Player Core and GM Core on track?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Hey all,
Is the Player Core and GM Core books (*.PDF) still on track for Nov 15?
Planning holiday and and YouTube videos to support and would love to book time off :)

Liberty's Edge

That is still the date that appears for both PDFs on their respective product pages

I know nothing about the dates, but I am going on vacation that day also.

Vacation ^5

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am pretty sure that the date is on track and that we'll start seeing videos by Youtube creators at the end of October, when they get their review copies. Or a bit earlier, given that suscribers should start receiving their PDF's one or two weeks earlier than the official PDF release date of November 15th.

Rage of Elements already seemed to be pretty well promoted, I can't see how Paizo would do any less for the new launch of their main line.

Director of Marketing

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Classic_DM_ wrote:

Hey all,

Is the Player Core and GM Core books (*.PDF) still on track for Nov 15?
Planning holiday and and YouTube videos to support and would love to book time off :)

Yes. I think subscribers will begin to get them at the end of October.

I want to get them ASAP, but I also want to get the FLGS sketch versions and not the normal covers. So conflicted!

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Lurker in Insomnia wrote:
I want to get them ASAP, but I also want to get the FLGS sketch versions and not the normal covers. So conflicted!


Also if you own the pf2e core rulebook on nexus, you can get the PF Core remaster for free from PF Nexus.

Demiplane Remaster Program.

If you own the PDF for the current Core Rulebook you can get a significant discount on purchase of the core rulebook on nexus.

Owning a book on Nexus will get you the pdf on paizo's site as well.

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