reduces your movement to half speed.


And since it was changed from infinite sustain duration to sustain 1h i would say that the sustain part is intentional and not an oversight. they just did not want infinite duration.

Sustain never was and isn't now infinite. If the duration is absent it's 10 minutes. It's in the Sustain action description now.

And Ravingdork is correct about Exploration activities, and it's crucial. Having the spell to be sustained means you use SUSTAIN AN EFFECT activity and nothing else. Including for example GATHER INFORMATION in disguise.

Errenor wrote:
Nelzy wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Among other things, it also prevents you from taking other Exploration Activities (which could quite literally mean anything and everything) and reduces your movement to half speed.


And since it was changed from infinite sustain duration to sustain 1h i would say that the sustain part is intentional and not an oversight. they just did not want infinite duration.

Sustain never was and isn't now infinite. If the duration is absent it's 10 minutes. It's in the Sustain action description now.

And Ravingdork is correct about Exploration activities, and it's crucial. Having the spell to be sustained means you use SUSTAIN AN EFFECT activity and nothing else. Including for example GATHER INFORMATION in disguise.

You are Correct about maximum 10min on sustain my bad, still dont see it as an error for it to have sustain.

Its still usable for non-exploration things, Gather Information is for canvass a large area for information, you can still use it for specific interaction with key NPC's and the like.
it ts till usable for infiltration or just walking throw an area you normaly are not permitted to.

Edit: non-functional would be like the pre Errata Arcain Cascade that ended directly when you used it making it non-functional/Unusable.
this still have several uses, it just is not a perfect tool and everything dont have to be.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nelzy wrote:
Its still usable for non-exploration things, Gather Information is for canvass a large area for information, you can still use it for specific interaction with key NPC's and the like.

Sure, but not while disguised via deceiver's cloak. Gather Information has the Exploration trait, making it an Exploration Activity. That means you can't use it while also Sustaining a Spell.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of problems Sustain causes here.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Needle of Vengeance - Player Core 385

It's not clear when the Will save is made or what the precise effects are. Does the target roll once at the start and apply for the entirety of the spell? Or do they roll the save each each time they take the damage?

GM Core, page 225: Legacy of CRB crafting rules / Inconsistency GMC vs. PC 1

GM Core, page 225 wrote:

The Etching Process

Etching a rune onto an item follows the same process as using the Craft activity to make an item. You must be able to Craft magic items, have the formula for the rune, [...]

(Italics mine.)

Phrase should now be replaced by terms of Player Core 1, Pg. 236, i.e. something like "the rune must be common, or you must otherwise have access to it".

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

GM Core - 248-250 - Alchemical Poisons

All of the alchemical poisons say "Activate [one-action] Interact" instead of "Activate [one-action] (manipulate)" like most other items in the chapter. Old holdover from previous edition?

GMC, page 224.

The table listing the five types of Fundamental Runes is incorrectly titled "Property Runes."

Ravingdork wrote:
Nelzy wrote:
Its still usable for non-exploration things, Gather Information is for canvass a large area for information, you can still use it for specific interaction with key NPC's and the like.

Sure, but not while disguised via deceiver's cloak. Gather Information has the Exploration trait, making it an Exploration Activity. That means you can't use it while also Sustaining a Spell.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of problems Sustain causes here.

Exploration activities is not everything outside of combat. its just something you do while traveling or covering a large area.

Exploration Activities wrote:

While you're traveling and exploring, tell the GM what you'd generally like to do along the way. If you do nothing more than make steady progress toward your goal, you move at the full travel speeds given in Table 9–2.

So you can still use it to go talk to the guard captain disguised as an officer without any issue, you just cant walk around question everyone you meet in the street on the way there since that would slow you down to mutch.

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Nelzy wrote:

So you can still use it to go talk to the guard captain disguised as an officer without any issue, you just cant walk around question everyone you meet in the street on the way there since that would slow you down to mutch.

Make an impression is an exploration activity, so you could not talk to the guard and have any real effect

Pronate11 wrote:
Nelzy wrote:

So you can still use it to go talk to the guard captain disguised as an officer without any issue, you just cant walk around question everyone you meet in the street on the way there since that would slow you down to mutch.
Make an impression is an exploration activity, so you could not talk to the guard and have any real effect

Yes its an exploration activity, but Make an impression is not a requirement to talk to someone its for improving their attitude toward you.

Why do you assume that the guard would be unfrendly or unwilling to talk to someone of they own?

Edit: Feel like we are derailing this thread, so i suggest we stop.

Player Core
Page 395: Wish
Lists all four magic skills at Legendary for the Primary Caster, unlike every other Ritual that has an 'or'.

Pretty sure this is a typo.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

From LO Character Guide,
the Arcane & Ornate Tattoo Human Feats both depend on spell schools. Arcane Tattoo seems like it would be functional but is borderline.

From LO Pathfinder Society Guide,
the Dweomercat Cub familiar has a similar dependency on being targeted by spells of specific schools.

The Blinded condition is still confusing, especially to new players. It should mention enemies usually become HIDDEN when you are blind and so you're off-guard, and require a flat check to attack them etc. I even just listened to the latest Glass Cannon 2e actual play and they got it wrong.

generaltwig wrote:
The Blinded condition is still confusing, especially to new players. It should mention enemies usually become HIDDEN when you are blind and so you're off-guard, and require a flat check to attack them etc. I even just listened to the latest Glass Cannon 2e actual play and they got it wrong.

Imo that could be even more confusing. I would put a page reference to vision modes and detection section instead of outright mentioning hidden personally.

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